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Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

IMO the dollar American group are suppressing other commanders of armed forces.

America hates general Faiz because he was involved in Afghanistan hence the targeted news against him through pet dogs like Mir etc and the whole fake narrative, which IK clearly denied.

Remember fake news peddled unknown security sources (DG ISI) contradicting PM IK statements like when he said 'army game him 3 options'. Later on IK again said yes what I said is true.
He laid bare everything who was managing courts for sharif. Who was working for NRO 2 brokered by America to bring their puppy in power.
Nopes.. Paksitan Army is an extremely professional force.. There is a reason why we have not seen any unfortunate events like the killing of Indra Gandhi etc.

When chief says it's day, then everyone follows whether it's night. It is a good thing for the country, but sometimes it backfires.. as when any institution without any accountability and with this sort of attitude fails, it fails extremely miserably.

I pray that Allah points all the commanders (including Bajwa) to the right direction before it's too late.
Maryam Media cell is in full swing, aajkal har cheez establishment ban jati hai, we should remember its PMLN revenge season also, Saleem Safi had already threatened many journalists n Dr Arsalan's house has already been raided. The silence from Mil Establishment of vacuum of 1 month is enough for anyone to encroach and cash on it but we need to remember there is a civil establishment also n then deep state elements as well. The hatred between army n general population is being exploited every minute since last few days. We can either be a party to that or think analytically on it as well n still give a benefit of doubt to those people who we all used to love as much as we love Pakistan.
Exactly my point, they want us to fight with our Army which is another axis of thus warfare. We have to stay level headed and think about what agendas are being pushed and where they are coming from

Nopes.. Paksitan Army is an extremely professional force.. There is a reason why we have not seen any unfortunate events like the killing of Indra Gandhi etc.

When chief says it's day, then everyone follows whether it's night. It is a good thing for the country, but sometimes it backfires.. as when any institution without any accountability and with this sort of attitude fails, it fails extremely miserably.

I pray that Allah points all the commanders (including Bajwa) to the right direction before it's too late.
Inshallah Inshallah. I hope and pray there is course correction soon.

PTI social media workers are playing very sensibly, only pointing towards FIA.. unlike PMLN guys who started a trend "pindi ke dallay" and still got away with it.

Establishment should clearly see who is with them... who supported them all along and with this recent fascism, they are still not blaming the institution.
Oh Dear Allah, it was pti followers who are fighting Indians on behalf of army on social media. Unko bhi nhe chora
I'd like everyone to take a moment and reflect about all those who were called traitors, picked up, detained and threatened. It's time for people who condoned or denied these events to look at their own predicament and admit that they were wrong.

Zeenat Shahzadi - kidnapped - but that's okay, you don't provide legal representation to the enemy, even if it's your job.
Sajid Gondal - Disappeared, kidnapped outside his home, missing for days - that's okay, he had a hand in exposing/maligning an esteemed ex-General patriot.
Hamid Mir - gets shot - fake, scum, deserves it.
Matiullah Jan - kidnapped in broad daylight, detained illegally and threatened - that's fine, he's a traitor anyway.
Asad Toor - gets assaulted and beaten, part of it is even on camera - he faked it, his injuries are fake, or if he did get his butt kicked, it has nothing to do with the establishment.
But now if it's one on their side, they see wrong in it.

I could point to multitudes of conversations I've had here with utterly immature members (no-one I address here in this thread), who did not know any better.

Reminds me of a poem:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
What do these enemies of Pakistan think of our military??? r they as fool as their own people who staged a bloody fake movie scene n then ran it on all media channels to win elections??? No Sir, Absolutely Not!!!
Honestly silence of army in this political chaos has helped their "elements" to clearly identify who to grab now. Our social media history is a testament of our emotional attachment with this country. Those who were abusing establishment in the past and now are openly doing it in spaces, chats or other SMN its very easy to separate them from those who have just started to show their anger. I have been following twitter for last few days n one can clearly see the difference in language of a long time habitual abuser and the one who is recently been hurt n is disappointed. Any true loyalist will never give nangi gaalian to Bajwa sb or Armed forces, so we can clearly see who is fanning the fire. The habitual lot will be the one who will play victim cards from the very start to further fan this chaotic situation. So lets think sensibly n lets break this chain of hateful messages without verifying them.
Now this looks like an effort to fan the flames.. Either he is being forced to tweet under arrest, or he is lying.

This is how the situations go out of hand. People are loving Khan at the moment. Any such reports will make the people start attacking security forces.. who are our brothers.. that's what the enemy and some stooges in the institution want.. that is what the whole plan of the US looks like.
bhai these are not true. you can check video of imran riyaz khan same night when imran khan left i watch that video he was there. Such things never happen.
bhai these are not true. you can check video of imran riyaz khan same night when imran khan left i watch that video he was there. Such things never happen.
Why is he lying? I don't understand other than to create anarchy??
For one those behind this must be stupid and delusional beyond belief. This will make people even more angry and they will have a full scale rebellion on their hands, dare I say even worse. This is evil beyond belief.

The military in Burma does the same God damm thing, to those in charge do you want to be in such company. Change your path now.

I can't believe it would come to this where the only website remaining dedicated to the defence of Pakistan will now have to speak up against authorities connected to the military.
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