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Do you believe in god ?

Do you believe in god

  • God and Religion

    Votes: 53 61.6%
  • God but not religion

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 15 17.4%

  • Total voters
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This is why debating with you atheists is of no use, you resort to insulting and mocking others religion, what can i expect from immature monkeys who are descendants of monkeys (which BTW you guys claim to be:rofl:):lol:, at least my ancestors were human and not some savage gorillas.

"at least my ancestors were human and not some savage gorillas"

In which case this would be a genuine case of evolution in the reverse direction.
Why should we pray to God, do you pray to your parents or your grandparents when you can see them but when you cant see god ..........
Silly rant and and not worthy of a reply.

Okay next analogy: let’s say I create an artificially intelligent robot and put it in a building with only walls and no windows, seal the doors. Now robot is activated inside the building and there is no human in it, he thinks………well I am here so there must be some creator who created me and my universe(i.e the building on our case), so should he be praying to me, for him I am creator though he hasn’t seen me…………….

wtf? what kind of analogy is that? talk some sense for once! A robot doesn't have a brain and can't think on its own free will, neither do humans posses technology to create anything like a Human brain.

Seriously, your argument is flawed and neither are you using logic (comparing a robot to a human is not logic). So much for the "if its not logical than its not real" bs eh?

You may say that "You are not god, he should pray to the real god."

a Robot doesn't have a brain, feelings, or free will.

But how would he know that his creator is not the super duper powerful entity called god but some human who himself has been created by someone else.

so your saying we should worship humans because we are given birth by a Human? Another silly logic, why should i worship a human who by the way is going to die one day.

Same ways why it is not possible that entity that created this universe was not created from some other power/source/intelligent specie.

God is not created by anyone, he is eternal. My source: The Noble Quran. Now you can argue that i haven't given a logical explanation about Gods existence but after all i'm supposed to be the religious illiterate ignorant bigot here and your supposed to enlighten with your logic so please prove to me that god doesn't exist and please provide me a source other than some pseudo intellectual/scientist .that
who the hell needs your help? don't get personal on here or else it aint gonna be pretty.

I grew up in the US hence most of my studies were in the US. I can only read basic Urdu (somewhat).

Yes, he was born in 7th century AD however God had sent his message (the Injeel, Torah) through other messengers before Muhammad (pbuh). like i said, Islam came before Muhammad (pbuh) but due to mans ignorance the holy books (bible and Torah) were altered so Muhammad (pbuh) was the last messenger sent by God to deliver the last message (the Quran).

Its like i'm teaching a 4 year old:disagree:

Now i would ask your ignorant self to at least get basic knowledge about Islam before coming here and debating like a little school child who has not even slightest knowledge of what he's talking about.

You are an angry man :) Anyway, I said i can't help you in understanding what I am trying to say.

Do you have any proof that islam existed in the world before Muhammad was born? Please don't show Zakir Naik's speeches. No one buys that. Quran itself was written in 7th century . So it cannot claim about things before that.
My belief in God is scientific.

The thing is science cannot disprove God, nor can it prove how life came into existence.

The thing is if you believe in something, the onus is upon you to prove it. Science is not out to prove or disprove anything, it is simply a methodological process, based on everything except faith or anything that cannot be quantified. Thus its scope is the objective world and not beyond.

But if you venture deep into it, you would find that it actually takes you very close to the boundary that exists between the physical and the incorporeal realm. You can think of it as a key that is meant to open only certain kind of boxes, or most of it that we see.

Now proving of God becomes very illogical or if I can use a more harsher word, imbecilic, if you try and confine him in some definition. Actually, it is the idea of God that should be our main concern, because from that very idea stems the premises of life, and that in turn shapes all our social and mental sphere of activities.

The theory of God is better than the theory of evolution. Since theory of evolution does not explain how the first life came to be. Which shows that life was made by an intelligent being by design.

So the theory of God holds stronger than the theory of Evolution.

This "made" concept needs to redefined radically when you talk of the Creation or the alleged beginning of life. This is another source of great ignorance. If you really want an answer to that, you will have to do much more than make mere objective observations about it. And this is where science plays a very major role. It facilitates, and I tell you in much more profound manner than you can think of, our rational thinking about the nature of the world, and only by taking help of this course can you get any satisfactory answer about the alleged beginning of the world.

Prayer/Worship should not be mandatory in terms we usually think off. We think if we don't worship God, we would go to hell. Instead it should be that if we don't worship God we're being rude and offensive to a being that gave you life and everything else. It shouldn't be understood that God wants you to worship, it should be that you want to worship God.

That is a well-founded reasoning, but I think as per Quran you are a Muslim only if you follow all the prescribed steps in it completely and in perfect discipline, as far as worship is concerned.

Also the politics of religion should come under greater scrutiny as organized religion slowly becomes a club with full hierarchy with several power bearers. Religion should be personal.

It has been this way since many ages.

By "religion should be personal", if you mean it should be above scrutiny, then you are turning yourself into a mere automaton, knowingly or unknowingly.

The right to follow your mind should never be taken away as long as it does not coincides with the well-being of others, but at the same time we must never close our mind to refining whatever premises we use to base our life upon. In the name of "religion should be personal" argument, we must not become sheep-like.

Islam has all avenues open for it to become the perfect such religion. Only thing is its implementation and for Muslims to have the courage to think out of the box and realize that practically there is nothing wrong in this, and technically a more modern approach to God and religion holds true as per the Quran.

I would like to know what this modern approach to God is, may be this is the forward.
Evolution theory is flawed I studied about it and Darwin too whilst in Europe, Darwin claims that when mankind left Africa the 'white man' evolved quicker compared to it's asian and black counterparts which is utter rubbish, the more you read about Charles Darwin the more you will see how racist and narrow minded he really was.
We dont know many things, so what? For example clasical physics could not explain some phenomenons, like diffraction of electrons or photoeffect. Religious would say: aha! your science is BS, photoeffect is done by God! Secular people thought about it and came up with quantum theory which explained these events.
You are an angry man :) Anyway, I said i can't help you in understanding what I am trying to say.

Do you have any proof that islam existed in the world before Muhammad was born? Please don't show Zakir Naik's speeches. No one buys that. Quran itself was written in 7th century . So it cannot claim about things before that.
Lets say that the arabs of before 7th century were highly oral culture and did not rely on writing...instead they relied on memory.Something we in this era cannot understand.
If an all-powerful and perfectly good, kind, merciful god exists, then evil does not.

ooooo, what a logical answer, a few good words and then you become logical, wow i'm supposed to believe that?

a few posts ago an Atheist (aviator was his name i think) indicated that we should worship Humans because humans gave birth to us therefor it would be logical for us to worship humans, but don't these same humans do evil?

What kind of logic is that? Some logic you guys have here :lol:.

There is evil in the world.

Therefore, god does not exist.

and god doesn't exists because ........(drum roll) you said so!!!!!

wow, that's an incredible logic there, perhaps your the new Charles Darwin!
Well Darwinian theory may be flawed but it doesn't seem to be all together wrong...Creatures do evolve and that's a mechanism set by the creator.The evolution did happen but it was Guided by the divine being..such a complicated process cannot be unguided...

For example Iron ore has always been there,so has been aluminum and all other metals..But by no evolution the metals randomly attacked to each other and became a Jumbo jet.It didn't happen in the last 3 billion years of earth's life..By Darwinian analogy..it was quite probable...Perhaps more probable than the evolution of life itself..as living beings are far more complicated than A Jumbo jet.
If evolution without being guided by a divine source could create a deer,bear,snake and human on it's own,a similar random process could have created a car,a plane,a ship,or something similar by random evolution of metal alloys...But that didn't happen?

Your comparing non living matter with living matter it doesn't work like that :P. Iron is also made in outer space you can see that metorids contain iron too. Anyways to get back at your point. Acording to you God did it or hand in it and i have no problem with that. I just like to point out i am not arguing about god i am just saying evolotion is indeed a fact where as the process by which it happens can be a bit flawed. But yea acording to you god did it i just say "nature" did it we both have our personal prespective =p.

also you have to excuse me on my poor grammers and spellings i have a minor case of Dyslexia. Anyways all the best ;D
We dont know many things, so what? For example clasical physics could not explain some phenomenons, like diffraction of electrons or photoeffect. Religious would say: aha! your science is BS, photoeffect is done by God! Secular people thought about it and came up with quantum theory which explained these events.

And the irony is that the most advanced lad and minds of Quantum physics at CERN are looking for something called "god particle" because they found out that the who intricate fabric of physics fails without it.
To people who reject God on the basis of science and logic, please be aware that science and logic themselves are ultimately based on faith. According to Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem, no system of mathematics or logic can prove its own truth completely, and logic and mathematics are the twin pillars of science.

And isn't Gödel's theorem itself based on logics and mathematics?
We dont know many things, so what? For example clasical physics could not explain some phenomenons, like diffraction of electrons or photoeffect. Religious would say: aha! your science is BS, photoeffect is done by God! Secular people thought about it and came up with quantum theory which explained these events.

And what does this have to do with Darwin or the theory of evolution?
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