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Do Indian men lack respect for women?


Exactly... and whats the point in blaming a religion for a crime that happens across the globe... don't Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religions contribute equally in this crime?
Despite the language used above i cannot help but agree with your comments.

Its a sign of the times. We have reached a stage where sons do not respect their father - another woman is a far cry.

This I may add is not confined to India alone.

Materialism , media & the high which money gives is to blame . Add to this is the fact that rapid expansion of cities brings the need for workers - Drivers, domestic help, labourers etc all of who see society so far removed from the rural environment they come from that they feel this is the right thing to do.

Lastly ,inefficient and corrupt Police & lax law enforcement worsens things.

Very right when people belittle values terming these backwardness, when people present gayism as normal norm the society drifts towards more chaotic behavior.


Exactly... and whats the point in blaming a religion for a crime that happens across the globe... don't Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other religions contribute equally in this crime?

unfortunately NO one including Indians never say that Christians raps women when it comes to rape ratio/incidents in the west but everyone including west will use Hindu/Muslims term to such crimes.

Absolutely nothing to do with the religion

kindly elaborate the bold part..

There is NO need to elaborate.

You simply want to see a movie with more skin exposing scenes than movies like Chennai express calling bokwass :P
Women are considered a commodity throughout the world and that's the main issue.

It has NOTHING to do with one nationality

Though i agree with the statement that "it has nothing to do with nationality" , i can say quite confident its not true "through out the world" ...

Only last week my friend got beaten up for trying to ask few rowdies not to harass a girl , the girl got away but he faced all the punches,.... these things don't come on TV .. not all of us are evil... Many in the forum itself would rather die than harass or rape a women ...
This a CNN report you twits not my words - I wrote the last two lines questioning the logic behind your constant criticism of Islam based on what you consider to be exploitation of women (yet the author gives references to your books which seemingly go far beyond Burqa and completely demonize women).

And it matters a lot, firstly the said books were written during some ancient glorious India which had no social evils and was a beacon of humanity (According to you). Secondly you simply can not deny the impact of such writing on Indians.

Oh CNN report,great credibility indeed,so many indologists fail time and again in their grasp of agenda and propaganda.

There is no impact upon us,re react because otherwise in this world,this ll be taken as the truth etched ins tone and we have to face this question everywhere we go.
Though i agree with the statement that "it has nothing to do with nationality" , i can say quite confident its not true "through out the world" ...

Only last week my friend got beaten up for trying to ask few rowdies not to harass a girl , the girl got away but he faced all the punches,.... these things don't come on TV .. not all of us are evil... Many in the forum itself would rather die than harass or rape a women ...

is stand by my statement. The incident you narrated , I see such ones often in my city. STILL the fact is that Throughout the WORLD women face same crimes at the hands of men
I would like to play devil's advocate here and am ready for the brickbats. Including bringing my mom and my sisters (who I do not have) in.

India has an extremely unnatural attitude towards sex. Unnatural for humans, and definitely unnatural for us as a civilization with a rich sexually adventurous and pioneering history.

Our present attitudes towards women and sex are deeply colored by the past 1000 odd years of foreign rule. It is not endemic to us as a people.

So I believe we are way too prudish and our women way to coquettish for our (and their) own good.

If Indian women put out more, and be more chilled and comfortable with their bodies and sexuality, there would not be the amount of regressed sexual tension and hormonal mayhem the Indian men suffer from.
@Spring Onion ... nobody blamed hindus/muslims for rapes.. they bamed Indian culture for it,... and yes.. blame does go to Indian culture.. which is patriarchial and backward.

And western culture is forward ? i should remind you at rapes in India are 1.8 to 100000 while rapes in U.S are 27 to 100000 ..
Also considering the fact that the Rapes being reported in THE U.S is actually lower than that of India....I can provide you with links and proof if you want .

It has nothing to do with Indian Culture , Yes some of the systems like Caste system and Sati is backward , but that does not mean you generalize Indian Culture itself as being backward...
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Oh CNN report,great credibility indeed,so many indologists fail time and again in their grasp of agenda and propaganda.

There is no impact upon us,re react because otherwise in this world,this ll be taken as the truth etched ins tone and we have to face this question everywhere we go.

There can be propaganda part but unfortunately there is great truth in crimes against women in every society including Indian one.

If you think its a propaganda then go and refute it

India a traveller's heaven, a woman's hell: American student

WASHINGTON: Back from a study trip to India last year, a Chicago university student recalls it as a visit full of adventures and beauty but also relentless sexual harassment, groping and worse.

In a powerful account posted on CNN iReport under the username RoseChasm, Michaela Cross says upon her return, she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and is now on a mental leave of absence from the school after a public breakdown in the spring.

Her story "India: The Story You Never Wanted to Hear" has struck a chord around the world, racking up more than 800,000 page views as of Wednesday morning, CNN reported.

Cross, a fair-skinned, red-haired South Asian studies major, who left India a few days before the deadly gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi, said that helped others understand what she and her classmates went through.

On her return, Cross struggled to find a way to talk about a cultural experience that was both beautiful and traumatizing, CNN cited her as saying in her essay.

She writes: "Do I tell them about our first night in the city of Pune, when we danced in the Ganesha festival, and leave it at that? Or do I go on and tell them how the festival actually stopped when the American women started dancing, so that we looked around to see a circle of men filming our every move?

"Do I tell them about bargaining at the bazaar for beautiful saris costing a few dollars a piece, and not mention the men who stood watching us, who would push by us, clawing at our breasts and groins?

"When people compliment me on my Indian sandals, do I talk about the man who stalked me for 45 minutes after I purchased them, until I yelled in his face in a busy crowd?"

"How it feels to be a woman in India"

Later, she writes: "For three months I lived this way, in a travellers' heaven and a woman's hell. I was stalked, groped, masturbated at; and yet I had adventures beyond my imagination. I hoped that my nightmare would end at the tarmac, but that was just the beginning."

A university spokesman confirmed to CNN that Cross is a student at the school, but would not comment on her mental leave. He said the school is committed to students's safety at home and abroad.

The news channel quoted Cross as saying she didn't say anything to the professors on the trip until things reached "a boiling point" - what she called two rape attempts in 48 hours.

India a traveller's heaven, a woman's hell: American student - The Times of India
And western culture is forward ? i should remind you at rapes in India are 1.8 to 100000 while rapes in U.S are 27 to 100000 ..
Also considering the fact that the Rapes being reported in THE U.S is actually lower than that of India....I can provide you with links and proof if you want .

It has nothing to do with Indian Culture , Yes some of the systems like Caste system and Sati is backward , but that does not mean you generalize Indian Culture itself as being backward...

the plain truth is women have better rights and life in west... and rape statistics should be taken with pinch of salt..
as in west, people feel confident to report rape... in India... most are afraid.

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