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do you think it is a good idea to integrate Pakistan and China

I think its a great idea. China and Pakistan together than totally encircle India.

Additionally, Pakistan can benefit immensely by letting the Chinese settle in Pakistan and build new megacities and farm the wastelands.

I suggest that the name of the new country be Chinistan, its official language be Chinese written in Arabic script, and its flag be red in colour with a green crescent and single star.

Oh, and its currency should be the "Yupee."

Also, the capital would have to be shifted into Xinjiang province because Beijing would be too far.

Pakistanis might have a problem practicing Islam due to Chinese laws, but I'm sure some compromise will be reached.
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I think India welcomes this move. But China is helping Pakistan as a strategic enemy to India and its a market to its Military. China would get benifit from Pakistan running its OIL lines and using pak naval base.
But why it will accept the MUSLIMs as its citizens. As i understnad China is not a great friend of MUSLIMS. I have heard that they are trying not to increase their MUSLIM population
Also China is a country where its social system doesnt go well with PAKISTAN. Example is their Idea about the industry and property will take every penny out from Pakistan military ppl. Also how about their idea towards population control, gals education system...many more may not suit.

a market to its Military? Aha...You never know how low the price is offered by china......
china is not russia, pakistan is not india...:enjoy:
I'm currently in U.S. and I got to say the Chinese friends I have are very loyal, my best friend is Chinese. Pakistanis always get a long very well with the Chinese, I dont know what it is I guess we feel comfortable around each other and we trust each other.
My uncle used to be in the Pakistani government in the 90s and I remember him frequently visiting China. He loved going to China, he said the people are very kind and friendly and he always would bring us gifts from China and of course show us pictures of his friends he made when visiting China.

I'm glad that China and Pakistan are best friends. I dont think both countries should merge as a single country but they should continue to be very close, be best friends, closest allys. My dream is for both countries to prosper and be the most successful countries in the world.

This is what I think too....My buddy!
i think Pakistan and China has so much common interests, it is a good a idea to integrate these two as United States of China and Pakistan.:yahoo:

So far the only post from Maxller. Point to be noted. I look at this post like a test missile from China to gauge the mood in Pakistan on the idea of annexing Pakistan. Looks like majority of Pakistanis are not very hostile to the idea of Pakistan being annexed by China.

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oh my god,don't make such an idea,except one day all the country united into one—UN.

I think Pak would more likely to integrate with some muslim country.China is too far and too different a culture for them.however it doesn't matter for our friendship.I don't care what colour of carpet my friend used in his home,anyway I would be welcome for a visit.
oh my god,don't make such an idea,except one day all the country united into one—UN.

I think Pak would more likely to integrate with some muslim country.China is too far and too different a culture for them.however it doesn't matter for our friendship.I don't care what colour of carpet my friend used in his home,anyway I would be welcome for a visit.

Your right, no matter what happens in future China and Pakistan will remain close friends, happy neighbors, forever. :china::pakistan:
oh. what a fun topic.
yeah. It might happen only prior to the time when all countries on the earth are going to be combined or unified into one country( maybe two hundred years later or even more). I think at that time we two countries surely will set a great example to the other countries as to how people from different countries set up a harmonious big family. I firmly believe that all people from all countries on the earth shall turn into ONE country, ONE family, some time or other. And peace and harmony at last come to our home planet. No war, no hatred, no discrimination but forever peace.

Do you still remember the 2008 Beijing Olympics Offical Theme Song- You and Me?
just like its lyrics says: You and me From one world We are family
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sound like zeitgeist theory. if somebody seen zeitgeist movie - that will be the only way to unify.
It is a good idea.

China + Pakistan will be almost China in most aspects except the population mix. It may even reduce the threat perception of Pakistanis against India and that may bring peace to the region.
^^^You mean reduce reasons for the Indians to feel that they can bully us more like...:agree:
If Pakistan ever would emerge with a country it would definately be China.

Pakistan has so much trust for China.
If Pakistan ever would emerge with a country it would definately be China.

Pakistan has so much trust for China.

China needs to import more from Pakistan :tup:. The balance of trade between these two close friends is too one sided at the moment

Source dailytimes.com.pk
According to details regarding the bilateral trade, Pakistan has been unable to benefit the trade with its friendly neighbour China as Pakistan has suffered a trade deficit of $7.552 billion during the last four fiscal years (2003-2007). During the last four years Pakistan’s total exports to China amounted to $1.682 billion as against the imports from China worth $9.233 billion during 2003-07.
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^^^You mean reduce reasons for the Indians to feel that they can bully us more like...:agree:

I think the Indo-Pak relationship is driven more by perceptions than relities.

Pakistan has a morbid fear that India is out to get it at the first opportunity and that perception is what I talked of.
I think the Indo-Pak relationship is driven more by perceptions than relities.

Pakistan has a morbid fear that India is out to get it at the first opportunity and that perception is what I talked of.

There is no smoke without fire, I am sure Pakistan has good reasons to believe "India is out to get it". I've read posts in this forum from people from several countries including Sri Lanka and Bangladesh they all feel the same.

Perhaps, it is time for some Indian introspection if India is interested in friendly relations with its neighbors. The same applies to the US ..:tsk:why are we hated by so many?
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