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Do Indian men lack respect for women?

Its very common in India. Many high profile cases as well. Divorce in India is heavily favoring the woman. And takes ages and money. Not as simple as in Islamic sharia. This is a convenient bypass.

In Bangladesh we impose heavy tax on polygamists...first marriage=free...second marriage=you wont have enough to feed yourself let alone your wife.....Polygamy is really rare!You need to change your divorce laws and polygamy laws.
in 2010 a guy from Gazipur married a women without permission from first wife.....The first wife first castrated him with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping and then stabbed him to death...IMHO this should be made legal!
man... you will need to read some of the research done on rape... and the reason.... sexual urge is not the primary reason.

The rape about power spiel? Maybe true in war zones.

In New Delhi or any similar Indian city, post 9 p.m., it is ALL about sex.
In Bangladesh we impose heavy tax on polygamists...first marriage=free...second marriage=you wont have enough to feed yourself let alone your wife.....Polygamy is really rare!You need to change your divorce laws and polygamy laws.
in 2010 a guy from Gazipur married a women without permission from first wife.....The first wife first castrated him with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping and then stabbed him to death...IMHO this should be made legal!
lolz.. no I would not like killing each other.... hehe

Either make it only 1 wife at a time.. or leave it to free will of people... if somebody want to marry 5 .. why not.
man... you will need to read some of the research done on rape... and the reason.... sexual urge is not the primary reason.

Really? you guys think that rape is THE ONLY thing in the lack of respect category ?!?!
In Bangladesh we impose heavy tax on polygamists...first marriage=free...second marriage=you wont have enough to feed yourself let alone your wife.....Polygamy is really rare!You need to change your divorce laws and polygamy laws.
in 2010 a guy from Gazipur married a women without permission from first wife.....The first wife first castrated him with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping and then stabbed him to death...IMHO this should be made legal!

That is why I never sleep overnight with a strange girl. Best to drop them home or to the hostel. I sleep alone and like my testicles safe that way Mrs. Bobbit.
lolz.. no I would not like killing each other.... hehe

Either make it only 1 wife at a time.. or leave it to free will of people... if somebody want to marry 5 .. why not.

and then we have harassment, rape, and whatever you can imagine in that category...
In Bangladesh we impose heavy tax on polygamists...first marriage=free...second marriage=you wont have enough to feed yourself let alone your wife.....Polygamy is really rare!You need to change your divorce laws and polygamy laws.
in 2010 a guy from Gazipur married a women without permission from first wife.....The first wife first castrated him with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping and then stabbed him to death...IMHO this should be made legal!
maybe the neutering part!!
That is why I never sleep overnight with a strange girl. Best to drop them home or to the hostel. I sleep alone and like my testicles safe that way Mrs. Bobbit.

Get one of those medieval metal underwares...Password protected....just don't forget the password!
I heard Dr. Israr Ahmad saying It is not necessary to ask permission from your 1st wive if you want to marry another!
maybe the neutering part!!

That shows a sadistic streak.

Maybe we should also make it legal for men to lop off parts of their sleeping wives for burning the chapatis over dinner?

I avoided specifics to avoid an infraction. You should get it pretty easily though.
That shows a sadistic streak.

Maybe we should also make it legal for men to lop off parts of their sleeping wives for burning the chapatis over dinner?

I avoided specifics to avoid an infraction. You should get it pretty easily though.

Wow...talk about supporting cheaters! You gonna compare burning of chapati over a cheat?! Really? BTW, I was joking.. but really?! :rolleyes:
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