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Do Afghans truly hate Pakistanis?

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New Recruit

Jun 17, 2013
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Hi Everyone,
I'm Fatima and I'm new on this forum :)

I am an Australian Pakistani and for as long I could remember, I've always considered Afghanistan as a country I always defended. My family have always been concerned for Afghanistan as much as we have for Pakistan. I am definitely not of Afghani heritage but when I hear what is hapenning there, it kills me inside.

And then it was only recently when I read on this forum that in fact, Afghanis hate us. I know I'm being a bit overdramatic but I was so hurt by it.
All I truly want is some clarification, is this truly how the country of Afghanistan perceives us, or is it just a few people on here?
And if this is actually true, then why? I thought Afghans and Pakistanis were brothers! Or am I living in a perfect world inside my head?

Thankyou for your time! :)
MOst Afghans I know (in India) blame Pakistan for Talibanization of Afghanistan and the resulting rot in the Afghan society. If i remember the last PEW survey done in Afghanistan, Pakistan came out to be the most hated country
Well madame fatima, this is a very complex question and I think it would better to look at independent sources rather than forum to represent the views of an actual countrie. For example in real life I have never had any problem with folks from other countrie aside from rude americanne once in a while, however on this forum any body can get on your nerves given the day and that may change the perception of the way you view the countrie mon ami. From a neutral perspective( i am from partial pakistanais background so not really :) ) there is a sense of hostility between nationalists of any kind on this forum and particularly the Afghan, which allege that Pakistan supports the Taliban terroriste group and i know this sounds ridiculous but this is their opinion. Likewise some Pakistan posters also allege that an offshoot of Afghanistan taliban terroriste group operates in Pakistan so this is a very complex issue and there is a lot of identities involved. From my study of Jinah, he was able to carve a countrie in the subcontinent but there is still lingering of old loyalty in some members that feel closer to Afghanistan per say. I am not sure but I believe they are of pasthun people, the same ethnic group which forms a majority in Helmand valley and south of that in afghanistan.(also i am not trying to say that this represents all members but there is an identity factor also involved)

Sorry for the long rambling, this is my personal opinion and please madam do take it with a grain of salt as I have not extensively travelled pakistan or the subcontinent per say in extensively Yet ;)

Also welcome to the forum, I hope you are just as much of a defence enthusiast as I am, I recommend the turkie section as you are from australia and i am assuming you are attracted to NATO calibre weapons ;))
There are retards of Farsiwans keeping ultra hate for Pakistan but Pushtoons in majority have still positive thinking for Pakistan.

Don't believe on one of our eastern neighbour country because they are ultra super retards ever against Pakistan.
Most of the Afghans on the internet don't represent the real Afghans, i know a few on PDF are posting from India.

You may be right.... But does that mean they are not from afghanistan????
Most of the Afghans on the internet don't represent the real Afghans, i know a few on PDF are posting from India.

well Indian universities are flooded with Afgan Students...so they might be from some universities
Most Afghans on the internet are actually insecure Hindus, posing as Afghans.

On the ground, some Afghans hate Pakistan while the majority does not.

An Afghan sojourn - DAWN.COM

“Don’t say you’re Pakistani here when people ask you where you’re from”, an Afghan colleague told me on the second day of my research trip to Kabul last year for an international think tank. “Maybe it would be better if you say you’re Indian. Here, people like Indians.” Curious, I asked him why Pakistanis were looked upon with such derision. His answer was one I heard many times whilst working in the country; “they don’t want Afghanistan to do well.”
well most of afghans on net are Indians in disguise but reality is there are many who in real are jealous of pakistan
Hi Everyone,


I'm Fatima and I'm new on this forum :)

Welcome aboard.

I am an Australian Pakistani and for as long I could remember, I've always considered Afghanistan as a country I always defended.

You did the right thing according to what you knew.

My family have always been concerned for Afghanistan as much as we have for Pakistan. I am definitely not of Afghani heritage but when I hear what is hapenning there, it kills me inside.

Afghanistan is in teaters, no doubt the plight of the people there is pitiful.

And then it was only recently when I read on this forum that in fact, Afghanis hate us. I know I'm being a bit overdramatic but I was so hurt by it.

Not ALL afghans hate or love Pakistan. As a matter of fact them as a nation have lost a communal sense of stability which has effected their collective psyche, since they cannot find anyone else to blame they choose to do so on Pakistan....A country that helped them the most.

All I truly want is some clarification, is this truly how the country of Afghanistan perceives us,

When we say Afghans we are talking about a dozen major ethnic groups, Pashtuns, Tajiks,Uzbiks,Hazaras to name a few. They all have different perceptions about Pakistan. Therefore there is no blanket understanding about Pakistan present today in Afghanistan. At best their attitute towards Pakistan is mixed and has changed with time.

or is it just a few people on here?

The ones you see here MOSTLY are from a certain background in Afghanistan who have never been friendly to Pakistan despite our best efforts.

And if this is actually true, then why? I thought Afghans and Pakistanis were brothers! Or am I living in a perfect world inside my head?

Thankyou for your time! :)

They indeed are our brothers and feuds happen even in the most closely knit families. Afghanistan and Pakistan are a borderless country with two different names as a matter of geography. What we must not do is to try to understand the whole country from the eyes of the few.

Best regards.
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