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Do you think a political party is behind the striking young doctors?

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Revolution which you guyz are following dont come just like that. There is some cost involved in this.

Also, it is good opportunity for just new comers, who are still struggling from some years now, and thinking about moving abroud since not getting jobs.
you know last time what punjab govt did ?
they appointed made in china doctors and many more incompetent doctors who studied in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan etc without any merit and Punjab govt even ask paramedical staff to do doctors work , so they intentionally risking the lives of patients , I am not supporting anyone i am just telling you what i saw .
Rahim yar khan !
Experss new team attacked by young doctors!
2 hours they kept , torturing news reporter.
What a demo-crazy , what educated blackmailers , what a right to protest, what a civil society!

Still those supporting punjab government should be ashamed of themselves that they are supporting a lie.

Still those supporting punjab government should be ashamed of themselves that they are supporting a lie.
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Still those supporting punjab government should be ashamed of themselves that they are supporting a lie.

Still those supporting punjab government should be ashamed of themselves that they are supporting a lie.
i think people should listen this before abusing doctors .
they make it clear that they are not asking for increase in pay but organizing service structure
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you know last time what punjab govt did ?
they appointed made in china doctors and many more incompetent doctors who studied in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan etc without any merit and Punjab govt even ask paramedical staff to do doctors work , so they intentionally risking the lives of patients , I am not supporting anyone i am just telling you what i saw .

You are doctor? really? what do you mean by china imported doctors? or kazakhstan or tajiks doctors? they study just like you guyz, and to get a Job in Pakistan they need to clear two exams before even getting the House Job.

You (Drs) lost your head.. now you gonna go up to extremely low level just to proof your so called point. Punjab Government will treat you well dont worry..
After Lahore young doctors are out on roads in Peshawar too. Patients have been left on the mercy of nature.
You are doctor? really? what do you mean by china imported doctors? or kazakhstan or tajiks doctors? they study just like you guyz, and to get a Job in Pakistan they need to clear two exams before even getting the Job.

You (Drs) lost your head.. now you gonna go up to extremely low level just to proof your so called point. Punjab Government will treat you well dont worry..
do you know anything about medicine and education standards of medical education ? your own HEC recommends not to study medicine in these countries
Its not your fault go and educate yourself then come and argue . ,
i know many people who got not more than 700 marks in Fsc doing MMBS in these countries now you can imagine the standard of those doctors .
why dont you people and patients stand by the side of doctors and pressurize Govt to solve problems of doctors but you people doing opposite , whenever it comes to doctors you people become hypocrite
do you know anything about medicine and education standards of medical education ? your own HEC recommends not to study medicine in these countries
Its not your fault go and educate yourself then come and argue . ,

If i didnt know then I wont be saying this, also kazakhstan, tajik doctors degree is accepted in Europe without any problem but you need to pass two exams before going into the get the Job.

So if they have better standards then you , and after doing their MD they need to pass two exams and then the house Job. yet they start job just like you guyz from the beganing. yet you are claim they are on flaw. Lastly if they are not upto standard why HEC even accept their MD Degree to get enter. That is because they knows the standard worlds qualifications unlike you who is just bent that Pakistani MBBS is better then central asian MD or china's MBBS degree. While whole world think otherwise.

why dont you people and patients stand by the side of doctors and pressurize Govt to solve problems of doctors but you people doing opposite , whenever it comes to doctors you people become hypocrite

That it because you guyz are on flaw, it's been 3 years you guyz are coming on the roads, and doing this.. even last year you did the same.

As per grade, province Punjab's Doctors are getting much more then any other province or any one having same grade as you guyz yet you are on the road for 100% raise. WTH
If i didnt know then I wont be saying this, also kazakhstan, tajik doctors degree is accepted in Europe without any problem but you need to pass two exams before going into the get the Job.

So if they have better standards then you , and after doing their MD they need to pass two exams and then the house Job. yet they start job just like you guyz from the beganing. yet you are claim they are on flaw. Lastly if they are not upto standard why HEC even accept their MD Degree to get enter. That is because they knows the standard words qualifications unlike you who is just bent that Pakistani MBBS is better then central asian MD or china's MBBS degree. While whole world think otherwise.
:lol: yeah sure

If i didnt know then I wont be saying this, also kazakhstan, tajik doctors degree is accepted in Europe without any problem but you need to pass two exams before going into the get the Job.

So if they have better standards then you , and after doing their MD they need to pass two exams and then the house Job. yet they start job just like you guyz from the beganing. yet you are claim they are on flaw. Lastly if they are not upto standard why HEC even accept their MD Degree to get enter. That is because they knows the standard words qualifications unlike you who is just bent that Pakistani MBBS is better then central asian MD or china's MBBS degree. While whole world think otherwise.
:lol: yeah sure ... but i am telling what is ground reality . suddenly punjab Govt and politician become angels .
From now on stop blaming Govt for loadshedding , corruption , lowest health budget , worst law and order situation , dont blame govt for poverty and inflation and dont try to protest beacuse they are angels , if you do strike for your right you will be considered as evils .
Instead of blaming Govt for its double standards and lies you people blaming doctors . Great job
:lol: yeah sure

:lol: yeah sure ... but i am telling what is ground reality

Ground Reality is just as above. Go and educate yourself, I am sure you already know but How to accept ohh I am wrong, Ohh I am wrong since we were on the roads before for the same cause, I am wrong since Punjab Doctors getting better paid, I am wrong since Central Asian Countries MD is better then Pakistani MBBS (as per world), and we want those doctors to be kicked out. I am wrong since those who go outside pakistan pay much more to get medical, while Pakistani Government spend so much on us, yet we are expecting we are the Gods. We are wrongs even religiously since we toke the oath and we are not following it.

But how to accept it that I am Wrong..

Any ways, enjoy your Ego, Allah will ask you any way, whether Punjab Government does anything or not.

Edit: Ok I am out of the topic.. Come back and start complaint we are robbed, Pakistani Poor has no rights to live if Government is unable to pay what we are asking bla bla
Ground Reality is just as above. Go and educate yourself, I am sure you already know but How to accept ohh I am wrong, Ohh I am wrong since we were on the roads before for the same cause, I am wrong since Punjab Doctors getting better paid, I am wrong since Central Asian Countries MD is better then Pakistani MBBS (as per world), and we want those doctors to be kicked out. I am wrong since those who go outside pakistan pay much more to get medical, while Pakistani Government spend so much on us, yet we are expecting we are the Gods. We are wrongs even religiously since we toke the oath and we are not following it.

But how to accept it that I am Wrong..

Any ways, enjoy your Ego, Allah will ask you any way, whether Punjab Government does anything or not.
Emotional speech .:lol:
i cant argue with you , you won . We all are wrong we doctors are evils and all other professions who all took oath and do corruption are angels , politicians are angels .

Ground Reality is just as above. Go and educate yourself, I am sure you already know but How to accept ohh I am wrong, Ohh I am wrong since we were on the roads before for the same cause, I am wrong since Punjab Doctors getting better paid, I am wrong since Central Asian Countries MD is better then Pakistani MBBS (as per world), and we want those doctors to be kicked out. I am wrong since those who go outside pakistan pay much more to get medical, while Pakistani Government spend so much on us, yet we are expecting we are the Gods. We are wrongs even religiously since we toke the oath and we are not following it.

But how to accept it that I am Wrong..

Any ways, enjoy your Ego, Allah will ask you any way, whether Punjab Government does anything or not.

Edit: Ok I am out of the topic.. Come back and start complaint we are robbed, Pakistani Poor has no rights to live if Government is unable to pay what we are asking bla bla
have you listened above video in post # 48 ?
they make it clear that they are not asking for increase in pay . i think you are enough educated to understand the simple urdu language .
dont argue for the sake of arguments .
Rahim yar khan !
Experss new team attacked by young doctors!
2 hours they kept , torturing news reporter.
What a demo-crazy , what educated blackmailers , what a right to protest, what a civil society!

now it seems to me it is politicised :disagree:

doctors and violance, contrast!!
now it seems to me it is politicised :disagree:

doctors and violance, contrast!!
its horrible, right!
calling this killer democrazy, a killer?

Emotional speech .:lol:
i cant argue with you , you won . We all are wrong we doctors are evils and all other professions who all took oath and do corruption are angels , politicians are angels .

have you listened above video in post # 48 ?
they make it clear that they are not asking for increase in pay . i think you are enough educated to understand the simple urdu language .
dont argue for the sake of arguments .
keep blaming each, others lawyers, doctors, politicians, judges, police, you all are blackmailers, sucking the blood of poor pakistanis, shame to the peoples who are still defending them & thier actions? right.

its the dam mind set!
Wadere Ka Beta - Ali Gul Pir - YouTube

hope you can feel the difference now!
wadere ka beta - YouTube
Making a judgment from the way you articulate, it's clear that EU and US are right to put you guys through extra set of examinations.

By the way, a lot more doctors from Kazakhistan / Russia, clear USMLE than from "present day" Pakistan. I very well know of publication standards in Pakistan and it's contribution to International Scientific Index. Please research before you go thermonuclear, reading this post. Then come back and convince us otherwise.

This strike, no matter what's the reasoning behind it is a crime against humanity. All striking doctors should be jailed and licenses to practice revoked and conveyed to all International Medical Boards to watch out for you guys, if anyone slips from Pakistan!
:lol: yeah sure

:lol: yeah sure ... but i am telling what is ground reality . suddenly punjab Govt and politician become angels .
From now on stop blaming Govt for loadshedding , corruption , lowest health budget , worst law and order situation , dont blame govt for poverty and inflation and dont try to protest beacuse they are angels , if you do strike for your right you will be considered as evils .
Instead of blaming Govt for its double standards and lies you people blaming doctors . Great job
Making a judgment from the way you articulate, it's clear that EU and US are right to put you guys through extra set of examinations.

By the way, a lot more doctors from Kazakhistan / Russia, clear USMLE than from "present day" Pakistan. I very well know of publication standards in Pakistan and it's contribution to International Scientific Index. Please research before you go thermonuclear, reading this post. Then come back and convince us otherwise.

This strike, no matter what's the reasoning behind it is a crime against humanity. All striking doctors should be jailed and licenses to practice revoked and conveyed to all International Medical Boards to watch out for you guys, if anyone slips from Pakistan!
dam good! just break this stupid cycle of cleverness & selfishness, just because you are educated or wadera ka beta!
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