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Do Pakistani Muslims avoid first cousin marriage as much as possible

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Jul 28, 2013
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I'm not saying it's not common in India, or restricted to only Muslims. In fact many South Indian Hindus (Telegus, Tamils etc.) sanction first cousin and even uncle-niece marriages. For most Northern Hindus, however, as in other Western countries and Asia, this topic is taboo and will easily disgust people. This whole tradition of cousin marriage is seen equal to inbreeding.

I'm sure there are many forward thinking Muslims out there who avoid cousin marriage despite the Qu'ranic go-ahead. One of my friends is a North Indian Muslim (Sunni) and surprisingly, he too said that he was disgusted by this subject. This means there must be many Muslim sects who really do not encourage first cousin marriage. Can I have the names of these sects?

Marrying your first cousin e.g. your mom's brother's daughter or father's sister's son is like sleeping with your own family member. Moreover, from a genetic point of view, avoiding distant cousins in the family tree would delete potentially harmful recessive alleles. Variation is the key to strong, healthy genes in future offspring.

According to a report in Daily Mail (UK), more than 50% British Pakistanis are in first cousin marriage (can't post links so Google it). How is the situation back home in Pakistan? Would be great if you can give some indication of how common or uncommon this occurrence is.
Islam doesn't forbid marriage between, first cousins and it is a widely done practice in Pakistan. Muslims in India may do something out of either choice, or to appease the Hindu majority,it doesn't make it the standard operating procedure for other Muslims though.

Genetic disorders associated to cousin marriages are a MYTH, created by those who don't practice it as part of their religion or culture and wish to impose it on others by creating myths. Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam don't regard first cousin marriage as incesst.

"The risk of birth defects in children born to first cousins is increased from a baseline of 3-4 percent to 4-7 percent according to the National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)"

Why Ban Cousin Marriages?
Posted: 01/28/2013 12:53 pm

National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)
Islam doesn't forbid marriage between, first cousins and it is a widely done practice in Pakistan. Muslims in India may do something out of either choice, or to appease the Hindu majority,it doesn't make it the standard operating procedure for other Muslims though.

Genetic disorders associated to cousin marriages are a MYTH, created by those who don't practice it as part of their religion or culture and wish to impose it on others by creating myths. Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam don't regard first cousin marriage as incesst.

"The risk of birth defects in children born to first cousins is increased from a baseline of 3-4 percent to 4-7 percent according to the National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)"

Why Ban Cousin Marriages?
Posted: 01/28/2013 12:53 pm

National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...sin-marriage-much-possible.html#ixzz2aNibckaC

Please don't try that in the United States. Abrahamic religion or not, they will still haul your behind to jail in many states for pulling that crap. Also, how can you call something a myth when you've have clearly posted the percentage increase in genetic defects with regards to first cousins?
That is a near DOUBLING of the risk of birth defects!

Birth is not a problem these days. There are many ways to give birth. New inventions........
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That is a near DOUBLING of the risk of birth defects! What are you trying to say here?

What makes you say that?

And the argument is not the % of risk taking but the myths that fly around regarding the frightening rate of birth defects as well as if it is allowed or not as a matter of theology. The above % of risk of birth defects is recorded after cousin marriages are practiced over a long period of time which is next to impossible in the modern world.
Islam doesn't forbid marriage between, first cousins and it is a widely done practice in Pakistan. Muslims in India may do something out of either choice, or to appease the Hindu majority,it doesn't make it the standard operating procedure for other Muslims though.

Genetic disorders associated to cousin marriages are a MYTH, created by those who don't practice it as part of their religion or culture and wish to impose it on others by creating myths. Abrahamic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam don't regard first cousin marriage as incesst.

"The risk of birth defects in children born to first cousins is increased from a baseline of 3-4 percent to 4-7 percent according to the National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)"

Why Ban Cousin Marriages?
Posted: 01/28/2013 12:53 pm

National Society of Genetic Councilors (NSGC)

Why would Muslims in India do cousin marriages to please Hindus? Makes no sense.

Hindu (as a religion) is strictly against family marriages like cousins/sisters etc, and the scientific proof of doubling the chances of birth defects is a pretty damn good reason. There are (some/few) villages in N India where you are not allowed to marry a girl in the same village even because there s a thinking that if you go far back enough, everyone from the same village may have once been one family.
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