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Do you think that India is sponsoring the terrorism in Pakistan?

Do you think India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 108 63.9%
  • No

    Votes: 54 32.0%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 7 4.1%

  • Total voters
Is that even a question?

Haven't we seen their support for Mukti Bahini, Tamil terrorists?

And how their extremists gloat about bleeding us in every possible way for as long as they do not achieve that twisted Akhand Baharat myth?
You don't seem to comprehend simple English, do you? The question was whether India is sponsoring terrorism by backing the TTP, BLA etc, but you bring in the Mukti Bahini?

Your brain fart was epic!

Secondly, Pakistan hasn't given an iota of proof of Indian involvement in terrorism. These are all conjectures invented by your intel agencies/PA and the lame duck government to cover up its failures in controlling terror. It's pretty easy to blame others for one's incompetence in dealing with the situation.

Thirdly, even if India is supporting the BLA etc, what's the big deal? Hasn't Pakistan been waging a proxy terror war against India for the past three decades with the help of its so called 'strategic assets'? Two can play the game right?

So relax and don't get too worked up.

Oh wait! Pakistan intel agencies did provide proof! They went to town displaying medicines found on slain Balochi freedom fighters and shouted from the rooftops about the incontrovertible evidence found of Indian involvement with close-up photographs of the made-in-India labels on the medicines!! EUREKA!! they shouted. But then the bubble burst when they discovered that those medicines are officially imported by Pakistan from India and freely available over the counter in all chemist shops in Pakistan!!!

That turned out to be a monumental embarrassment for the Establishment when they found out and hunkered back with a lot of egg on their faces!
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You don't seem to comprehend simple English, do you? The question was whether India is sponsoring terrorism by backing the TTP, BLA etc, but you bring in the Mukti Bahini?

Your brain fart was epic!

Secondly, Pakistan hasn't given an iota of proof of Indian involvement in terrorism. These are all conjectures invented by your intel agencies/PA and the lame duck government to cover up its failures in controlling terror. It's pretty easy to blame others for one's incompetence in dealing with the situation.

Thirdly, even if India is supporting the BLA etc, what's the big deal? Hasn't Pakistan been waging a proxy terror war against India for the past three decades with the help of its so called 'strategic assets'? Two can play the game right?

So relax and don't get too worked up.

Oh wait! Pakistan intel agencies did provide proof! They went to town displaying medicines found on slain Balochi freedom fighters and shouted from the rooftops about the incontrovertible evidence found of Indian involvement with close-up photographs of the made-in-India labels on the medicines!! EUREKA!! they shouted. But then the bubble burst when they discovered that those medicines are officially imported by Pakistan from India and freely available over the counter in all chemist shops in Pakistan!!!

That turned out to be a monumental embarrassment for the Establishment when they found out and hunkered back with a lot of egg on their faces!
What a horseshit!!!
We and US both know about Indian sponsoring of terror orgs in Pak.
Proof was already provided to US and your covert activities in Afghanistan have already been limited by US and Afghan authorities.
These proofs are not for public consumption and neither GOP feels necessary to satisfy the demand of an anti-Pak poster on pdf.
We have our assets in Afghanistan and they may be compromised if we make these proofs public. You keep believing that India is innocent as always before(Muktis, LTTE)
You don't seem to comprehend simple English, do you? The question was whether India is sponsoring terrorism by backing the TTP, BLA etc, but you bring in the Mukti Bahini?

Your brain fart was epic!

Secondly, Pakistan hasn't given an iota of proof of Indian involvement in terrorism. These are all conjectures invented by your intel agencies/PA and the lame duck government to cover up its failures in controlling terror. It's pretty easy to blame others for one's incompetence in dealing with the situation.

Thirdly, even if India is supporting the BLA etc, what's the big deal? Hasn't Pakistan been waging a proxy terror war against India for the past three decades with the help of its so called 'strategic assets'? Two can play the game right?

So relax and don't get too worked up.

Oh wait! Pakistan intel agencies did provide proof! They went to town displaying medicines found on slain Balochi freedom fighters and shouted from the rooftops about the incontrovertible evidence found of Indian involvement with close-up photographs of the made-in-India labels on the medicines!! EUREKA!! they shouted. But then the bubble burst when they discovered that those medicines are officially imported by Pakistan from India and freely available over the counter in all chemist shops in Pakistan!!!

That turned out to be a monumental embarrassment for the Establishment when they found out and hunkered back with a lot of egg on their faces!
Nicely structured and presented but still a crap for them to
What a horseshit!!!
We and US both know about Indian sponsoring of terror orgs in Pak.
Proof was already provided to US and your covert activities in Afghanistan have already been limited by US and Afghan authorities.
These proofs are not for public consumption and neither GOP feels necessary to satisfy the demand of an anti-Pak poster on pdf.
We have our assets in Afghanistan and they may be compromised if we make these proofs public. You keep believing that India is innocent as always before(Muktis, LTTE)

Proofs are not for Public consumption but you are well versed with those, you seems to be Second lieutenant in ISI and not on Defence.pk .. your assets will be compromised in Afghan?? At any given point of time India is a better ally for Afghan and not Pakistan, perhaps you forgot during Afghan invasion India spent millions on rebuilding and building road from Iran to Afghanistan when Pakistan denied Indian goods to travel through their land and that point of time you were too busy to play proxy war in Afghanistan and to striving for not to allow Afghan Taliban and TTP to come to peace talks with US. The only asset you had was Taliban in Afghanistan, no doubts that relation are improving but still Pakistan still has allegation and no proofs about Indian alleged role perhaps except the Indian supplied weapons caught in Afghanistan which you were claiming to be sent to Baluchs on top of your voice.
Nicely structured and presented but still a crap for them to

Proofs are not for Public consumption but you are well versed with those, you seems to be Second lieutenant in ISI and not on Defence.pk .. your assets will be compromised in Afghan?? At any given point of time India is a better ally for Afghan and not Pakistan, perhaps you forgot during Afghan invasion India spent millions on rebuilding and building road from Iran to Afghanistan when Pakistan denied Indian goods to travel through their land and that point of time you were too busy to play proxy war in Afghanistan and to striving for not to allow Afghan Taliban and TTP to come to peace talks with US. The only asset you had was Taliban in Afghanistan, no doubts that relation are improving but still Pakistan still has allegation and no proofs about Indian alleged role perhaps except the Indian supplied weapons caught in Afghanistan which you were claiming to be sent to Baluchs on top of your voice.
Just because Karzai says a bad thing about Pakistan, doesnot mean it's true. Karzai was a paranoid that is why he blamed Pakistan for every thing, even if he had Bawaseer, he would have blamed that on ISI. Afghan intel agencies were waging a proxy war against Pakistan at that time.
NDS was supporting TTP at that time so was RAW.

As for your claim of natural allies of Afghanistan, you just wanted your puppet in Afghanistan who would allow your agencies spread terror in Pakistan as well as you had your eyes on Afghanistan's natural resources.
See now, Pak and Afghan are becoming friends. Karzai is gone.
Ashraf Ghani has already made strong political and military ties with Pakistan.

d no proofs about Indian alleged role perhaps except the Indian supplied weapons caught in Afghanistan
Indians should not talk about proofs. You guys always find some made in Pakistan milk packs and Pakistani id cards on " Hard core ISI trained BATS".
Dude, close defence.pk and spent time to hone your spoken and written English rather... :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

no one need proper English to write anyone can come and say what ever if we let Indian come to Pak forum then why not Pakistani .. And belive me Pakistani with good English skills are doing much better job then answering you guys.
i think there should be no doubt that India is behind all terrorist activities in Pakistan

I have read this article and it is very clear from this article that INDIA is behind this
you can also read this article India is backing Terrorist

Itachii The Indian currency that is recovered from tribal area is clear proof
WHAT A SHAME IT IS that a poster by the name of 'KAOBOY' is proudly posting in this thread. Such shameless indians yet they refuse to accept indian terrorism.
What is KAOBOY, just google and find out. like some nation could be so shameless that they make 3 tier plans called kaoboy named after an officer called Kao to break bangladesh balochistan kpk one by one. And they are so shameless they feel proud of that plan that they use that title as their niks and then shamelessly argue with us that indian isnt a terrorist state.
The citizens of a nation who endorse and wear around such nik names alone shows the collective mindset of that nation.
Is this even a question anymore?.. India has been waging a proxy war against Pakistan for some time now..
India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the modern times. To have sponsored terrorist groups such as Mukhti Bahni, LTTE, TTP, BLA, etc is no small achievement. By far no country comes close to bharat. It is only because of its relationship with the west that it can get away with this. Pakistan should do what it can to get bharat declared a terrorist state.
India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the modern times. To have sponsored terrorist groups such as Mukhti Bahni, LTTE, TTP, BLA, etc is no small achievement. By far no country comes close to bharat. It is only because of its relationship with the west that it can get away with this. Pakistan should do what it can to get bharat declared a terrorist state.
yes please at 71 you have all West behind you , why u not able to do that time?

please give proof to UN of TTP / BLA etc get us shame in UN like we do to you every here n there with proof.
Do you people think that India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan? Is there any solid evidence of Indian involvement or backing of TTP,BLA and other terrorist organizations in Pakistan??

Also give your reasons how do you think they are behind this?? and what leads you to think that? I'm looking for evidences which suggest the Indian involvement .

Most Pakistanis (including myself) believe that India could have some sort of involvement in backing these terrorists in Afghanistan or fuming/arming them against Pakistan, but Indians deny it and say its Pakistan's and ISI's own creation which is biting us right back now, and how could they radicalize them???

Why there isn't any official statement from Pakistan?? since many Terrorists have been arrested too which can confirm the Indian involvement??

The more information someone can share with some factual statements the better, thankyou.

PS: Please don't make it a troll thread, I'm serious on this..
What a idiotic question after modi doval Indian army chief confession of orchestrated terrorism in Pakistan
Ajit Doval and Kul Bhoosri Yadav did not come to Pak for learning farming either..
I will talk here with proof
That India don't accept our existence from day 1 and they are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan from 1947 to date
1. 1947 Pakistan president liaqat Ali khan assassination by raw.
2. 1947 mass genocide of kashmiris, illegal occipation of jummu and kashmir, India say the maharaja signed the kashmir down to India his son on Indian parliament opened the pendora box that maharaja never signed kashmir to India. Nehru in United nation signed a resolution for plabiste in kashmir, coming back to India he ran way from his words, 10000 killing of Pakistani kashmires in jammu kashmir unknown thousands of graves, every home with widows orphans thousands missing thousands of women raped by India army.
3. 1971 Indra gandhi with mukti bani bani planed to attack East Pakistan and make it indipendent state of Bangladesh mass murdering of million Muslim bangalese raping women by Indian army and fooling bangalese that it was Pakistan army biggest proof narender modi in his speech in Bangladesh accepted that he was part of mukti bani and took part in independence of Bangladesh.
4. Ajeet doval was a X raw spy served in Pakistan 10 years in his speech he told.
5. India has 25 consulates in Afghanistan, even us neighbours Pakistan don't 2 or 3 consulates there why India is preparing ttp iss in terrorist training camps there giving them emmo and advance training to attack Pakistan. See ajit doval he has so many speech on record .
6. Kulbushan yadav captured with iraniaon visa from balochistan kaboom do India have any spy from Pakistan proof involving in terrorist activities and he confessed.
7. India gave there srinagar air base to Israel to plan attack on kahuta atomic installation which Pakistan got aware of and India aborted the attack.
8. Modis idiolgy of chanakya to make this whole region akhand Bharat. Even Indian are aware of this.
9. Indian funded and trained X raw agents aka ttp terrorist attacked Sri Lanka team in late Pakistan who had interest in doing this India.
10. Modi in his 15 August speech mentioned that people from balochistan and azad kashmir are calling him for help freedom boom golden proof, how can any India serpass this truth.
11. 26/11 false flag in Mumbai by raw and Indian army, to put blame and through dirt at Pakistan image in world, check so many programs even X raw chief and X army genrals accepted that it is in game of India.
12. Not only this India for 2 decades sponsored terrorism in srilanka tail tigers killing millions of inocent Srilankan all world knows who was behind this India.
What great India are you talking about you chose a prime minister from Rss same terrorist party organisation who murdered your great leader Gandhi.
Is that enough if Indians and world needs more proof just name it. I thing it's enough for opening your eyes.

Sorry guys it was 150000 kashmiries murdered by Indian army I mistake in numbers.

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