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Do Chinese celebrate Christmas?

I heard that the actual and potential number of Christians exceeds that of Communists in China these years.

I'm not sure of the numbers but from what I hear it is increasing..but not for the reasons you'd expect (and not exactly because of "enlightenment"). It is because as a percentage of the population is getting older they are beginning to think of their mortality. In previous generations the population wasn't overly exposed to the outside worlds strong feelings on religion. Now being exposed to all this they suddenly realize that if (and I stress if) there is some kind of Godlike being and they are going to be judged - they at least should be somewhat prepared. No use being caught completely off-guard! So hey if you have the time get some religion..and hedge your bets against the small chance there is eternal damnation...why not.
I'm not sure of the numbers but from what I hear it is increasing..but not for the reasons you'd expect (and not exactly because of "enlightenment"). It is because as a percentage of the population is getting older they are beginning to think of their mortality. In previous generations the population wasn't overly exposed to the outside worlds strong feelings on religion. Now being exposed to all this they suddenly realize that if (and I stress if) there is some kind of Godlike being and they are going to be judged - they at least should be somewhat prepared. No use being caught completely off-guard! So hey if you have the time get some religion..and hedge your bets against the small chance there is eternal damnation...why not.

"Hedging your bets" (Pascal's wager) never made any sense to me, since many of the major religions are exclusive to one another.

If I worship Taoist deities, then by definition I can never get into a Christian heaven, since the First commandment is "You shall have no other God before me".

Not to mention all the idols we have in our homes, like Buddha and Guanyin, which violates the Second commandment "You shall not worship idols".

Ancestor worship is more of a grey area.

Basically, if you are one religion, you can't get into the Heaven of another religion. Jews/Christians/Muslims consider each other as heretics, even some Protestants/Catholics, and certainly Sunni/Shia consider each other, or even smaller sects within their own religious sect as heretics.

Certainly enough, for even members of the same sect of the same religion to kill each other in vast numbers even today.
Certainly enough for even members of the same sect of the same religion to kill each other in vast numbers even today.

I think this is why religion is taking a slide in the US. If there was any kind of judgement you'd have a better chance of pleading ignorance and getting a light sentence than being some staunch heretic and getting the max.
You're mistaken buddy.

There is no Christmas Holiday in China.

I guess you are thinking of HK, which only has a Christmas holiday as a remnant of the colonial era.
HK people are similar to indians with their colonial mindset. Chinese who believe in that bs Christian religion are morons.
I came across in net that Christianity is increasing very fast in China. it has now third largest Christian in world. Is it is true that China is whopping 130 million Christian.
Christianity: China's best bet? - Features - Al Jazeera English

Yes,and it's growing fast.Good for China

It's like a modern day Crusade.

But China will always be majority Atheist. Luckily the CCP has been clamping down on underground churches and other such nonsense.

Stop moaning so much and accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour,the romans were in denial for 350 years also. :P
Chinese government should encourage people to become Buddhist before it is too late.....
Chinese government should encourage people to become Buddhist before it is too late.....

I agree because true Buddhistm is atheist religion and followers are not binded by any religious rules like other major religions. Most important there is no god king or kingdom of god that may poise ideological clash with Beijing.
though jesus is nothing to do with our chinese fellowes
and still many idiots go out for a stupid shopping

Chinese government should encourage people to become uddhisBt before it is too late.....
we are already a true buddist.
I would like to share my thoughts about Christmas and Christ. To me, it's true Jesus Christ have existed, but not as miracle performer but more like a magician. To me, he fooled people into believing he's the son of God. To me, I do not believe he's anymore special than any magician that can perform tricks in todays world. It's also true that in today's world NO, I reapeat, NO magician claims he's God or the Son Of God. Why? Because the world that we live in now have smarter people who can debunk any claims by them. It's also true, if Jesus were to have existed in this modern world, he would have been no more than a simple magician.
Also true, I have nothing to do with Christmas than just another day with the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.
They celebrate it without the religious / Christian elements
vendors celebrate the commercial aspect, its a work day as usual in China. Nothing special.

You can buy fake trees which some families do put up, but obviously not for religious celebration.

Christmas gives the vendor the opportunity to roll out promotion to tie in with the New Years a bit earlier.
I would like to share my thoughts about Christmas and Christ. To me, it's true Jesus Christ have existed, but not as miracle performer but more like a magician. To me, he fooled people into believing he's the son of God. To me, I do not believe he's anymore special than any magician that can perform tricks in todays world. It's also true that in today's world NO, I reapeat, NO magician claims he's God or the Son Of God. Why? Because the world that we live in now have smarter people who can debunk any claims by them. It's also true, if Jesus were to have existed in this modern world, he would have been no more than a simple magician.
Also true, I have nothing to do with Christmas than just another day with the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.

Just wanted to make another point is that Jesus Christ was never mentioned by any historians who lived in that time. He's only mentioned in the bible. Imagine if there was a dude who can walk on water, cure the blind, turn water into wine (his secret ingredient--grape :) ) you think he have more than 12 disciples and be mentioned in other historical text instead of a fairy tale book called The Bible!!!

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