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Do Pakistanis have romantic (unreal) view of Saudi Arabia?

No,society destroyed their intellect.
The Netherlands was allways multiculty,dont forget the Dutch Caribian Islands and Suriname/Indonesia
the caribian islands and Suriname and Indonesia don't count as we are talking about the Netherlands in Europe not their colonies. And it has not ALWAYS been multicultural since the countrys inception.
I have never been to KSA, but I have had interaction with a few Saudis residing in Pakistan due to occupational needs, over all I have had a good time with the Saudis particularly their kids who were my age, I found them to be very a hospitable, joyous and entertaining lot, the only let down was their damn accent, the English was hard to understand at first but soon I got the hang of it......
the caribian islands and Suriname and Indonesia don't count as we are talking about the Netherlands in Europe not their colonies. And it has not ALWAYS been multicultural since the countrys inception.
I was talking about my lifetime,not about centuries ago.
From the 50s,the Netherlands is multicultural.
People from the colonies came here and many ''guestworkers''from southern European countries(Spain,Italy,Greece,Turkey,Portugal)from the 60s.
Do Pakistanis have romantic (unreal) view of Saudi Arabia?

Please no trolling.

Just support or oppose the subject line. Thank you

Pakistanis comment on KSA based on very limited set of observations that deal primarily with prayer, mosque, shop, and street.


--- Most of the Pakistanis commenting on KSA may have lived there for 20 years, but in this time they had ZERO contact with local Saudi families in social settings. That means visiting each others' homes on regular basis, letting each others' kids play with each other, go to the same school, attending each other's weddings and birthdays.

--- Pakistani kids mostly go to international schools and thus have very little interaction with local Saudi kids, and their mum-dads

--- Even though many here claim to have lived in KSA, but they don’t know even the basic facts (see below)

And thus our views of KSA are very twisted, very romantic, and thus utterly wrong!
In majority of the cases off course.

So here are some basic basic facts

--- Saudi Arabian population will fit into just 2 Pakistani cities. That is just TWO large cities of Pakistan. That's all.

--- on the population of about 30 million, KSA budget allocation is about $250 billions a year
---------- compared to Pakistani spending of $40 billion on population of 200 million (1/6 the budget on 6 times the population)
---------- This is like my city Karachi spending $200 billion on just one city.

--- This tiny tiny population is spread in an area 2 million sq KM
--------- compared to Pakistan's 800,000 sq KM (We have 6 times the population in 1/3 area)

--- Compared to USA
--- --- KSA has 1/10 the population
------ KSA has 1/14 the budget
--- --- KSA has 1/2 the area


--- KSA is not a Monarchy modeled after systems that existed 100s of years ago
--- KSA system can be implemented in Pakistan with no issues
--- KSA can provide economic/social justice to its citizens that do not belong to majority faith / culture
--- KSA justice system does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
--- KSA is a super power that Pakistan can rely on to counter another super power aka USA
--- KSA economic system is model for Pakistan
-------- Pakistanis do not know that KSA economic system is utterly dependent on stuff coming out of ground and NOT human development. KSA has at least 50-100 years to go before its earning from human capital become the dominant basis of its economy

So what are your views. Romantic? Or Realistic?

I would call it Romance because when a person is in love with someone he or she is blinded. Unfortunately, our people are so naive that they link their love for holy cities with KSA. They fail to understand that importance of Holy Kaaba and Masjid Nabavi is not because of KSA, but KSA has become important because these two great places are situated in KSA. This misconception has given rise to all the misconceptions you mentioned in your post. The country has different rules for rulers, citizens and expats. It is dependent on another liar superpowers for its protection. It is paying the superpower, to use its own money, thinking it to be a favour by superpower. What a paradox. How can they be a savior for Pakistan.
Ohh my confused naive Pakistani friends. You guys keep yourself busy thinking about ideologies and theories that don't even matter to your nation. People like Zaid Hamid add fuel to the fire.

Anyways coming to the point. Having romantic submissive feelings for Saudis show that Pakistanis lack self respect. While Saudis treat us south Asians like dogs we think their nation is like heave on earth. I agree they are rich and very successfull. But that doesn't mean you have to respect them like Gods.

I agree with OP the Saudis have nothing to offer when it comes to human resource and skill development but Pakistan is sitting on a young 200 million Human bomb.

So instead of fanticising about mating with Saudis, build you own destiny.
Pakistanis should first tell why they love Saudi Arabia?
What characteristics do the Saudi posses which has binded Pakistanis with this undying love for KSA?
Pakistanis should first tell why they love Saudi Arabia?
What characteristics do the Saudi posses which has binded Pakistanis with this undying love for KSA?
Admittedly religious sentiments, secondly KSA has been a long time ally both strategically, economically as well as morally, I would go into the details but it would take alot of time....
Ohh my confused naive Pakistani friends. You guys keep yourself busy thinking about ideologies and theories that don't even matter to your nation. People like Zaid Hamid add fuel to the fire.

Anyways coming to the point. Having romantic submissive feelings for Saudis show that Pakistanis lack self respect. While Saudis treat us south Asians like dogs we think their nation is like heave on earth. I agree they are rich and very successfull. But that doesn't mean you have to respect them like Gods.

I agree with OP the Saudis have nothing to offer when it comes to human resource and skill development but Pakistan is sitting on a young 200 million Human bomb.

So instead of fanticising about mating with Saudis, build you own destiny.

What you are saying is right it albeit an over simplification of the issues, both IRP and KSA share something far greater than just the latter providing labor to the former, we have a history together, we are mutually beneficial allies atleast on a government to government level, further more we share common interests for the region, we also have religious tie, social ties and also geographical ties, so shunning them completely and adopting an isolationist stance is not the solution to any of our problems.....Peace
I have never been to KSA, but I have had interaction with a few Saudis residing in Pakistan due to occupational needs, over all I have had a good time with the Saudis particularly their kids who were my age, I found them to be very a hospitable, joyous and entertaining lot, the only let down was their damn accent, the English was hard to understand at first but soon I got the hang of it......

Saudis who leave KSA can change.

My reference was with the Saudi culture within KSA

It was not a jibe at Saudis

But at Pakistanis who live in KSA for 20 years and yet have ZERO interaction with Saudi families.

And yet they come back and try to prove that Islamism is Saudi and culture in Saudi is truly great.

Hope you understand
we have a history together, we are mutually beneficial allies atleast on a government to government level,
my friend sorry to say not at equal level but masters and slave. You forget that day when NS was at Lahore airport not wanting to leave Pakistan and Saudi intelligence chief waived an agreement which changed NS style. Or have we forgotten that day when Some Deputy of KSA came to Pakistan (in 1997-98) and President Rafiq Tarar went to receive him. One week later NS visited KSA and deputy governor came to receive him.

Saudis who leave KSA can change.

My reference was with the Saudi culture within KSA

It was not a jibe at Saudis

But at Pakistanis who live in KSA for 20 years and yet have ZERO interaction with Saudi families.

And yet they come back and try to prove that Islamism is Saudi and culture in Saudi is truly great.

Hope you understand
My dear it is their misconception, they grow beard learn a few words of arabic and think themselves to be Scholors and their near and dear ones treat them like that lol
Saudis who leave KSA can change.

My reference was with the Saudi culture within KSA

It was not a jibe at Saudis

But at Pakistanis who live in KSA for 20 years and yet have ZERO interaction with Saudi families.

And yet they come back and try to prove that Islamism is Saudi and culture in Saudi is truly great.

Hope you understand
Yes mate, in that case since I have not seen them in their own society I can make no judgments.....I shared what limited experience I had with them....Peace
Muslim culture in South Asia has a Persian characteristic while Arab cultural influence is extremely little although that Persian Characteristic was introduced by Turks. The romantic view towards Saudi Arabia is all because of Zia ul Haq
To be honest...It is fair for Pakistan to romntacise with SA...I have some observations.

1- When Pakistan got created as a nation for Islam, the objective of your people was to create a nation on the basis of religion.
So in that context, SA is a nation that symbolize Islamic religion at its peak, richest nation among the Islamic nation as well as one of the most influencial in diplomatic circle in this world. So it may be a dream fascination of people of your nation to be like SA at one point of time....SA may not respect people from other religion...But it may does not matter to average people as long as they are treated well.

2- Not only with people from Pakistan, even Muslim people of India always consider SA,kuwait and other gulf nation as a preferred destination. Because it provide them the opportunity of Job,employment and quality lfe style.

3- SA stood with Pakistan in all the wars with India...That creates a special place in the heart of Pakistan people...
The issue here is how Pakistanis view it.

You are forgetting, nationalities from all over the world live there. and Pakistanis sitting in Pakistan see only what media shows them.

Subliminal Messages from FaujiHistorian
Why all of sudden i feel like voting for PPP :victory1: Any how my thoughts on this subject arent that big of a secret.:omghaha:

I wish they kick out few thousands of your tribe, and than you may change your opinion. :pleasantry:
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