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Do you guys feel scared to sleep alone?

Hi guys if similar thread has been discussed earlier then sorry and mods can delete this thread.....

Actually I always wanted to know how other people feel if they have to sleep alone in some hotel room...... due to my job I sometimes have to travel and obviously have to stay in hotels.....

I don't know why but whenever I travel and return to my room at the end of the day toughest part of my travel journey begins.....

My mind unwantedly starts thinking about dead people, ghost stories..... I feel so scared that whole night I'm forced to keep my room lights on and keep TV running.... almost up to 4 am I keep watching action movies to feel better..... I don't even drink a water so I don't have to go to loo alone in the night...... in such cases I end up sleeping till late and it affects my next day schedule..... even at home if I have to stay alone I sleep but can't sleep without lights on..... don't know what to do..... if you guys have such problems please share.....
You should sleep fearlessly like a baby because you are not a indian minority.
Yes company is always great.... in last November when I had to travel to Chennai for my oracle training of 3 days I booked my wife and daughter tickets too..... I told them isi bahane Chennai dekho aur kanjeevaram sari le lo..... my fear made me pay huge on flights from own pocket.....
FDR once said that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Seems like he was talking to you.

You should try to believe it and then things will be alright :-)
I have this phobia, if we can call it that. This happens especially if the hotel room is large & with two beds, which is almost always the case with me. My fear stems from the assumption that not only am I alone in the room but on the entire floor.

Yes large room further scares you..... when I was in Dubai my room was so large that in Mumbai type of city people can make it like one room hall kitchen type flat..... I don't if you guys have experienced but Dubai maybe because of desert feels so calm and silent in the night I can't exactly describe but that silence of Dubai in night in such a large room was killing me..... whole night I was awake watching movies.....
When I was younger, around 14-15, I couldn’t go sleep without my bedroom door open and house corridor light on, I was scared of getting killed, thought I’d get killed in my sleep because of what stupid things I done in my younger days and that fear made me always keep the corridor light on. The only way I forced myself to overcome it by first closing the door but keeping the corridor light on, eventually having no lights. Now I can’t go to sleep without it being pitch black.
I think a lot of people get scared when alone… but the fact is nobody has ever seen a ghost in their life so it is a question that merits no value in real life

The best way forward is to keep yourself awake until 4am as you said you can sleep after that… keep looking towards the chair next to your bed and keep reassuring yourself that nobody is sitting on it… :lol:

Ghost actually I have seen in karwar, Karnataka India but won't tell here as nobody will believe..... actually this is also a reason I feel scared to sleep alone....

When you sleep, switch on a lamp if it is present, or switch on washroom light and keep the door open. Point is to have minimum level of light in the room. This might help you sleep better.

If you are doing the above already then stop watching and reading horror contents.

Exactly.... Horror contents too has brought me into this situation today....
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I can sleep alone no problem, just need a night light though.

Not afraid of ghosts and stuff, just waking up to complete and utter darkness is a bit uncomfortable...
As long as it is not a shady hotel/motel I don't have problems. The first night does take some adjusting to due to difference in temperature/humidity.

Don't know why people are scared of ghosts when there are much scarier things in life, like taxes or the specter of unemployment.
I have spent years travelling and in hotel rooms.
I have always enjoyed the hotels.
If you feel scared I would suggest keeping the lights on or the light in the bathroom on and sleep that way.
Try to watch a good movies (non horror). Defelect your mind.
If ypu are Muslim then pray b4 sleeping
Hi guys if similar thread has been discussed earlier then sorry and mods can delete this thread.....

Actually I always wanted to know how other people feel if they have to sleep alone in some hotel room...... due to my job I sometimes have to travel and obviously have to stay in hotels.....

I don't know why but whenever I travel and return to my room at the end of the day toughest part of my travel journey begins.....

My mind unwantedly starts thinking about dead people, ghost stories..... I feel so scared that whole night I'm forced to keep my room lights on and keep TV running.... almost up to 4 am I keep watching action movies to feel better..... I don't even drink a water so I don't have to go to loo alone in the night...... in such cases I end up sleeping till late and it affects my next day schedule..... even at home if I have to stay alone I sleep but can't sleep without lights on..... don't know what to do..... if you guys have such problems please share.....
If it makes you feel any better, your phone, laptop, and hotel room are probably bugged. So you are not alone, your FBI agent is watching you :D
I've read many of your posts here and have always assumed that you must be a little nutty based on what you write :laughcry:

PS: Just joking. To answer your question - NO. I used to travel internationally for work before Covid. Never felt anything weird about being alone - ever. Although some company is always nice. :cheers:
You are a naughty guy, I can tell. :angel:
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