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Do you think a political party is behind the striking young doctors?

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I dont care which Political party is behind this , or even is satan is doing this, The oath that these Doctors (Butchers ) is to save Lives no matter the case , if they are running behind money & letting patients suffer Then they are no good then you average Serial Killer , & should be hanged .
Doctors need money like rest of us to survice, why do you think they should do it for free or for low salary.
Should not the society deal with poverty etc.
Doctors need money like rest of us to survice, why do you think they should do it for free or for low salary.
Should not the society deal with poverty etc.

these Bast**ds are getting highest Salaries in all the Pakistan, so if after that they still want more then are just greedy butchers.
Punjab govt. is not at fault here, they already raised the salaries. Its the doctors who have gone nuts and abusing their profession.

Rafael this isnt about Salaries- its about the promise of Punjab govt- they promised to increase salaries and introduce service structure.

they did increase salaries but didnt introduced service structure- one should have a chance to get promotion.

refer to my post 11.
Their demands are not pay rise, they get around 50k, but a proper promotion system.

Demands might be legitimate, but the way of protest is absolutely unacceptable and a case for attempted murder can and should be registered against them. They just close down the OPD's, and then take control of the wards and act like a mafia.

As to the question of the thread, I dont know which party, but if anybody saw the PTV broadcast about two days back, it was not pro young doctors, but anti-PML government!

The newscaster literally had a fit against the Shehbaz Sharif government, saying that shehbaz sharif should sometimes go to hospital and see for himself rather than going abroad for treatment, and he should stop doing this only for his own agenda, and that Shahbaz Sharif has done nothing but make people suffer.

PTV has become peoples party TV.

Rafael this isnt about Salaries- its about the promise of Punjab govt- they promised to increase salaries and introduce service structure.

they did increase salaries but didnt introduced service structure- one should have a chance to get promotion.

refer to my post 11.

The Punjab government is saying that the doctors demand direct access to 18 grade, which is not possible. Because then everybody will ask to get inducted in a higher grade.

Second point is that around 20 lac subsidy is given to each medical student, so Punjab does not have enough money to start giving these doctors more money.

Although the demand for a proper promotion system might be legitimate, but the doctors are now taking it too far. For the last three years, they have been blackmailing the government and the people, and this is the 4th consecutive year.
Their demands are not pay rise, they get around 50k, but a proper promotion system.

Demands might be legitimate, but the way of protest is absolutely unacceptable and a case for attempted murder can and should be registered against them. They just close down the OPD's, and then take control of the wards and act like a mafia.

As to the question of the thread, I dont know which party, but if anybody saw the PTV broadcast about two days back, it was not pro young doctors, but anti-PML government!

The newscaster literally had a fit against the Shehbaz Sharif government, saying that shehbaz sharif should sometimes go to hospital and see for himself rather than going abroad for treatment, and he should stop doing this only for his own agenda, and that Shahbaz Sharif has done nothing but make people suffer.

PTV has become peoples party TV.

The Punjab government is saying that the doctors demand direct access to 18 grade, which is not possible. Because then everybody will ask to get inducted in a higher grade.

Second point is that around 20 lac subsidy is given to each medical student, so Punjab does not have enough money to start giving these doctors more money.

Although the demand for a proper promotion system might be legitimate, but the doctors are now taking it too far. For the last three years, they have been blackmailing the government and the people, and this is the 4th consecutive year.

lecturers in universities are also inducted in 18th grade now !! service structure is the main issue- why govt and the senior doctors dont want this to happen because they want safarshi and their own sons and daughters to occupy the top positions..
Lahore has set up Free Medical Camps to facilitate the thousands of patients affected by Young Doctor Thug Strike. If innocent poor patients are being affected by these strikes, then these people have no right to call themselves doctors. Instead all of them striking should have their degrees revoked, Pakistan already produces more than enough doctors - they won't be missed. When dozens of patients are murdered by these strikes, how dare they call themselves doctors. Psychiatrist Asma Humayun, writing recently in this space, goes so far as to diagnose the YDA as lacking ‘psychological maturity’. She labels the doctors’ strike ‘pathological’ and ‘anti-social’, because it displays a ‘blatant disregard for human suffering’. She insists that going on strike is unethical for doctors, because it harms innocent patients. Most doctors don't support the YDA, because many of them know who finances and supports them. #Real Doctors Don't Strike

(Forwarded By Medical Students Association of Pakistan)
these Bast**ds are getting highest Salaries in all the Pakistan, so if after that they still want more then are just greedy butchers.
No they are not let me show u the pay slip of one senior registrar Doctor grade 18

Now the Chief Minister says his salary is 95 K .
Well PMln is clearly standing against them , what is the party position on the issue by PTI & PPP?
Can anyone explore that?

don't call them doctors call them mafia .

No they are not let me show u the pay slip of one senior registrar Doctor grade 18

Now the Chief Minister says his salary is 95 K .

ohh really have you seen tax deduction column? so you want doctors shouldn't pay taxes? (I am sure this tax deduction is because he got higher pay in previous months, as this happens to all pay holders). yes his pay is more then 70, but due to tax deduction he is getting less, and in this no provential government can do anything, and it is everywhere. Even if you go to europe it is like that the guy with pay 44k Pound gets equall amount as the one with 65k Pound.

PTI followers are gone case, they are supporting an illegal cause just because they want to show Punjab Government on false track
The newscaster literally had a fit against the Shehbaz Sharif government, saying that shehbaz sharif should sometimes go to hospital and see for himself rather than going abroad for treatment, and he should stop doing this only for his own agenda, and that Shahbaz Sharif has done nothing but make people suffer.

goto general hospital at any city of Punjab, then say things are changed or not..

Bloody politics never ever care about good stuff done by anyone.. no doubt we have zardari as a ruler.. Best quote for Pakistanis "Next will be the worst".
Dear mates,
Its really discusting to see these selffish young doctors striking agAin & again, for the rise of their wages, while poor sick pakistanis keep dying without any medical help in punjab(lahore).
Let's try to find it out, is this political?
If it is then who coulD bE behind it, PPP, PTI, or PMLn?
Or these selffish doctors. Are self -centered. Greedy them selves?
Plz try to be open mind, & listen to others even they not agree with your point of view.
Respcet each others , don't get carried away with hate or love of some personality.
Speak your mind , on. The issue in hand.
Good luck,
Yours most, hated Batmannow!

Must be PML-N, I was made a believer that everyone is on their Payroll, Pakistani ADP eh
Army Medical has been called in Punjab ,ISPR has said they have sent 150 Doctors & more will be sent later on , Army Medical Core will perform its duties untill This mess is resolved .

Now Young Doctors , Eith come back or go permantely home ,
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