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Discussion: some technically acquired images of Indian Air bases Jodhpur.

Please focus on supplying chloroquine to US otherwise all of your Weapon deals will be embargoed and you guys will receive another beating in the hands of PAF.
@seven0seven here Comparison btw rafale vs EFT

In conclusions: both are fantastic fighter aircraft of which European defence communities should be proud. Rafale currently has the edge over Typhoon in terms of ground-attack versatility, radar modernisation and manoeuvrability at high-loads. Equally, Typhoon has the edge in the air-superiority role due to its superior high altitude performance and thrust to weight ratio, as well as long-range armament. The advantages in maturity for Rafale are more to do with failures in the Eurofighter consortium to invest and coordinate upgrades in the way that Dassault and the French government have managed, than any inherent limitation in the Typhoon itself. Indeed, with its larger radar aperture, power generation capabilities, engine power and growth potential Typhoon has more development potential than Rafale – if it can survive in production long enough. A hypothetical air force which operated both types, whilst that would be expensive, would enjoy phenomenal complementary capabilities and would arguably be stronger than a similarly sized force comprised only of one type.

Justin Bronk is a Research Analyst at the Military Sciences at Royal United Services Institute.


@Secularindian is correct, I agree with him. Rafale is the most superior man-made aircraft ever made. It is superior to the F22 and F35.

Not too long ago the SU30MKI used to be the most superior aircraft in the world, Raptor of Asia. According to our Indian friends, it had decimated the Rafale's in Aerial Exercises and this was trumpeted all around India. The expectation was that 10 SU30MKI would decimate the entire PAF. So at the time clearly the SU30MKI was more superior to the Rafale.

But Feb 27 happened and the SU30MKI was completed bossed by the PAF and made to look impotent. Now Rafale is the 'Raptor of Asia' and it is the next best thing that will happen to IAF. It is the most advanced aircraft in the world and superior to the F22's and F35's. After PAF bosses the Rafale, a new platform will became the savior and the new 'Raptor of Asia'.

Only idiots believe transmitting EM energy as Spectra does in combat is a good thing. Leave him to his delusions please. I think 4 applies to the IAF, and chirping / singing in the presence of enemies is not the best idea as you can tell from the story of the little sparrow.

Lessons learnt:
If you are warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut.

But Feb 27 happened and the SU30MKI was completed bossed by the PAF and made to look impotent.
Sure Why PAF Bested Without Entering Indian Air Space

Only idiots believe transmitting EM energy as Spectra does in combat is a good thing. Leave him to his delusions please. I think 4 applies to the IAF, and chirping / singing in the presence of enemies is not the best idea as you can tell from the story of the little sparrow.
PAF Know What IAF is. What Its capable off

Sure You can make your Fans happy here

PAF and made to look impotent
PAF looked Same on Night of 26 Feb
I think 4 applies to the IAF
Shows Maturity Of your Post And Choice of Words for a Professional air-force.

India Is Do Regular exercises With USAF ,RAAF

And They are Real professionals Who's opinion Counts

I have no clue why anyone thinks the F-35, an aircraft designed to be low observable will carry a spectra like device.
SPECRA is System not a Device
the bomb just needs to go through the main hangar door. Not the walls. Fortunately modern PGMs are easily able to do this.
I have no clue why anyone thinks the F-35, an aircraft designed to be low observable will carry a spectra like device.

You're telling me this

Not too long ago Indian members were boasting how the PAK-FA was superior to the F22 and America's dominance in the Air is only numbered by the days. To top that, the discussion was once India/Russia build a radar that would catch the F22/F35 would negate their advantage of low RCS against the SU30MKI. I think American clever tactics of pitting their rookies against experienced IAF pilots in Cope India to learn all of their playbook really did wonders to the ego of IAF fanboys.
Spectra evolves with the time.
The antenna already have changed, and next step (very soon, and maybe already made) is GaN.
Calculators capacity already are not the same than Rafale F1 or F2 ones. So are data bases and jam techniques.
F3R, F4 standards all includes improvements on Spectra.

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