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Do I have the right to remain Ahmadi?

Ahmadi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided and will not have salvation in hereafter, as they dont believe in the ahmadis' true promised messiah...

wallahi habibi Punjabi Messiah...................... Acha Sorry ! :D
are ahmedis allowed to mecca/medina to perform their religious duties?

Not from Pakistan as the Pakistani passport has a religion box but from anywhere across the civilized world Ahmadis annually travel for Hajj.

Jaanbaz there is a Ahmadi mosque nr green lane in East London? I was passing by and saw it. I think Ahmadi people are very educated persons and everyone should be allowed to believe in what they please without fear but thanks to sick wahabis like Zia and the other brainwashed militant group like JUD, LEI plus the hundreds of others they want only their versions of Islam and everything else would be considered kafir to them. Jinnah's dream of a Pakistan where all religions are equal is dead in the water only to be replaced by the mullah brigade.

Thanks mate. There is no Ahmadi mosque in Green Lane. Apart from the smaller ones the main ones in London is the Baitul futuh the largest mosque in Western Europe or the Fazl Mosque opened before first world war.
Not from Pakistan as the Pakistani passport has a religion box but from anywhere across the civilized world Ahmadis annually travel for Hajj.

Thanks mate. There is no Ahmadi mosque in Green Lane. Apart from the smaller ones the main ones in London is the Baitul futuh the largest mosque in Western Europe or the Fazl Mosque opened before first world war.

It is just off green street not green lane sorry lol I seen that Baitful Mosque it is stunning!
Ahmadi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided and will not have salvation in hereafter, as they dont believe in the ahmadis' true promised messiah...

wallahi habibi Punjabi Messiah...................... Acha Sorry ! :D

Only Allah can decide who will go to hell or Heaven. And lets not divert this to the religious debate. We are talking about the state persecution and anti Ahmadiyya laws.
Not from Pakistan as the Pakistani passport has a religion box but from anywhere across the civilized world Ahmadis annually travel for Hajj.
can any pakistani who says ahmedis as non muslims respond to this curious case. I understand there are some minimum critera to call oneself muslim (repeated here many times) but saudis are no fools to allow them. @Leader
It is just off green street not green lane sorry lol I seen that Baitful Mosque it is stunning!

Oh there might be a smaller one somewhere i don't live in London.

can any pakistani who says ahmedis as non muslims respond to this curious case. I understand there are some minimum critera to call oneself muslim (repeated here many times) but saudis are no fools to allow them.

Ironically we are followers of mini Dajjal(Anti Christ) according to anti ahmadiyya yet we can enter Mecca and Medina.:lol:
Only Allah can decide who will go to hell or Heaven. And lets not divert this to the religious debate. We are talking about the state persecution and anti Ahmadiyya laws.

the objective of Ahmadiya jamat is to establish Khilafat in Pakistan. I think the State has been inactive much, Ahmadiyya jamaat is cult that wants to topple the State system... what laws do you suggest ?

p.s edited by leader
Actually I was reading about what Ahmadis believe it is quite interesting especially the thing about Jesus but I won't go there as it will open a can of worms ;)

However I disagree when they said Lord Kalki is infact the messenger of the Ahmadis and their spiritual leader but hey each to their own. I mean in UK we have people who believe in the Jedi religion :enjoy: they can put that down on the official forms and be treated as equals.
the objective of Ahmadiya jamat is to establish Khilafat in Pakistan. I think the State has been inactive much, being Ahmadi is cult that wants to topple the State system... what punishment do you suggest ?

What are you smoking bro? Ahmadiyya Khalifat system does not seek political power. There are many Ahmadi MPs in UK. Second governor General of Gambia was Ahmadi too yet Ahmadi Khalifas never interfered in politics. There are many Ahmadis MPs and ministers in Ghana yet Ahmadiyya Khalifa does not dictate to them what they should do in politics.
Ahmadi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided and will not have salvation in hereafter, as they dont believe in the ahmadis' true promised messiah...

wallahi habibi Punjabi Messiah...................... Acha Sorry ! :D
sir jee same like others

shia believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
sunni believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
deobandi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
brelvi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
aghakhani believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
ahl hadees believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
quranists believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
pervezi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
ismaili believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
salfi believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
arudiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Butriyah / Hurariyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Hanafiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Kamiliyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Baqiriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Mubarikiyahbelieves that rest of the muslims are misguided
Hashamiya / Taraqibiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Younasiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Azraqiah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Sufriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Khazimiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Bashriyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Murdariyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Jahiziayh believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Khaiyatiyah / Makhluqiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Jubbaiyah believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Ibriyah. believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Fikriyya believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Tanasikhiya believes that rest of the muslims are misguided
Ahadiyahbelieves that rest of the muslims are misguided
so AHMIDYAH ALSO believes that rest of the muslims are misguided

so on................................................... whats new
For OP. IF saudi authorites found out you are Ahmadi, would

they stop you from hajj or Umrah? IIRC, Ahmadi/Mirzaai's are also considered non muslims by Saudi Arabia.

The Ahmadi jamat leader claimed he is Mahdi, then he claimed he is incarnation of Jesus (PBUH) and ultimately he claimed a prophethood. Pray tell us, as per Quran and Hadith, claiming prophethood after prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will make you muslim or what? And the people who follow the believes of such so called Prophet would be considered muslim or not?

Taking cue from history, Why First caliph of Muslims Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) fought against such false prophets? instead of tolerating them?

Actually I was reading about what Ahmadis believe it is quite interesting especially the thing about Jesus but I won't go there as it will open a can of worms ;)

However I disagree when they said Lord Kalki is infact the messenger of the Ahmadis and their spiritual leader but hey each to their own. I mean in UK we have people who believe in the Jedi religion :enjoy: they can put that down on the official forms and be treated as equals.

Jesus would come at end of times to fight Dajjal along side Mahdi and worldwide peace would be establish after their arrival. This is what Quran and Hadith tells us. If a person claiming Jesus and still world is in chaos. I can only sigh at his claim
can any pakistani who says ahmedis as non muslims respond to this curious case. I understand there are some minimum critera to call oneself muslim (repeated here many times) but saudis are no fools to allow them. @Leader

How would the Saudis know if they are Ahmadis or not? The passport of most countries don't mention your religion.
What are you smoking bro? Ahmadiyya Khalifat system does not seek political power. There are many Ahmadi MPs in UK. Second governor General of Gambia was Ahmadi too yet Ahmadi Khalifas never interfered in politics. There are many Ahmadis MPs and ministers in Ghana yet Ahmadiyya Khalifa does not dictate to them what they should do in politics.

so what do you exist for, what kind of khilafat do you want to establish in Pakistan that your abba/hazur rants about every other day? and do you really think that Ahmediyya cult when in majority anywhere, wont pursue political power? come on.. look at moulana fazlu, he begs for power... if your ahmadiyya cult is strong enough like Fazlu, believe me you are so fanatically religious that your religious leaders would be no less than Fazlu in character !
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