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Do not talk to TTP, crush them: Zaid Hamid

Zaid Hamid in his recent interview said something which is very rare to find on the media. He said something opposite to what most of the Pakistani analysts have been saying.

Here's the video.

Few points from his talk:

TTP is desperate for negotiations because they see no future for them now.

TTP has been pushed back to Afghanistan and that's where they are regrouping.

TTP has asked for JI, JUI and PML-N chiefs to be guarantors because they are all anti-Army. JUF chief himself belongs to the same group as TTP.

Talking to TTP will be a suicide for Pakistan.
Kia cheeez he ye Lal Topi....... Army has established many good hospitals, why dont they get this guy checked by some psychiatrist....... If Govt wants to have a dialogue with any one....... why such guys feel itching in their holes...... have they not seen results of "crushing" earliar.....Jawans, and Officers ,which we have lost in this battle are our own brothers.....No more such losses please..... If some one could analyze what happens with hearts of Pakistanis while we see bodies of our soldiers, than peace could have been established a long earlier.....
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First, I am not your boy. Your presumptions are getting the better of you. Suppose I was young enough and that I were your son, then based on your gibberish posts, I would disown you. No kidding. I would not put up with my own father if he said stuff like what you have said. It is priorities man. Priorities.

Stick to what you know best and do not make a fool of yourself on a public forum.

I have no problem with anyone discussing what is wrong with today's muslims. But do not go back to The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Whatever you are trying to say can be said any number of ways without coming across as an arrogant ignoramus. I guarantee that you do not know jack.

Ba Khuda Deewana, Ba Mustafa Hoshiyar Bash!

I do not wish to discuss anything with you. In your state of mind you are not worth 2 minutes of my time.


You are right---when your beliefs are challenged at first---the shock is of disbelief and of anger and nothing abnormal about it---. You can't hide in a closet if your belief is strong and you have conviction---.
Another analysis on TTP.

He says that the target in Pakistan are Army, civilians, Chinese and Srilankans because they are target of India and US.

BTW, in Pakistan who will be living ? Germans ?

TSS: Zaid Hamid and Dr. Shireen Mazari on Rawalpindi Paradeline Attack Part 1 - YouTube


It is very simple---chinese targets are to drive a wedge between pak and china and they have succeeded upto some extent---.

Pakistanis have acted in a despicable manner in this regard----the moment the first chinese was attacked by the TTP----the paks as a nation should have turned on the TTP and their suporters and mercilessly killed them----that would have shown true friendship to china----and the belief of pakistan in their friendship to china----.

Pakistanis have acted in an absolutely pathtic manner when it came to protecting the chinese and taking on the TTP and other associates involved.
@MastanKhan Sir, they don't even stand against killings of their own people, what chance Chinese have. Do you see any protest even by public over various security related issues ?

I think they have got used to of this violence. Its after all a sub-continental attribute.
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@MastanKhan Sir, they don't even stand against killings of their own people, what chance Chinese have. Do you see any protest even by public over various security related issues ?

I think they have got used to of this violence. Its after all a sub-continental attribute.


I will use the chicken analogy over here-----I think I won't----a lot of people will get offended----I have posted that analogy here before----.

My motherland is a characterless nation---how can you let your chinese engineers get abducted just like that---. Wipe out the enemy and those who gave them sanctuary---be pro-active and strike pre-emptive on whomsoever is thinking of making a strike----but these pathtic souls can't even protect their billion dollar assets how can they protect few human bodies.
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My motherland is a characterless nation---how can you let your chinese engineers get abducted just like that---.-but these pathtic souls can't even protect their billion dollar assets how can they protect few human bodies.

The people on both sides - the good guys and the bad guys - they are the same guys, if you follow my meaning
I agree with Zaid Hamid that TTP should be crushed..But that can never be done by lashing out lies of outside handlers and financiers and portraying them as mercenaries of US,UK,India,Israel etc,the way zaid hamid usually does.They should be countered for what they really are-fully knowing their real motivating factors and their twisted ideolgy..But people like zaid hamid will never talk about such things,may be because of the fear of including pak army(for their assistance to US wot,providing transit and even secret drone bases to US) or Islam(whose twisted interpretations TTP is justifying their fights on)in the blame.They may find solace in thinking ttp simply as some foreign mercenaries but such an attitude is never gonna defeat TTP and their ideology.
TTP talks: Legitimising terror

The annual report of Human Rights Watch (2013) on Pakistan reads exactly the same as the ones published before it. Only the brutality of those involved in the killings and the apathy of those observing has increased tenfold. Apart from that, the report has nothing ‘positive’ to report from Pakistan.

The reason why there is nothing ‘positive’ in the report reflects the fact that our state continues to move backwards, learning nothing from past mistakes.

If learning was the case, the recent offer of talks by the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), who have single-handedly ruined thousands of lives in Pakistan, would have been refused by the state immediately.

As it is, we are already in a state of war with the Taliban, who continue to attack children, students, teachers, journalists, minorities, and any one who does not accept or follow their brand of Islam.

To be precise, it is progression and a progressive mindset that the Taliban and likeminded groups are against. I felt it necessary to spell it out because it is important to understand, that militants are against each one of us, including every ideology or sect that they feel threatened from.

In 2012, militants killed around 325 people from the Shia sect, shot a student Malala Yousafzai, apart from torching over a hundred schools in different areas of Pakistan. This is not all, as there are countless other incidents where shrines have been attacked, apart from the ruthless targeting of the Pakistani police. Verve and confidence are not lacking in these people at all, as after every attack that destroys a home, a family or a school, the militants have openly taken responsibility for their actions.

And now they want to hold talks with the government and have chosen guarantors, whose selection does not come as a surprise either.

What is surprising, however, is the meek response of the state. For years our country has been dangling in the middle about how to properly negotiate with the Taliban. But the question that arises after what our society has gone through over the decade is: do we really need to negotiate with the Taliban? If yes, then on what basis?

It would be better for the state to acknowledge once and for all that we are at war with militants and work towards eliminating the menace, rather than appeasing them.

In this context, it would be better to look at how Sri Lanka dealt with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). From its formation in 1983 till 2009, LTTE was known for its massacres over ethnicity, suicide bombings and guerilla warfare.

Seven years before being defeated by the army in May 2009, LTTE was running a mini-state in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Though the war took over a hundred thousand lives in Sri Lanka, the country’s military defeated one of the most ruthless insurgents.

Counter insurgencies are always ugly in practice but is it uglier than what Pakistanis go through on a daily basis?

TTP talks: Legitimising terror | Blog | DAWN.COM
whats new??he wants to kill everybody..although its not a bad idea in this regard
TTP is desperate for negotiations because they see no future for them now.

TTP has been pushed back to Afghanistan and that's where they are regrouping.

TTP has asked for JI, JUI and PML-N chiefs to be guarantors because they are all anti-Army. JUF chief himself belongs to the same group as TTP.

Without any doubt, these points are 100% realistic.
BIG FAT LIE I remember one of his (Mashkhara) video where he supported some terrorists who later join TTP. He supported there ideology.
Who ever is talking about fighting TTp are not on US pay list because to fight TTP is against US interest , when you are going to achieve all you mention below when you don't have TTP so he is talking sense.

TTP have repeatedly issued threats against the Pakistani government for working with the U.S. They have targeted our convoys on more than one occasion. They clearly see our nations as a common threat to their dangerous agenda. Anybody who thinks that the U.S. would support a terrorist organization like the TTP is simply mistaken. We’ve already lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. We will continue the fight until our shared peace objectives are accomplished. In fact, the statement from Richard G. Olson, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, even clarifies our stance on the peace negotiations: “The end result of any process must be that the Taliban end violence, break ties with al Qaeda and accept Afghanistan’s Constitution. If this happens, we believe the Taliban can be a part of Afghanistan’s future.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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