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Disgusting, Suicide leading cause of death for India youths: study

Discuss the issue, why are people so obsessed with murdering themselves and escaping from their tortuous life?

well lets assume you really started this thread for a serious discussion.......
anyway, according to the article the suicide rate amongst youths is especially high among wealthy and well educated youths, but it doesnt really give the reasons. I would say some reasons are: the extremely high pressure to score top marks, generations conflicts and even influence by the media. Only recently I heard that a girl commited suicide bcause she thought that she was too fat and didnt look like a movie star.
But like I said, this is just what I think
nobody is proud of their suicide people, but seems you are proud of being 2nd large suicide country, so far China is the No.1.
Retail every topic to China is really your big hobby.
By the way, everybody in China has an ID card, how many people have one in India? I don't know if the data is true or complete.

No body is felleing proud here accept some peoples who get there orgasm by posting anti India. We are number 2 and you guys are no 1, as you should have very high IQ (expectation), you should understand we have same order in population also. It is obvious, countries with high population will be high in death rates wether it is natural or otherwise. Is obvious that the lowest rank will be antartica.
Currently we dont have ID , our goverment has no plan to track and kill people for raising voice against them, so we dont need it. I am not very sure what purpose it server for you peoples.
Let's stop derailing the thread and actually discuss the topic. I think the main reason for suicides in India is because of child labour. There is a LOT of child labour in India, many things in big shops in UK and US are made in India. Indian govt. should take steps to cut child labour.
well lets assume you really started this thread for a serious discussion.......
anyway, according to the article the suicide rate amongst youths is especially high among wealthy and well educated youths, but it doesnt really give the reasons. I would say some reasons are: the extremely high pressure to score top marks, generations conflicts and even influence by the media. Only recently I heard that a girl commited suicide bcause she thought that she was too fat and didnt look like a movie star.
But like I said, this is just what I think
I am serious. I admit India is more developed than us, when we get to this stage, I, as an MNA of the ruling party, need to know how to avoid this

1 encourage low pressure parenting and
2 reduce sexual repression in society..period.
Hence the habitual Indians.....poking their noses into neighbouring country. !!! :angry:

Can you say the same for some of your soldiers. ;)

There is always a "some" in every case.. As they say there is an exception to every rule.. But while our soldiers constitute the exception, yours above mentioned civilians, constitute the rule ;)
Ḥashshāshīn;3102475 said:
Let's stop derailing the thread and actually discuss the topic. I think the main reason for suicides in India is because of child labour. There is a LOT of child labour in India, many things in big shops in UK and US are made in India. Indian govt. should take steps to cut child labour.
Nah you are wrong, if you look at statistics, you will find that not the child labours but youth with very strong socio economic back ground are doing more sucide. Mostly because they are under heavy pressure to achive more. They have become so sofisticated that they cant face tough challanges in world and commit suside.
Can't be exam pressures, we have the same, I have pressure to get 85+ in papers where the toppers have 92%
Can't be exam pressures, we have the same, I have pressure to get 85+ in papers where the toppers have 92%

You are lucky..A girl in Pune committed suicide bcs she scored only 80% opposed to 98% expected by her parents.
You are lucky..A girl in Pune committed suicide bcs she scored only 80% opposed to 98% expected by her parents.
You can't get more than 90 in our papers unless you get lucky. Urdu's got a limit of 70 for most examiners, English of 80.
Not the point, pressures are here too.
Ḥashshāshīn;3102475 said:
Let's stop derailing the thread and actually discuss the topic. I think the main reason for suicides in India is because of child labour. There is a LOT of child labour in India, many things in big shops in UK and US are made in India. Indian govt. should take steps to cut child labour.

I never heard of Child Labours committing suicide..Its mostly from middle/affluent class. I always wondered how poor people are very happy with what they got while kids from middle /rich class are committing suicide bcs they cannot get into a good university.

You can't get more than 90 in our papers unless you get lucky. Urdu's got a limit of 70 for most examiners, English of 80.
Not the point, pressures are here too.

The 1st cut off marks for Bcom in Delhi University this year was 100%.
The 1st cut off marks for Bcom in Delhi University this year was 100%.
Point being you can get 100. But not the point here. People are committing suicides. There was a study on this in Tipping point. One suicide gives permission to others to do the same. Maybe suicides are over reported in the media?
You can't get more than 90 in our papers unless you get lucky. Urdu's got a limit of 70 for most examiners, English of 80.
Not the point, pressures are here too.
It is not only exam pressure, it is the pressure about the future after exam. In India due to overpopulation, every year nealry 10K people fight for one seat in top colleges and jobs, and with lesser marks, it becomes more tough to fight. Apart from this there are many other challanges like, young brins gets facinated by wtching TV, movies towards high er life style, but when they comes back to reality, they feel like a setback.
The Tipping Point Summary at WikiSummaries, free book summaries

Read the book, it's highly enlightening on this issue

It is not only exam pressure, it is the pressure about the future after exam. In India due to overpopulation, every year nealry 10K people fight for one seat in top colleges and jobs, and with lesser marks, it becomes more tough to fight. Apart from this there are many other challanges like, young brins gets facinated by wtching TV, movies towards high er life style, but when they comes back to reality, they feel like a setback.
I know what you mean. We have the same pressures, especially with the quota system, only the most gifted 300 can get into their field of choice in the best Uni. That's in a city as big as Karachi
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