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Do I have the right to remain Ahmadi?

can any pakistani who says ahmedis as non muslims respond to this curious case. I understand there are some minimum critera to call oneself muslim (repeated here many times) but saudis are no fools to allow them. @Leader

what is your question?
For OP. IF saudi authorites found out you are Ahmadi, would

they stop you from hajj or Umrah? IIRC, Ahmadi/Mirzaai's are also considered non muslims by Saudi Arabia.

The Ahmadi jamat leader claimed he is Mahdi, then he claimed he is incarnation of Jesus (PBUH) and ultimately he claimed a prophethood. Pray tell us, as per Quran and Hadith, claiming prophethood after prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will make you muslim or what? And the people who follow the believes of such so called Prophet would be considered muslim or not?

Taking cue from history, Why First caliph of Muslims Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) fought against such false prophets? instead of tolerating them?

Jesus would come at end of times to fight Dajjal along side Mahdi and worldwide peace would be establish after their arrival. This is what Quran and Hadith tells us. If a person claiming Jesus and still world is in chaos. I can only sigh at his claim

Not that but the part of Jesus visiting India, because there is no mention of Jesus in his young age to when he was 30 plus St Thomas the apostle of Jesus landed in Kerala and those times the ancient seat of learning was located in Nalanda where Egyptions, Tibetians used to come study.

But everyone is waiting for the last someone, in the Hindu and Buddhist texts it speaks of the final avatar Kalki who will come in the end times and Shias waiting for Mahdi :rolleyes: same as in the coming of 2nd Christ etc
so I can go there as muslim? :devil:

I am not very knowledgeable on this but, I think it would not be too difficult if you learn their traditions not to make it too obvious. FYI no non Muslim can visit Mecca and Medina (not just the holy sites, the whole cities), so it they found out you can say goodbye to your head. Also you might need a fake passport as your name might not be Islamic. :lol:
sir jee same like others

shia believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
sunni believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
deobandi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
brelvi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
aghakhani believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
ahl hadees believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
quranists believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
pervezi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
ismaili believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
salfi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
arudiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Butriyah / Hurariyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Hanafiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Kamiliyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Baqiriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Mubarikiyahbelieves that rest of the muslims are misguided
Hashamiya / Taraqibiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Younasiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Azraqiah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Sufriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Khazimiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Bashriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Murdariyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Jahiziayh believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Khaiyatiyah / Makhluqiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Jubbaiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Ibriyah. believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Fikriyya believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Tanasikhiya believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Ahadiyahbelieves that rest of the muslims are misguided
so AHMIDYAH ALSO believes that rest of the muslims are misguided

so on................................................... whats new

wallahi habibi, itnay naam.... I dont know anything about these groups. so I cannot comment..

For OP. IF saudi authorites found out you are Ahmadi, would

they stop you from hajj or Umrah? IIRC, Ahmadi/Mirzaai's are also considered non muslims by Saudi Arabia.

The Ahmadi jamat leader claimed he is Mahdi, then he claimed he is incarnation of Jesus (PBUH) and ultimately he claimed a prophethood. Pray tell us, as per Quran and Hadith, claiming prophethood after prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will make you muslim or what? And the people who follow the believes of such so called Prophet would be considered muslim or not?

Taking cue from history, Why First caliph of Muslims Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) fought against such false prophets? instead of tolerating them?

Jesus would come at end of times to fight Dajjal along side Mahdi and worldwide peace would be establish after their arrival. This is what Quran and Hadith tells us. If a person claiming Jesus and still world is in chaos. I can only sigh at his claim

I think his first claim was prophethood, then Mehdi and finally second coming of Jesus aka Messiah..
bbbuuuurrrrr Punjabbbbiiiii ....................acha sorry :D
wallahi habibi, itnay naam.... I dont know anything about these groups. so I cannot comment..

نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ یہود 71 فرقوں میں تقسیم ہوئے، عیسائی 72 فرقوں میں تقسیم ہوئے تھے اور میری امت تہتر(73) فرقوں میں تقسیم ہو گی، ان میں سے ایک کے سوا سب کے سب فرقے جہنمی ہوں گے اور وہ ناجی فرقہ ،وہ ہو گا جو میرے اور میرے صحابہ کی راہ پر ہو گا
I am not very knowledgeable on this but, I think it would not be too difficult if you learn their traditions not to make it too obvious. FYI no non Muslim can visit Mecca and Medina (not just the holy sites, the whole cities), so it they found out you can say goodbye to your head. Also you might need a fake passport as your name might not be Islamic. :lol:

You are wrong. Non muslims can visit makkah, but there are limit up to which place they can go. There is a limit beyond which non muslims can't go.

Anyways Mahdi is not a shia concept. It's a Muslim concept
my question was if saudis consider them as muslim why cant pakistan.

I dont know if they consider or not...


نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے کہ یہود 71 فرقوں میں تقسیم ہوئے، عیسائی 72 فرقوں میں تقسیم ہوئے تھے اور میری امت تہتر(73) فرقوں میں تقسیم ہو گی، ان میں سے ایک کے سوا سب کے سب فرقے جہنمی ہوں گے اور وہ ناجی فرقہ ،وہ ہو گا جو میرے اور میرے صحابہ کی راہ پر ہو گا

shut up jew ! :lol:
I am not very knowledgeable on this but, I think it would not be too difficult if you learn their traditions not to make it too obvious. FYI no non Muslim can visit Mecca and Medina (not just the holy sites, the whole cities), so it they found out you can say goodbye to your head. Also you might need a fake passport as your name might not be Islamic. :lol:
have you seen some bangladeshi names ..rajiv aslam ... :lol:
wallahi habibi, itnay naam.... I dont know anything about these groups. so I cannot comment..

I think his first claim was prophethood, then Mehdi and finally second coming of Jesus aka Messiah..
bbbuuuurrrrr Punjabbbbiiiii ....................acha sorry :D

Bhang can do wonders to a punjabi ;)
I dont know if they consider or not...

shut up jew ! :lol:
ربّ اِک گُنجھلدار بُجھارت
ربّ اِک گورکھ دھندہ
کھولن لگیاں پیچ ایس دے
کافر ہو جائے بندہ
کافر ہونوں در کے جیویں
کھوجوں مُول نہ کھُنجیں
لائی لگ مومن دے نالوں
کھوجی کافر چنگا
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