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Do you support Imran Khan? (poll)

Do you support Imran Khan?

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Check his reply if he is not annoyed then third person who is annoyed may be psycho.:cuckoo:
You can push report button if you think any thing seems false.:buba_phone:

Honestly I can't answer why he waited for 1 year. But ONLY ONE YEAR?! I'd call it 'asap' after the 2013 elections. Mr. Imran Khan has not a political mind--perhaps, to save face, he had to follow through with his 'one year' promise regardless of the consequences. That reflects a non-compromising and rigid, ultimately a non-political mindset. Had he studied the history of NS rules he would have realized by by 2018--if not by 2016--NS would have probably imploded. But, no, IK doesnt' think through. He has no vision. He was, is, and will remain a political clown. Which is sad for Pakistan.

I don't consider him a 'better' option for Pakistan. Not everything boils down to personal financial integrity. Pakistan is not a bank. And Pakistan is not a uniquely and utterly 'corrupt' country in the world. And Pakistan HAS achieved a lot since 1947 despite your PTI idealist supporters continue to harp against.

I have said it before and will say again: I'd rather have a little 'corrupt' but politically accommodating govt of NS over a non-corrupt but politically uncompromising govt of IK. And that's because IK's rule is going to bring mass agitation against him unless he realizes that Pakistan is not a bank but a complex country where 'give and take' should be done on daily basis on political matters.

Sigh!! I don't know what else is left to say. PDF's 'Siasat' page is full of the same things.
You are right, Imran Khan does not have a political mindset.

The fact that Pakistan has achieved since 1947 doesn't mean we should just sit on our backsides and not try to improve and achieve more. There is no 'PTI idealist' here but there is no doubt Pakistan could be better.

Imran Khan had no one year promise, he chose to wait one year. Perhaps because he had some hope in the assemblies and courts.

You're right about NS imploding though, like I said before, if IK doesn't succeed, something else will take him down.

As for 'mass agitation', If IK does good and performs well, the only ones agitating would be those who put their personal gain above Pakistan and it is good if that happens, will be a step towards making Pakistan more politically mature.
And I'm sure he'll learn to compromise if he ever comes in power.

It's not just about financial integrity, it's about many factors that make IK a better option than Nawaz or Zardari, that integrity is just one of those factors.

At the end of the day, electoral reforms are necessary if we are to continue to have elections and a proper democracy. Otherwise, expect more of the same for the next five or ten years, with Pakistan deteriorating instead of making progress, with occasional military rule, while the rich and corrupt keep getting fatter.
All we can do is hope that our children won't be slaves of their children (Maryam and..... [gasp] Bilawal).
I truly support his views and visions for pakistan but disagree on his recent decisions to overthrow the govt

Just like some people here you're missing the point...Investigation of rigging is the main agenda of PTI..as it was 15 months ago.. check Khan's previous speeches..overthrowing the govt. without proper electoral reforms is a huge stupid thought that only dumb minds would consider IF they're sincere to this country's future...even in 2018 if this all Khudanakhasta fails, there will be same amount of rigging and it will play itself over and over again just what we Pakistanis as a nation deserve tbh.
Just like some people here you're missing the point...Investigation of rigging is the main agenda of PTI..as it was 15 months ago.. check Khan's previous speeches..overthrowing the govt. without proper electoral reforms is a huge stupid thought that only dumb minds would consider IF they're sincere to this country's future...even in 2018 if this all Khudanakhasta fails, there will be same amount of rigging and it will play itself over and over again just what we Pakistanis as a nation deserve tbh.

Well action speaks louder than words. No one is disagreeing about the investigation of rigging but it can not be done by shutting down the country. If PTI is really serious about reforms then only way is through the parliament not through agitations.
Well action speaks louder than words. No one is disagreeing about the investigation of rigging but it can not be done by shutting down the country. If PTI is really serious about reforms then only way is through the parliament not through agitations.

Parliament? What Parliament? the one in which PM can clearly Lie and in which no sort of accountability is done for that? IK's been shouting since the start of Azadi March that they tried the official route long ago, listen to his first speech..he kindly requested the speaker, whole parliament to seriously investigate the suspicion of rigging so that this may not occur in the future..he requested 4 constituencies as an initial query to check how much of the votes were legit and how much weren't then if majority of them were or half of them were not legit then further constituencies should be opened otherwise if majority of the votes are found legit then IK will step back from his demand. He even allowed to open KP's constituencies inexchange for his demands, but PML-N didn't respond....so what more can he do? kindly enlighten me.

This shutdown call is basically a large amount of sit-ins around these 3-4 cities, peaceful ones..no closing down things with guns etc..and for only one day to use this as a pressure tactic on the govt. sadly this PML-N govt. doesn't budge until things get abit chaotic..all options are done except this. If rigging is not stopped and the whole electoral process is not corrected then you will see these zardari's and sharifs for the rest of your life..

You may not 100% agree with his means but the end result is the need of this country..iam tired of these muk mukas and turns between these 2 parties..
Non-Pakistanis, please DO NOT vote. This is to see what percentage of Pakistani posters on PDF support Imran Khan and PTI.
Thankyou .
Also you can give your reasons as to why you support or don't support him.
This is a tricky poll

Supporting Imran Khan is one thing in my opinion and his cause for anarchy is another.

As a ex-PTI supporter I did vote for PTI, supported and defended most of the opinions of Imran Khan minus his stance of War on Terrorism. But when it comes to supporting this anarchy, destroying Pakistan's economy, making the government set up weak and indirectly encouraging foreign investors/nations not to deal with the present Government and trying their best to cause anarchy but failing miserably... No I do not support Anarchy March but I do support Imran Khan for being a better choice as compared to Nawaz Sharif & Co
Meanwhile in another part of the world a cricketer who is in Parliament with support from Opposition party has adopted a village and started development activities with fund from his MP allotment.

He will allocate Rs 2.79 crore from his MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) fund to the village for the construction of new roads, a housing project, a school with its own kitchen, an anganwadi, toilets, a drainage line, a community centre and amphitheatre. Once development reaches a certain stage in the village, computers and internet facility would also be provided.

“We will try to develop this into a model village; it should set an example for the rest of the country,” Tendulkar said. “There are many things we plan to do here, including building a school, supplying drinking water and beautifying the nearby lake. The village will look beautiful very soon,” he told the crowd. While chatting with villagers, Tendulkar asked them to give “equal importance to sons and daughters as they are the future of this nation”. He also asked them to give up alcohol and tobacco, and later an oath was administered to the villagers in this regard. -

See more at: With Rs 2.8 cr, Sachin adopts Andhra village | The Indian Express

Contrasting examples of people who retired from same game and is in politics.
This is a tricky poll

Supporting Imran Khan is one thing in my opinion and his cause for anarchy is another.

As a ex-PTI supporter I did vote for PTI, supported and defended most of the opinions of Imran Khan minus his stance of War on Terrorism. But when it comes to supporting this anarchy, destroying Pakistan's economy, making the government set up weak and indirectly encouraging foreign investors/nations not to deal with the present Government and trying their best to cause anarchy but failing miserably... No I do not support Anarchy March but I do support Imran Khan for being a better choice as compared to Nawaz Sharif & Co

I agree with you that this is a tricky poll but that's to be expected. Our politics have become more and more complicated that cross many issues like social background, religious affiliation, ethnicity etc. I think all political parties currently active straddle different lines and agendas. So would you continue supporting Imran as the lesser of two evils, in your book, or have you retired this idea? One thing that I wanted to hear about is his economic adenda and it seems that you don't support him on that front. That's interesting. Are you economically left-wing or right-wing?
Do I support Imran Khan? Yes. Because I believe he is sincere and got the right intentions for Pakistan. Do I support PTI though? I do not. I do not support any political party and I do not support many of PTI's decisions, policies, whether it comes from Imran Khan directly or some of the other people within the party who have their own agendas.
My point is Pakistanis people shall not let anyone who compromise on terrorists to be the PM.

We won't. IK will never win a majority in Sindh or Punjab with his ethnic centric and anti Army views. Trust me, Unless IK changes his views on the Taliban etc there is no way he is coming any where near power. He can rant and cry all he wants, it won't make him the prime minister.
We won't. IK will never win a majority in Sindh or Punjab with his ethnic centric and anti Army views. Trust me, Unless IK changes his views on the Taliban etc there is no way he is coming any where near power. He can rant and cry all he wants, it won't make him the prime minister.

Ahahaha nice Joke, the only reason that IK might not come into power is the rigged elections that have been conducted in Pakistan since the 1970s..if clean elections are conducted i can assure you IK will have 90% chances of becoming PM. He doesn't have anti-Army view just because you say he has..he has always talked in Pakistan and Pakistan Army's defense except some generals who think Pak as their Jageer..IK has the most visits to tribal areas for a politician, he has seen what happens and iam sure he knows 100% more than what you do..He is a true Patriot and an honest and non-corrupt person, the only guy who can lead Pakistan out of this mess.
Ahahaha nice Joke, the only reason that IK might not come into power is the rigged elections that have been conducted in Pakistan since the 1970s..if clean elections are conducted i can assure you IK will have 90% chances of becoming PM. He doesn't have anti-Army view just because you say he has..he has always talked in Pakistan and Pakistan Army's defense except some generals who think Pak as their Jageer..IK has the most visits to tribal areas for a politician, he has seen what happens and iam sure he knows 100% more than what you do..He is a true Patriot and an honest and non-corrupt person, the only guy who can lead Pakistan out of this mess.
Becoming PM is not a big thing. IK wants real change.
Becoming PM is not a big thing. IK wants real change.

Tell that to others who think IK is in this only for seat...I've followed and noted him since 2010 actively, if i had seen any real evidence of selfishness from him than he'd not have such a huge following of Youth, poor, rich and other people of different areas, culture and religion.
Tell that to others who think IK is in this only for seat...I've followed and noted him since 2010 actively, if i had seen any real evidence of selfishness from him than he'd not have such a huge following of Youth, poor, rich and other people of different areas, culture and religion.
You cannot become a PM for a lifetime but you can change election system of Pakistan for ever by doing this campaign! IK is no fool!
Ahahaha nice Joke, the only reason that IK might not come into power is the rigged elections that have been conducted in Pakistan since the 1970s..if clean elections are conducted i can assure you IK will have 90% chances of becoming PM. He doesn't have anti-Army view just because you say he has..he has always talked in Pakistan and Pakistan Army's defense except some generals who think Pak as their Jageer..IK has the most visits to tribal areas for a politician, he has seen what happens and iam sure he knows 100% more than what you do..He is a true Patriot and an honest and non-corrupt person, the only guy who can lead Pakistan out of this mess.

IK may come in to power, but only when he drops his pro Taliban and anti army stance. Before that yeh there is no chance. You might think its a joke but you are welcome to think whatever you want.

90% chance of winning, says who? you? lol.

You dismiss my statement as an opinion by injecting your own opinion, he knows more than me is your opinion.
Tell me why does he insist in sending army in to Karachi and not into the tribal areas? I am from Karachi, when I see IK making excuses for terrorists in the tribal areas while on the other hand demanding army in Karachi, all I see is a clear ethnic bias and double standards. I am not blinded by personalities to see through their lies.
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