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Do not talk to TTP, crush them: Zaid Hamid

First clean the house with bleach/chloro:

ISLAMABAD: Text books in Pakistani schools foster prejudice and intolerance of Hindus and other religious minorities, while most teachers view non-Muslims as ”enemies of Islam,” according to a study by a US government commission released on Wednesday.

‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’ | DAWN.COM

Bacha bagal me dandora shahar me.......
Do not skirt the issue. I have no problem with what you say. I can place in some sort of context. I have problem with your unwarranted flights of fancy. Somebody has to put you right once in a while.

The problems with Muslims today can be discussed in a calm and controlled manner. There are multiple POVs. Why did you include prophet (p.b.u.h)'s name in your sorry tale of misplaced woe? That I can not overlook.


But that is what you are going to see when you get to the other side----this side is only temporary---that is eternal---and there you will find out that it was not your job or honor to protect the name of the prophet---.

You see---in your madness---you can do nothing more than but to kill me---mutilate my dead body---light it on fire---tie it to a rope and drag it on the streets---to satisfy your blood lust---all in the name of prophet Mohammad---but then nobody has informed you the price that Prophet Mohammad has to pay every day in front of His Lord---because of the atrocities committed by the likes of you in His name---.

Now don't get me wrong---the Lord asks this question of Christ as well----He sayeth---Jesus---look what your followers are doing----and the christ replies----My Lord---don't blame me---look what they did to me when I was alive---they put stakes thru my palms and stretched and impaled me on a cross----then they broke my ankles and put stakes thru my limbs on the cross and stuck them to the wood---they ripped my body apart with thorns and let me hang in pain and agony till I died of pain starvation dehydration and heat.

Now don't get me wrong----The Lord turns to Moses---and Says---Moses---look what your folowers are doingto my creation---so much destruction and death on my weak and poor and suffering---how could they forget that they were the meek and the weak a few days ago----and Moses replies----don't blame me my Lord---don't you remember---when I came and visited you for a few days---they had already rejected me and my teachings and your guidance---and they had created their own gods and started worshipping them----all in the shortest possible time---so how can I take the blame for their doings after such a long time----.

Think my boy think---.
First, I am not your boy. Your presumptions are getting the better of you. Suppose I was young enough and that I were your son, then based on your gibberish posts, I would disown you. No kidding. I would not put up with my own father if he said stuff like what you have said. It is priorities man. Priorities.

Stick to what you know best and do not make a fool of yourself on a public forum.

I have no problem with anyone discussing what is wrong with today's muslims. But do not go back to The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Whatever you are trying to say can be said any number of ways without coming across as an arrogant ignoramus. I guarantee that you do not know jack.

Ba Khuda Deewana, Ba Mustafa Hoshiyar Bash!

I do not wish to discuss anything with you. In your state of mind you are not worth 2 minutes of my time.
Zaid Hamid had always been against the TTP. There is nothig new here.

He always invented some weird and absurd conspiracy theory blaming USA, India and Israel for the TTP.

If he wants to destory the TTP, shouldn't the sponsors of the TTP meet the same fate, namely, USA, India and Israel.

This question needs to be posed to the great Zaid Hamid. :D
Even though i agree with ZH on this issue, i do maintain that only a military operation backed by strong political backup will give us the results we need.

Military operations can not eradicate ideology or mindset of talibans. A long term policy is needed to eliminate religous extremism from pakistan. Control mullah and reform madrassas and remove problametic content from pakistani text books....
And pakistan army should also stop nourishing so called "good talibans".
@Monkey D Luffy This is what many people don't understand. One can kill the terrorist but ideology can't be killed. We have same problem in Naxal region.

We have started two prong strategy. First, hunt down terrorists and also keep a door for surrender. And on other hand, provide education, employment, security etc., economic development in the region where people are not happy with govt. They started revolting because State didn't concentrated on Poverty, Denial of Rights, Oppression by political elites etc.

One can keep cutting branches for years,, but to get rid of an ideology, one has to uproot the tree. For that one has to cut the roots.

You are right about these things you proposed. People need to be educated and provided with alternate form of security, law and order, economic opportunities and bring them in Mainstream society.

Problem Pakistan has now is that due to lack of education, brain washing, lack of law and order etc. have made people vulnerable to terrorists. If govt. come to kill those terrorists, economic development and social measures can't be taken at that time. This will fuel more anger among people and they will join the extremists.

Social conditioning and changing mindset of a region's population is time consuming and needs patience. But its the only way to get rid of these problems.

Unless it isn't tackled the way Indian State is trying in Naxalite areas, you are going to have similar insurgencies like we had for decades.

We learned from our mistakes and we try to use similar strategy now for many regions.
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Dont Just Crush them 1st cut their fingers hands beat the Sht out of them :D then take their Hearts heads and other stuff cook it and then made them eat their fellow Ttp brothers :D =)) so on and on :D cz lato ke bhoot baton se nhi mante :D
I support Zaid Hamid and salute him for his outspoken criticism of Pakistani Taliban. I have always said that Pak Army should show no mercy to Pakistani Taliban ( TTP ) animals. Kill them where you find them.

I like this man but completely disagree with him here Pakistan have to talk to these guys because more than 90 % of them are our own people looking for revenge as their families have been killed in Army operations and USA is talking to Afghan Taliban if we don't and this war continue and USA runs away we will be in far bigger disasterous position and we will loose really badly so we need to talk to our own tribals who have turned against us bring Ulemas in implement Shariat and than those who still don't listen ask tribals to take on them and they will destroy them withing one week

But @Zarvan Bhai, TTP have been killing Tribal leaders too.
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This war with TTP has been going on for more than 8 years therefore there most be someone i.e. foreign elements who have been funding and arming them to teeth.

NOT the best statement from Zaid Hamid. The U.S is withdrawing it's troops and military equipment. This is Pakistan's advantage. They can do their thing after foreign forces leave. Right now it's better to shut the f**k up

You are either on a lookup for Viagra or Lookup for Zaid Hamid. There is no third option! Otherwise what normal person (Genital Wise) would google or search Viagra on the internet and if it is the later then, now the theory that says "Indians are f*ckin obsessed with zaid hamid" is really becomming a fact!
I support Zaid Hamid and salute him for his outspoken criticism of Pakistani Taliban. I have always said that Pak Army should show no mercy to Pakistani Taliban ( TTP ) animals. Kill them where you find them.

But @Zarvan Bhai, TTP have been killing Tribal leaders too.
Sir most of Tribal are against you now whole of tribes have joined TTP because of your blunders and operations in which thousands and thousands of tribals were killed unless you stop killing them they will not stop hitting back they never accept defeated and that is the reason no one has ever defeated them
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@Monkey D Luffy This is what many people don't understand. One can kill the terrorist but ideology can't be killed. We have same problem in Naxal region.



Ideologies based on fanaticism and religion are different than those based on ethnicity and natioalism. Where as the religious and ideologies terror based can be crushed but not the nationalistic---.

That is why time is of utmost importance in crushing a fanatic / terroristic ideology---3 to 6 months at the most---start and don't finish till the last leader and soldiers are dead---and no talks of peace---muslims are recommended a read of their islamic history---other ethnic groups can look deeper into their own history---.

Fanatics / terrorists---religious fundos---they are no one's brothers---they don't look at you as equals---they just look at you as a convenience to be used---your emotions manipulated till they turn on you---.
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