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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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Never thought about whole of india converting to Islam--- .

See that is a CHRISTIAN thinking---like in USA---all converted to christianity or in australia as well---or in africa---all areas of dark ages africa conquered by the christians converted to christianity---.
By doling out two choices: be a Christian or die....
Isn't 73 years and 3 wars a long time?
Allah says be patient. When the cries of Kashmir are heard by the Hindus as well and it hits their conscience the time will come for change. The propaganda you are using to blind your people won't last for ever and when it's effects wear down the Indian people will see for what it is and rise for change.
Allah says be patient. When the cries of Kashmir are heard by the Hindus as well and it hits their conscience the time will come for change. The propaganda you are using to blind your people won't last for ever and when it's effects wear down the Indian people will see for what it is and rise for change.
That's what I am saying. 73 years is a long time. Certainly, your God would have wanted this to be resolved sooner than later.
If you look at Kashmir now, don't you think that if India was Muslim, there wouldn't have been any dispute with regards to Kashmir?
Islam is like a river, it makes it own path with passage of time. Muslim don't believe in " if" . If there is lack in strategy then it need to be corrected and all such corrections take time. I personally, don't believe in forced conversion. If any Hindu likes to adopt Muslim religion , well and good if not ...no problem. But respect the rights of others and that's what muslim teach Hindu almost 1000 years.
Honestly telling you " did Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him fixed all the arabs" . He could do it ( all miracles were in his control). But he didn't forced them.
this feeling of converting others to own religion is also present in hindu religion as evident from their ghar wapsi like movements for converting people to hinduism forcefully
People who believe that everyone should follow one religion/ideology are deluded. Absolutely deluded.

7.5 billion humans following one way of thinking? That's not going to happen and will never happen.

Unfortunately I see this mentality mainly in the followers of Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam with their aggressive attempts at proselytism and forcing their religion down the throats of others (historically and in the present time as well). Not everyone does it for sure but these two faiths seem particularly gung ho about it.
That's what I am saying. 73 years is a long time. Certainly, your God would have wanted this to be resolved sooner than later.
how do you know?- "your God would have wanted this to be resolved sooner than later"
If people of more than 50 countries can follow 1 religion why can't others?

You really think all those people follow one religion? Let's take so-called "Muslim countries"... No agnostics, atheists? Non Muslims? No one who drinks alcohol? No one who disbelieves in "angels"? No one who disagrees with stoning people to death for adultery? No one who works against child marriage? No one who doesn't pray five times a day? No one who has left Islam?
Ok, so this might be a bit of a controversial topic. The mods can close this one down if it gets out of hand. I'm just opening this one for intellectual purposes and so that Pakistanis can think about the possibilities.

The main reason for me to talk about this is that I have observed many Pakistanis talking about Muslim rule. Post Independence, there was the Kashmir dispute that is still going on to this day. Do Pakistanis think that if the whole of India would have been converted to Islam like them by the Turks, Afghans, Uzbeks, etc, that there wouldn't have been any Kashmir headache for them? Do you guys feel that the invaders should have been more serious about Islam and the conversion of kaffirs of the Indian subcontinent to that religion?

Would India and Pakistan still would have been separate? How would the Muslims looked at Hinduism which would have been an extinct religion by now? Would Muslims have an affinity for Hinduism like the Greeks have for the Greek philosophers and the Persians have for the pre-Islamic Persian empires?

Would Indian origin Muslims would have even risen up against foreign Muslim rule? Or would there have been just a continuation of Mughal rule? Would the Turks might have migrated in more numbers to India to consolidate their rule or spread the extent of the Ottoman empire?
Would the Indian Muslims had allowed that?

I think its about time you stop considering India as one unit in your propositions of a uniform social district..India is a land of different people. that have some commonalities but lot more differences.You can bring people together on a principle which can be creed or uber-nationalism or an ideology but not on notion of economics or prosperity..India initially brought people together in the name of secularism..that myth is withering off.The amalgamation is running under a weak center and a serious challenge lingers in the long run.India needs a new substance to gel its people..
If you feel Islam could have been that substance than you are right however that would not have just stopped at subcontinent but wold have also included central asia and far middle east.Capitals might not neccessarily have been in Paksitan
btw Ottomans and Mughals were in good terms. so Ottomans had no plans to attack Mughals.
Islam is like a river, it makes it own path with passage of time. Muslim don't believe in " if" . If there is lack in strategy then it need to be corrected and all such corrections take time. I personally, don't believe in forced conversion. If any Hindu likes to adopt Muslim religion , well and good if not ...no problem. But respect the rights of others and that's what muslim teach Hindu almost 1000 years.
Honestly telling you " did Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him fixed all the arabs" . He could do it ( all miracles were in his control). But he didn't forced them.
I might disagree with you but religious discussion is not allowed.
Please can you expand on that. Or just try answering my questions.

Look, I already know that non-Muslims will disagree with me and that is fine. I respect that.

But as a Muslim, I do wish that Islam had spread further into the subcontinent. In Islam, the biggest honor that any person can have is to be born a Muslim. Even if you were deprived of everything else in life, if you were born a Muslim, you were already given a gift that many people were not fortunate enough to have. I would want my fellow Indians to have been born with this honor as I would want for others what I want for myself. If I was Indian, I would hope that Muslims would have spread Islam so that later generations could have benefitted from it. Conversion is never an easy thing and that is why it is such an under appreciated gift to be born into this world with the message of Islam and not have to convert into it leaving behind your family. I feel very fortunate to have been born Muslim but I often think about those who by fate had a different destiny. There could be Indians out there who want to become Muslim but cannot because of societal pressures. I could not imagine living like this and am immensely thankful that I never had to make this choice in my family. India might be a much more stable and peaceful country today if it was all Muslim. Indians would have benefitted from it from an Islamic perspective and India would have much better relations with its neighbors. Many Muslims including me would liked to have seen Islam spread throughout the whole of India. Alas, this has not happened, but if Allah (SWT) does not want something to happen, it shall never happen.
this feeling of converting others to own religion is also present in hindu religion as evident from their ghar wapsi like movements for converting people to hinduism forcefully

Yes within the last few years, and that among a tiny minority.
I think its about time you stop considering India as one unit in your propositions..India is a land of different people. that have some commonalities but lot more differences.You can bring people together on a principle which can be creed or uber-nationalism or an ideology but not on notion of economics or prosperity..India initially brought people together in the name of secularism..that myth is withering off.The amalgamation is running under a weak center and a serious challenge lingers in the long run.India needs a new substance to gel its people..
If you feel Islam could have been that substance than you are right however that would not have just stopped at subcontinent but central asia and far middle east.
I fully agree that India is very diverse. Many different factors are holding India together.

But I think Islam wouldn't have binded India. One big example is East Pakistan. But that's just my opinion.
I don't know, if I have any right to say anything about that;
But I always found it fascinating that india mostly chose to stay as a pagan nation. I mean in human history and revolution, all nations, communities started their life with Paganism. First we worshiped threes and lakes, animals after that thousands of gods born. Egyptians, Greeks, Sumerians...
But after Judaism and Christianity everything has changed. Jews were Jews... Europeans left their pagan believes and became Christians. Middle easterns first became Christians and later muslims.
In one point, most of the nations (Maybe except far east asians, they evolved to irreligion, atheism) every nation passed this similar turning points and most of us became monotheistic. Except India and maybe some african tribes.
Maybe I can understand African tribes but India? It is just so weird, and doesn't even makes sense to me...
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