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Disgusting, Suicide leading cause of death for India youths: study

Its honorable to kill yourself then to **** on the street.or at least that's the way Indians think!
Its honorable to kill yourself then to **** on the street.or at least that's the way Indians think!

That's where the problem starts though. You'd have probably heard of people in Asia jumping off the building because they couldn't get into an engineering course at Uni. Well, do something else then? But the expectations society have on them tend to take over. After listening to your old man tell you a zillion times in a single day that you should become an engineer, the particular individual doesn't really consider that there may be other options open to him or there can be other avenues.

That's if you just consider academics or career. There are others who do it for love. I actually know someone who did that. Never could rationalize that one though. Why not just move on and find someone else?
When I'm extremely pleased with myself, I don't say ''disgusting''. But to each their own.

Its honorable to kill yourself then to **** on the street.or at least that's the way Indians think!

Too many madrassah products try to tell me how I think. Then they don that vest of theirs and free some of their own people from the extreme identity crisis.

They're killing themselves because their Indian, no pride in being such a thing. A thousand years of foreign rule does lead to ongoing malignant effects, including but not limited to suicide.

I also wish a thousand years of foreign rule would lead a to sense of pride and gloating in me like it does in you. But we are cursed with the idea of shame you see.
the problem with most middle and lower middle class family is that they are into the same rat maze that they opt for loan every time they run out of cash. they don't keep track of their expence and cut out the extra expence they are into. besides a lot of lazzness or lack of interest to live for the next geneartion and work hard to get some extra wage is not being taken as an option and the easy way out of debt is to kill the entire family

What you say me true, a lot of them doesn't went into debt bcs they are lazy..for some their business failed or had incurable diseases and went into debt treating them etc etc.
Too many madrassah products try to tell me how I think. Then they don that vest of theirs and free some of their own people from the extreme identity crisis..
No my boy,your actions reflect exactly what you think!
No my boy,your actions reflect exactly what you think!

My actions, yes right now I scratched my head in disbelief, and that action reflects I think I am talking to a real low quality dimwit right now.

Hey, you were right.

Now do continue posting inanities and keep proving me right. Bye :wave:
When I'm extremely pleased with myself, I don't say ''disgusting''. But to each their own.

Too many madrassah products try to tell me how I think. Then they don that vest of theirs and free some of their own people from the extreme identity crisis.

I also wish a thousand years of foreign rule would lead a to sense of pride and gloating in me like it does in you. But we are cursed with the idea of shame you see.

Talking about youths here, not suicide bombers and terrorists.:offtopic:

Some other guy mentioned money. That's definitely a major killer. Lack of it, or too much of it and losing it in one sweep either by failed investments or gambling, well, most of those in situations like these tend to take the easy way out rather than to face the problem.
My actions, yes right now I scratched my head in disbelief, and that action reflects I think I am talking to a real low quality dimwit right now.

Hey, you were right.
I see that the demon of stupidity didn't really leave you or you decided against it's leaving!By i did not know we were discussing you in this thread but rather mentality of your nation !But dimwits like you will twist it any way to enjoy their moment of denial!
I see that the demon of stupidity didn't really leave you or you decided against it's leaving!By i did not know we were discussing you in this thread but rather mentality of your nation !But dimwits like you will twist it any way to enjoy their moment of denial!

Just ignore that troll. Reported that guy.
Talking about youths here, not suicide bombers and terrorists.:offtopic:

Some other guy mentioned money. That's definitely a major killer. Lack of it, or too much of it and losing it in one sweep either by failed investments or gambling, well, most of those in situations like these tend to take the easy way out rather than to face the problem.

You are a chinese and probably a singaporean and hence you do understand the reasons behind the issue in our societies.

Also depression, a treatable problem gets overlooked in India a lot.

I hope you are not a troll like that habeebull guy who thinks indians commit suicide because we have to **** on the street now, do you???
You are a chinese and hence you do understand the reasons behind the issue in our societies.

Also depression, a treatable problem gets overlooked in India a lot.

I hope you are not a troll like that habeebull guy who thinks indians commit suicide because we have to **** on the street now, do you???
Do i have to give you reading classes!Considering by your username that you are a Muslim you must contemplate the meaning of my name so i would suggest you write it properly!
You are a chinese and hence you do understand the reasons behind the issue in our societies.

Also depression, a treatable problem gets overlooked in India a lot.

I'm not Chinese mate, but I'm familiar with the culture. Not just Chinese or Indian, generally Asian societies I notice tend to have a similar way of structuring the lives of the young ones and pretty much force on the same set of expectations on them. There are slight variations for sure, but those are not too many.

Generally, we tend to attach extreme importance to education, and it's my way or the highway. Noone cares about what the kid feels

We don't give them the room to err. Any kind of FUBAR is met with a severe backlash at the home front. It's not a simple, Go to your room and your a$$ is grounded for a day kinda thing. We drag in a whole bunch of sentiments and tend to go all emo at times, without realizing that only adds to the guilt the kid faces. Yeah, it's good for them to feel guilty when they make a mistake, but there is a limit to it as well.

Alot of the times, we even tend to interfere with the kind of partners they pick. I don't really know how much of this is done in today's day and age. I do know it used to be pretty common in the Indian and Chinese cultures some 2 decades ago. I can't be certain if it's still the case. But I'm very sure this would also have been a leading cause for suicides among young lovers.
"Social stigma associated with being mentally ill or depressed if the word goes out, make people not to take treatment." That's it, denial and social stigma.

P.S.- If you want to know more, feel free to ask.
You are a chinese and probably a singaporean and hence you do understand the reasons behind the issue in our societies.

Also depression, a treatable problem gets overlooked in India a lot.

I hope you are not a troll like that habeebull guy who thinks indians commit suicide because we have to **** on the street now, do you???

Wanted to point this out. This is another problem I believe is prevalent in Asia. Mental health issues are not addressed as they should be and adequate support is still lacking. Not just in India or other places but even in places like Singapore. I was discussing this issue with a friend in Melbourne the other day, ex-Singaporean, now Aussie. In the West you still have alot more support give to those who have depression or other issues, minus the stigma that goes along with it. You are in Singapore I believe, I can tell from your flag. I am sure you have heard of the IMH. Do u know many Singaporeans who actually need counselling or some sort of professional help due to work stress and stuff DO NOT actually stick to their IMH appointments (even if paid for by their companies), simply because they don't want a record of it anywhere? The stigma attached to mental health issues is still extreme over here.
Wanted to point this out. This is another problem I believe is prevalent in Asia. Mental health issues are not addressed as they should be and adequate support is still lacking. Not just in India or other places but even in places like Singapore. I was discussing this issue with a friend in Melbourne the other day, ex-Singaporean, now Aussie. In the West you still have alot more support give to those who have depression or other issues, minus the stigma that goes along with it. You are in Singapore I believe, I can tell from your flag. I am sure you have heard of the IMH. Do u know many Singaporeans who actually need counselling or some sort of professional help due to work stress and stuff DO NOT actually stick to their IMH appointments (even if paid for by their companies), simply because they don't want a record of it anywhere? The stigma attached to mental health issues is still extreme over here.

Yes, mental problems are not just considered like any other medical problems.

Even well to do families are reluctant to see a doctor for something as simple as a post retirement depression.
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