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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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Never thought about whole of india converting to Islam--- .

See that is a CHRISTIAN thinking---like in USA---all converted to christianity or in australia as well---or in africa---all areas of dark ages africa conquered by the christians converted to christianity---.
It seems to be the current Hindu RSS way of thinking. Islam respects all religions but not if they become evil and rogue. Then they will be dealt with.
Do you know that Muslims never talked about the caste system as their intention to convert. Their main reason was to stop idol worship. Muslims in fact didn't even try to stop caste system. Even among the Hindus, they employed Brahmins for administrative purposes and the Kshatriyas for military purpose.

I had come across a thread where the intention of Muslims is clearly written. The main objective of the invaders was to promote Islam and destroy idols. That's what Muslim authors refer.
Historically, the ultimate target of any invader was to kill the King, destroy his army and takeover the treasure. They very rarely touch the faith of locals... and move on.... invaders were not religious people or any intention to spread Islam. All done by sufism ...
Muslim destroyed idols after they found support of large number of local population who accepted Islam and they wanted to replace idols with mosques so they have to destroy them, brahmans and kshtariyas were give pst because they had knowledge about matters and not because of their caste as lowercaste hindus were not allowed to perform high level job at times of hindu rule in subcontinent
But the Muslims could have changed that right? But they didn't.

I think many of the people are going away from the true question of the thread. My question is whether Pakistanis regret that Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains didn't convert to Islam. And how would it have affected the future if they had converted.
I think many of the people are going away from the true question of the thread. My question is whether Pakistanis regret that Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains didn't convert to Islam. And how would it have affected the future if they had converted.
If all of India had converted to Islam, it would have been pretty nice.
Moughals weren't too concerned with religion to be honest. They made little missionary effort.
Moghul goal was to loot, pillage and rape, which they did pretty successfully. They were a colonial entity nothing more and nothing less.
It seems to be the current Hindu RSS way of thinking. Islam respects all religions but not if they become evil and rogue. Then they will be dealt with.
RSS is centuries old certain group who borrowed Hilter mentality , but neither they are advance like Germany nor they are smart like Hitler ...They are just ragtag Nazi followers and clue less about nationalism on the basis of superior race. I think RSS should first invade Dubai and takeover and then move his army to rest of Gulf states.... so atleast we enjoy popcorn....
they changed caste system for those who accepted Islam but for hindus they didnot enforce it as then you hindus would be accusing them of interfering in your religion and forcing change of hindu religion by Muslims
But the Muslims could have changed that right? But they didn't.

I think many of the people are going away from the true question of the thread. My question is whether Pakistanis regret that Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains didn't convert to Islam. And how would it have affected the future if they had converted.
RSS is centuries old a certain group who borrowed Hilter mentality , but neither they are advance like Germany nor they are smart like Hitler ...They are just ragtag Nazi followers and clue less about nationalism on the basis of superior race. I think RSS should first invade Dubai and takeover and then move his army to rest of Gulf states.... so atleast we enjoy popcorn....
I think many of the people are going away from the true question of the thread. My question is whether Pakistanis regret that Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains didn't convert to Islam. And how would it have affected the future if they had converted.
No, no one regret nor it was possible.
I think many of the people are going away from the true question of the thread. My question is whether Pakistanis regret that Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Jains didn't convert to Islam. And how would it have affected the future if they had converted.

No regrets at all. Just glad and thankful to Allah that my ancestors were guided to Islam.
People who believe that everyone should follow one religion/ideology are deluded. Absolutely deluded.

7.5 billion humans following one way of thinking? That's not going to happen and will never happen.

Unfortunately I see this mentality mainly in the followers of Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam with their aggressive attempts at proselytism and forcing their religion down the throats of others (historically and in the present time as well). Not everyone does it for sure but these two faiths seem particularly gung ho about it.
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