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Do you think a political party is behind the striking young doctors?

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This thread has 14 pages written on discussion on this issue. Most people here and other online media are of the opinion in favor of goverment.. same discredited goverment that no one trusts.

The reason here is actually the power of electronic media, i.e. TV channels in Pakistan. They make black into white, and white into black. They have successfully diverted the attention of people from original issue lingering from last year with Punjab goverment not keeping their word. People die everyday in govt hospitals for inadiquate facilities or lack of doctors, or many people daily commit suicide for not being able to afford a good life in Pakistan. But this doesnt interest media because there is no motive in it. They have used every single death in any Pakistani hospital since the strike started to use against the strikes, regardless whether actually those patients died due to strike or another reason.

Well,, thats the reason they earn fortunes. It is not without reason that Malik Riaz gives villas to TV anchors, or Nawaz Sharif celebrates Hamir Mir's birthday in his Murree's house, or many others that i dont know about. They are infact nearly gods out there who can manipulate the large masses.

And against this mafia were trying to get a bunch of emotional youngmen whose were, like most youth against them, driven by emotions rather a working mind that could have gotten them something. In beginning should have gotten the media on their side by whatever means, by bribing them or whatever if they wanted to achieve out of Punjab govts pocket.

I dont think the Drs gonna get what they want, the govt achieved what they wanted, i.e. get the public on their side for not giving any relief to these Drs. And thats the key to success of Govt there right now, i.e. get media on your side, rather doing any service to people. My empathy to all those suffered in all this issue starting from poor patients to humiliated Drs. If I were such a dr. I wont indulge in any of such strikes bull$hit, i would rather look abroad, there plenty of places in world where work is better rewarded and people are given respect for what they do.

No one is favoring government, what we condemn is the way doctors went on strike leaving behind dying patients, there could have been other means of recording their greviences. They should have realistic demands considering their contemporaries in other fields, in given political and economic situation. I don't want to give least importance to government's role by discussing it. There is question for both government and doctors, why this is a problem in Punjab and not in other provinces? As far as I know Punjab is offering a little better package than other provinces, if still there is problem in Punjab only than there is something seriously wrong with government and doctors both.
No one is favoring government, what we condemn is the way doctors went on strike leaving behind dying patients, there could have been other means of recording their greviences. They should have realistic demands considering their contemporaries in other fields, in given political and economic situation. I don't want to give least importance to government's role by discussing it. There is question for both government and doctors, why this is a problem in Punjab and not in other provinces? As far as I know Punjab is offering a little better package than other provinces, if still there is problem in Punjab only than there is something seriously wrong with government and doctors both.

Man, you dont know the entire issue. Problem worsened after Punjab govt broke its last year's promise. Initially they were not leaving emergencies but no one listened to them. And its not just Punjab, last year or this earlier this year, IIRC, there severe protests in Quetta too and i think atleast one Dr got killed as at the hands of police while they were protesting infront of that always drunk Baluchistan Chief minister. My heart felt sorry for that killed Dr. who was asking for better employement conditions and his parents who would have dreamed their son a Dr. The other reason of this happening in Punjab is that, there more dr in punjab than other provinces,, and probably they are somewhat better organized than others.
No one is favoring government, what we condemn is the way doctors went on strike leaving behind dying patients, there could have been other means of recording their greviences. They should have realistic demands considering their contemporaries in other fields, in given political and economic situation. I don't want to give least importance to government's role by discussing it. There is question for both government and doctors, why this is a problem in Punjab and not in other provinces? As far as I know Punjab is offering a little better package than other provinces, if still there is problem in Punjab only than there is something seriously wrong with government and doctors both.
no govt in the world can raze thier salries in 3 times in a year!
they need danda service, thats all!

Man, you dont know the entire issue. Problem worsened after Punjab govt broke its last year's promise. Initially they were not leaving emergencies but no one listened to them. And its not just Punjab, last year IIRC there severe protests in Quetta too and i think atleast one Dr got killed as at the hands of police while they were protesting infront of that always drunk Baluchistan Chief minister. My heart felt sorry for that killed Dr. who was asking for better employement conditions and his parents who would have dreamed their son a Dr. The other reason of this happening in Punjab is that, there more dr in punjab than other provinces,, and probably they are somewhat better organized than others.
they were doing this since last year, its time for danda. its enough!
no govt in the world can raze thier salries in 3 times in a year!
they need danda service, thats all!

they were doing this since last year, its time for danda. its enough!

If thats how you think you can run the country, you have same thinking as shahbaz sharif. He listened to their demands last year, and this year broke his promise and went out with 'danda'. But his fücking danda works only on poor drs. not on Lashkar-e-jhangwi's malik Ishaq or Taliban or Al-Qaida militants. He would maybe $hit in his pants if he got a threatening call from them.

This is not the way country can be run... IF this is the way country can be run,,, then Pakistan is a best example. Every country in world should follow Pakistan and get themselves like Pakistan is today.
Man, you dont know the entire issue. Problem worsened after Punjab govt broke its last year's promise. Initially they were not leaving emergencies but no one listened to them. And its not just Punjab, last year or this earlier this year, IIRC, there severe protests in Quetta too and i think atleast one Dr got killed as at the hands of police while they were protesting infront of that always drunk Baluchistan Chief minister. My heart felt sorry for that killed Dr. who was asking for better employement conditions and his parents who would have dreamed their son a Dr. The other reason of this happening in Punjab is that, there more dr in punjab than other provinces,, and probably they are somewhat better organized than others.

Man last time government raised their salaries and promised them new service structure but that structure shoul have some rational, every other person is comming in grade 17 (officer cadre) and they demand grade 18, Substantial repeated increase in salaries. The structure should be rationalized if others are moving to next grade in 10 years and they are moving in 13 years. In Punjab they are not better organized instead are lead by hooligans and badmash so called YDA leadenrs
Man last time government raised their salaries and promised them new service structure but that structure shoul have some rational, every other person is comming in grade 17 (officer cadre) and they demand grade 18, Substantial repeated increase in salaries. The structure should be rationalized if others are moving to next grade in 10 years and they are moving in 13 years. In Punjab they are not better organized instead are lead by hooligans and badmash so called YDA leadenrs

now you ignoring rest of my post picked up this thing. Did Govt offered ANY service structure ? No.

They demanded higher grade,, but thats a negotian thing. This thug govt is not offering them any thing.
now you ignoring rest of my post picked up this thing. Did Govt offered ANY service structure ? No.

They demanded higher grade,, but thats a negotian thing. This thug govt is not offering them any thing.

govt have only a danda, for YDA killers, which is voice of the nation, come to work or take the danda, tea time is over!
dont need further, stupid unlogical arguments, in front of dying pakistanis?

no negociations, with killers!
its was some you guys, telling peoples on this same thread, that its govt,s false propoganda that peoples are dying, now its all proven ? that peoples really are dying so stop your lies you have, with stupid arguments, which no one is listning.
govt have only a danda, for YDA killers, which is voice of the nation, come to work or take the danda, tea time is over!
dont need further, stupid unlogical arguments, in front of dying pakistanis?

no negociations, with killers!
its was some you guys, telling peoples on this same thread, tat its govt propoganda that peoples are dying, now its all proven lies you have, with stupid arguments, which no one is listning.

you are writing so much bs like a retard with your daft head. it is no where proven people are dying due to strikes. it is all media reporting who want to make dumbos like you to believe that all this is due to strikes,,,, and you then believe all such kind of bs. GTFO.. now you fullfil the definition of my non-argument criteria i have written in my profile...
you are writing so much bs like a retard with your daft head. it is no where proven people are dying due to strikes. it is all media reporting who want to make dumbos like you to believe that all this is due to strikes,,,, and you then believe all such kind of bs. GTFO.. now you fullfil the definition of my non-argument criteria i have written in my profile...
you think all the national media is under punjab govt!
again now you want peoples strat accepting your retrad arguments, about killers?
its finshed , YDA is finished!
mind your dam language! it can be reported!
or you will be sent to prison , to your killer buddies!

Target Point on Dawn News -- 3rd July 2012 p2 - YouTube

Target Point on Dawn News -- 3rd July 2012 p3 - YouTube

listen to this,
is that also fake?

AMC doctors have all disappeared from MAYO hospital after just a day..

no doctors in emergency at all

The AMC doctors are not a solution. The working environment of Army docs and civilian docs is totally different. The whole structure is different.

If Shahbaz Sharif thought that army doctors is a solution, he might as well bang his head on the wall.

There is total chaos in hospitals. YDA needs to get some feelings as well and start acting for the greater interest.
now you ignoring rest of my post picked up this thing. Did Govt offered ANY service structure ? No.

They demanded higher grade,, but thats a negotian thing. This thug govt is not offering them any thing.

Third last line their structure should be rationalized in relation to others. I think this was something I said. Higher grades is wrong, they should join in with standard grades being government employees and get promotions like others, probably they are getting late promotions as of now.
Well, these doctors who are not willing to work for Shahbaz Sharif are the same people who have taken those free laptops!
:lol: maro saloon ko


According to my knowledge this pic is old
it is related to some medical college
its wrong to relate this pic with recent strike

yes thr might be a political back with young doctors association as a part of rivalry between punjab gov. and federal
here is reality , punjab govt busted again

here is another proof of false propaganda against doctors . Shame on liars of punjab govt and their supporters .

No death because of doctors strike , laikin punjab Govt ki gunda gardi nay emergencies say b doctors ku arrest kar k sabat kar diya they damn care about patients or anything . Long live gangaaaasss

here is another slap on criticizers face . watch this video before you speak
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Yeah,government should keep on beating them to un-conciousness eh?

Look man, I am not supporting the doctors, but my point is that there demands are legitimate, i.e a proper promotion system, but their methods are wrong.

Abandoning a patient is no way to get a service structure.

Same time, this government is acting like a dictatorial rule, beating every doctor they see!

Ego of Shahbaz Sharif vs the Stupidity of doctors.

Doctors should be given another deadline of a week, to return to work, and only then negotiations can take place.

As i said, you set the bar at 10, but settle for 8. All the parties should show some flexibility.

The government does not have money (reasons for not having money could be agreed upon i.e stupid laptop scheme etc etc)

My friend, I did not suggest that they should be beaten unconscious anywhere in my post. If that's what you understood from the sentence where I suggested that the Government should make an example out of them, it is meant as in to ban them for 3-5 years from working in Government Hospitals etc.

And my friend, this is not just about the service structure, this is more so about money (read my earlier posts where I posted the link to their demands as they appeared in DAWN). And even in the service structure, their demands would have been unreasonable because a deal could not be finalized despite many negotiations.

Most importantly, the daughter of a colleague, a fresh MBBS doctor was hired by the Government at Rs. 55k/month in Grade 17. Compare that to the salary of other fresh Grade 17 Officers and then tell me how the Doctors demands are justified. How many private institutes or Hospitals pay that kind of a salary to fresh graduates/doctors?

If you are ever sick, promise never to go to any young doctor who is striking now. Killers indeed, they've opened emergencies for the people

Then I would expect the YD's never to come to an IT specialist when their PC/Network/Storage/Servers are down and never to go to an electrician when they don't have working appliances such as A/C, Fridge, Microwave or TV etc., and never to call in a mechanic when their vehicles develop problems and never to call the police when they are robbed or wronged otherwise and ........ you get my point, bro?
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