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Dismantling Global White Privilege

Are Greeks white? You look more like an intermediate race between White Europeans and Middle Easterners.

LOL I would place the Greeks as somewhere in between.

Indians fought the whites to get their freedom while Anglo Whites fought the Japanese to give freedom to the Chinese.

Indians work hard to build their economy while Anglo Whites worked hard to build Chinese economy.

Indians work hard to preserve their religion while Chinese gave up their religion to adopt Anglo Saxon white philosophy.

India is a US and Western lackey. Stop patting yourself on the back.
Indians fought the whites to get their freedom while Anglo Whites fought the Japanese to give freedom to the Chinese.

Indians work hard to build their economy while Anglo Whites worked hard to build Chinese economy.

Indians work hard to preserve their religion while Chinese gave up their religion to adopt Anglo Saxon white philosophy.
you guys fought English , nobody deny that , bot you failed to take one very important step and that's fighting the mentality that European and American are better.
fighting that mentality is the hard work
you guys fought English , nobody deny that , bot you failed to take one very important step and that's fighting the mentality that European and American are better.
fighting that mentality is the hard work

Yes white priviledge will decline with the increase of muslim/asian/black/hispanic population throughout Europe and America. Soon minorities will outnumber the whites and then minorities will be treated as equals rather then curious playthings.

Countermeasures are being run by the cia to stop this.

When a society is so evil and barbarian, you have to stop that preferably with immigrant to breed out the evil. So the hope is Hispanic immigration and Muslim immigration would overpopulate the racist warmongering rednecks shown here:

These Americans are glued to watching Faux News and Tucker Carlson and glued to racism.

However, you are operating in a fake world in which the Democrats are trying to make the USA less racist and less warmongering and less evil. When in fact the Democrats are in on it with the Republicans. Democrats led by zionist jewish White House in 2009 could have granted amnesty to illegal immigrants for decades of Democratic control of Congress and the white house with the new voters, yet chose to anger Republicans with Obama Care, which was not free medicine, it was mandated medicine for the benefit of wall street and the health insurance companies. Democrats are owned by wall street and serve the Republican cia.

Things are even worse for the Democrats and the Dems are too happy about this. Hispanics are being driven out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party because the zionist jewish leaders of the Democratic Party promote the political machines that are not inclusive of Hispanics. The Democratic Party is operating with the historic jewish-black alliance, leaving no room for Hispanics to become organic national leaders. No competition by including Hispanics is ever wanted. Hispanics are to be sent to the back of the bus and keep their mouths shut and like it. This is the Democratic Party of 'immigrants'. Ronald Reagan was nicer to immigrants than Democrats today.

So expect more and more immigrants to vote Republican in support the trump war on China because the cia plan for the Democratic Party to lose is initiated.

Biden was supposed to lose, except voters hated the nazi cia-ness of trump and supported biden. There are counter-measures being run during bidens stay in the white house. The cia is using vaccine injury to get moderates to vote Republican.

CGTN did a segment on how vaccine injuries are fake and Mercola is spreading disinfo about vaccines and how Westerners need to line up to get the Pfizer kill shot, I stopped watching CGTN after that:

The only thing the cia needs to do is say how China and the Chinese backed WHO want to kill you with unsafe unproven vaccines. The Chinese state media even went against the science of how this vaccine is unsafe in support of Democrats. This is already happening to the general voting public. The good thing is many in the public are being anti-government due to vaccine injury. However, the Republicans are there to try to steer them to voting Republican.

Link China to failed Democrats. Link immigrants to the Republican Party.

There are many avenues of countermeasures being run by the Dems, Republicans and cia to make sure trump is not defeated again in the next elections and that Republicans win in November. And China is going along with the cia plan. Chinese desire for the next 50 cents, instead of promoting freedom in the world is getting China in trouble again.

There never was 'evil racist white privilege'. There was barbarians doing barbarian things, such as the war/genocide in Iraq.
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you guys fought English , nobody deny that

They never fought English. Everyone will deny that. The British left all their colonies after WWII. The British were tasked to draw India's borders, they did that and left gracefully.
Superpowers decline when they:
Have populations that hate each other and are deeply divided
Massive change in demographics (white minority in the future)
Become obssessed with hedonism, sex and gender etc

America is a few decades from outright war and it will look like this
Anti FA, Liberals, BLM and allies vs Red necks, Trump supporters, conservatives and Neo nazis

Whoever takes control of the military will win and military will soon be hispanic american dominated.

When you were still not yet born.

Anglos control the Indian elites. The Anglos still consider India as a defacto colony of the Anglosphere.

Yes Modi works for the Anglos.

They never fought English. Everyone will deny that. The British left all their colonies after WWII. The British were tasked to draw India's borders, they did that and left gracefully.

Just because Jinnah and Muslim League did not fight for Independence does not mean other Indians did not fight.
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you guys fought English , nobody deny that , bot you failed to take one very important step and that's fighting the mentality that European and American are better.
fighting that mentality is the hard work

Common Indians don't worship the whites but Indian is being ruled by minority Anglo lackeys who fetch votes in the name of being patriotic Indians. Anglos have mastered the art of ruling other countries through their proxies.
Just because Jinnah and Muslim League did not fight for Independence does not mean other Indians did not fight.

Yeah you roaches defeated English so soundly that it resulted in India's Army first 2 chief being the gora General Sir Robert Mcgregor and and the gora General Sir Francis. Even my d*ck's got more IQ than an Indian.

Common Indians don't worship the whites but Indian is being ruled by minority Anglo lackeys who fetch votes in the name of being patriotic Indians. Anglos have mastered the art of ruling other countries through their proxies.

This below does not look like the work of an elusive Anglo lackey elite..



You subhumans worship White. Fact.
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Yeah you defeated English so soundly that it resulted in India's Army first 2 chief being the gora General Sir Robert Mcgregor and and the gora General Sir Francis. Even my d*ck's got more IQ than an Indian.

It was transition period. Last British soldier did not leave India until 1958.

But you miss the point. British may have left India for various combination of the reasons but Indians excluding Muslim league fought for Independence.
Funny to see an Indian saying white privilege must be destroyed when Indians themselves are the greatest worshippers of Anglo whites in the world. Indians will grovel on their knees to seek the approval and validation of the Anglo whites. There is no greater supporter of Anglo whites than Indians.
I would say, on the ground level Indians are more proud of their religion, culture, civilisation and language than the average Chinese. So it would be a good thing for Chinese to be more humble on this.
Just for example, Indians in the West whether floor moppers Or CEOs of mega companies invariably keep their Indian names. Chinese rush to give themselves Western names. For that matter even Chinese in their own land will trade their culture for financial considerations eg Sabrina Wangzhou, Jack Ma, Jet Li, Jacky Chan. You won't find a single Indian in India renaming themselves this way even though they be mired in poverty.
Indians who settled as coolies abroad in the past, in South America, Caribbean, SEA, still maintain their own names, religion and language. Chinese coolies who settled abroad have forsaken everything and today are barely recognisable .
You see the profile pic of member @ hamartia antidote which he deliberately put to spite you? You will never find a website or any organization within ( or without) India that openly solicits whites to dally, and hopefully marry, Indian girls.( such shameful ads are seen in Thailand and Philippines also).
Similarly re dress, culture, tradition Chinese have copied the Whites way more than the Indian.
This is not meant to say Indians doesn't have this weakness. Just that pots shouldn't call the kettle black.
But you miss the point. British may have left India for various combination of the reasons but Indians excluding Muslim league fought for Independence.

That's the point you are missing. There was no fight for independence. British left ALL their colonies after WW2, not only India, without any fight anywhere. It was the War (Germans & Japanese) that weakened the British, not Indians or people of other British colonies.
Chinese rush to give themselves Western names. For that matter even Chinese in their own land will trade their culture for financial considerations eg Sabrina Wangzhou, Jack Ma, Jet Li, Jacky Chan. You won't find a single Indian in India renaming themselves this way even though they be mired in poverty.

Lots of Indians change their names in the West. Case in point, Nikki Haley or Sunny Leone etc.

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