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Do Pakistanis have romantic (unreal) view of Saudi Arabia?

Why romanticize over a country that see themselves superior to you? I'm not trying to insult you, but if you are not Saudi Arabian Saudi Arabia does not accept you as one of their own. Saudi Arabia does not even see Arabs from other countries as their own. carve your own path, Saudi Arabia will only lead Pakistan down the path of destruction. Saudi Arabia exports sectarianism and terror. just ask Iraq and Syria. Also Saudi Arabia is an ally of Israel, what more do you need to know?
I have a better life in Turkey,not living here for financial reasons.
I'm not a Guestworker,economic or political refugee,so it wont work.
Try something else.
the women in the Netherlands are better looking than the women in Turkey?
I have a better life in Turkey,not living here for financial reasons.
I'm not a Guestworker,economic or political refugee,so it wont work.
Try something else.

I knew it - Its always a woman....always ! :hitwall:
Good point.

Just remember Pakistani views feed Pakistani belief system, and thus it is relevant for PAKISTAN all the time.

as this belief system results in what Pakistan is today. and will be tomorrow.

What you say can hold true only if Pakistanis control their destiny. Do they?
what happened did multiculturalism destroy their unique ethnic phenotype?
No,society destroyed their intellect.
The Netherlands was allways multiculty,dont forget the Dutch Caribian Islands and Suriname/Indonesia
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