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Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

Looking at Russia, Iran and Turkey, Nations who have issues with the west and are threatened with sanctions or under sanctions. Do Pakistanis want to follow that path? Iran inflation is more than 30%, Turkey is 54% and Russian is 16% and rising. Pakistan is 13% and rising. With 3.5 years of Pti government in power we saw no sign of it easing, rupee was getting weaker. The establishment did not like the foreign policy and Mian came and took his chance.

@Chak Bamu
I agree with alot of your points.
I am myself upset with this, the way Pti lost power was chaotic, the way court was opened at 12am، not sure why they were in hurry to remove IK, they could have looked at the letter and investigated for a few days and then give their judgement, both on letter and NCM, it looked like establishment closed all doors for IK removal, now army is being mocked by everyone, it should have been handled better.

Regarding security action against Pti, I believe Pti used to do the same, they threw acid on Tlp followers, shelled them when they were peacefully protesting in order to provoke them, then when Tlp started to throw stones, Pti declared them as terrorists, banned them and jailed them. I hope nobody is harmed, or framed like the Tlp protesters. Does anyone know how many Tlp members were killed and how many died in jails??

The only solution to this crises is new elections and they will take place when the caretaker government will be announced after 3 months. I think we all should be happy with this news and move on. PmlN and PPP could have ruled for 1.5 years but they agreed for the elections. All parties are saying they will win elections so let's see, let the people decide.
In this chemistry, we are seeing the French Revolution's elite vs the spirit of nation. There will be no more institutions or elites if this spark is allowed to turn into a fire.
@Chak Bamu
I agree with alot of your points.
Thank You.
I am myself upset with this, the way Pti lost power was chaotic, the way court was opened at 12am، not sure why they were in hurry to remove IK, they could have looked at the letter and investigated for a few days and then give their judgement, both on letter and NCM, it looked like establishment closed all doors for IK removal, now army is being mocked by everyone, it should have been handled better.
Remember that Hanif Abbassi was wrongfully convicted in a court that was opened at night (11 pm). The reason was to not allow him to contest elections in 2018. That was pre-poll rigging.

About SC ruling on VoNC, it had given a deadline in a constitutional matter & was willing to enforce the deadline because delay was very damaging to the country. Just look at the jumps that USD made to understand the panic. IK was hell-bent on creating chaos as much as possible without a thought or care about what was happening to the country. IK would have happily kept on subverting the constitution to suit his ends until courts made sure that he was stopped.
Oye Buss kar de @Areesh warna tu hans hans kar behosh ho jaye ga

Areesh Attack.jpg
Providing coverage now would mean amplifying anti-state messages coming from PTI leadership & cadres. Is it a good idea to do so atm?
You can’t be ‘equally opposed to restrictions on freedom of speech’ and turn around and justify restrictions on speech & a forced media coverage blackout against the largest political party in Pakistan because you don’t like their leadership.

Neither you nor the Establishment get to decide what should or should not be allowed coverage.
Care to post any instance of anti-state messages coming from the PTI leadership?

It’s the same story everywhere - the self-proclaimed guardians of free speech & defenders against military intervention have all come around to finding unique ways of justifying suppression and oppression (of the PTI) by the same Army they were criticizing before.

Bughaz-e-Imran may Bilkul Pagal Ho Gaye hain.
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The 4 years of PTI rule were an incessant drum beat of coverage of PDM rallies, press conferences and non-stop criticism of every single thing Imran Khan did or did not do.
This is false given that Nawaz's speeches were suppressed and at times channels had to temporarily cut out the audio. Not to mention blackout of PTM gatherings, coverage of TLP protests that occurred recently where I believe Sheikh Rasheed himself gave orders not to give coverage. Also coverage of Balochistan was suppressed at certain times wrt PDM.
Neither you nor the Establishment get to decide what should or should not be allowed coverage.
Then we can agree that PTI also oversaw suppression of speech and that should also be condemned.
They knew Imran Khan would never follow that approach (he even refused to intervene in support of his close friends Jehangir Tareen and Aleem Khan).
I disagree, he intervened heavily for the retaining of Buzdar as Chief Minister despite legitimate grievances from many people. He also tried to provide an extension to Faiz Hameed to continue as DG ISI. He didn't intervene for them due to optics i believe, it would look poorly on him.
This is false given that Nawaz's speeches were suppressed and at times channels had to temporarily cut out the audio. Not to mention blackout of PTM gatherings, coverage of TLP protests that occurred recently where I believe Sheikh Rasheed himself gave orders not to give coverage. Also coverage of Balochistan was suppressed at certain times wrt PDM.

Nawaz was/is a convicted and disqualified individual. PTM and TLP both engaged in violent protests. PTM leadership engaged in speech that incited violence, hate speech, ethnicity based hatred, anti-Pakistan hate speech - all in an environment (tribal areas) where the military was wrapping up operations against terrorists that had a degree of local support.

Outside of Nawaz (convicted and absconding criminal), no other PMLN leader was blacked out, Even Maryam (also convicted) was given extensive coverage, whether press conferences, rallies or tweets.

There is no comparison between what occurred with the PMLN and what is happening now with the PTI.
Then we can agree that PTI also oversaw suppression of speech and that should also be condemned.

I disagree, he intervened heavily for the retaining of Buzdar as Chief Minister despite legitimate grievances from many people. He also tried to provide an extension to Faiz Hameed to continue as DG ISI. He didn't intervene for them due to optics i believe, it would look poorly on him.
As far as Buzdar is concerned - that is/was an internal PTI issue. The party leadership (under whatever structure the party has in place) is allowed to make those decisions. There was and is no corruption case against Buzdar, even as extremely close friends of Imran Khan like Jehangir Tareen and Aleem Khan got caught up in corruption and other illegal activities and abandoned Imran Khan because he refused to intervene on their behalf.

So we cannot agree on any such thing - as I explained above, there is absolutely no comparison with what occurred during PTI's government and the suppression and oppression we are seeing now at the hands of the Army leadership installed corrupt PDM regime.
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Sir, in short, this is a conundrum of the "efficiency argument" which may also be called ends-justify-the-means thinking. Obviously whoever employs this (as IK did very very liberally & his fans accepted it all with eyes wide shut) sets himself/herself up for a trap. If a position is not principled, then one has to make logic pretzels when hypocrisy is called out.

I was not planning on responding, but I liked your term "logic pretzel" so much, I had to! :D

Now that I did log in, let me just say, at risk of offending both camps (not that it has ever stopped me), that I fail to see why the present brouhaha should be so adamant. The present situation is nothing more than a scheduled change of façade, on time and by design, for the next selected temporarily useful idiot.

Rinse. Repeat. What a wonderful system!

I see a smooth continuation going forward as well. Whatever my personal objections, the system does deliver stability to Pakistan.
What does ethnicity have anything to do with this?

If you loyalty to Pakistan started and ended with imran khan, you were never loyal in the first place

Punjabis suffered too not just Pashtuns and don’t act like Pashtuns don’t make up the establishment

We all know there r no pashtuns in establishment, maybe one off for show. One of the reason PTI govt was resented by them is that PTI brought too many pashtuns to power. This shows u mentality of those racist biggots. Also pashtuns already feel being neglected and targeted, if in current circumstances the separatist elements take advantage then it is game over.
Also my loyalty to the country in way above politics and individuals, infact im a imran khan critic and ppl know it here, what i can't digest is the fact that the US so easily changes regime here and our beghairat establishment lays down, just like in Musharraf era they laid down with one phone call.
I was not planning on responding, but I liked your term "logic pretzel" so much, I had to! :D

Now that I did log in, let me just say, at risk of offending both camps (not that it has ever stopped me), that I fail to see why the present brouhaha should be so adamant. The present situation is nothing more than a scheduled change of façade, on time and by design, for the next selected temporarily useful idiot.

Rinse. Repeat. What a wonderful system!

I see a smooth continuation going forward as well. Whatever my personal objections, the system does deliver stability to Pakistan.
Khubsoorti of jumhooriyat
I was not planning on responding, but I liked your term "logic pretzel" so much, I had to! :D

Now that I did log in, let me just say, at risk of offending both camps (not that it has ever stopped me), that I fail to see why the present brouhaha should be so adamant. The present situation is nothing more than a scheduled change of façade, on time and by design, for the next selected temporarily useful idiot.

Rinse. Repeat. What a wonderful system!

I see a smooth continuation going forward as well. Whatever my personal objections, the system does deliver stability to Pakistan.

Since you are full of praise, should we also import a new government to the US? We will apply the same rinse and repeat method. I am sure the American people will appreciate us meddling in their affairs to install a new government.

You can’t be ‘equally opposed to restrictions on freedom of speech’ and turn around and justify restrictions on speech & a forced media coverage blackout against the largest political party in Pakistan because you don’t like their leadership.

Neither you nor the Establishment get to decide what should or should not be allowed coverage.

It’s the same story everywhere - the self-proclaimed guardians of free speech & defenders against military intervention have all come around to finding unique ways of justifying suppression and oppression (of the PTI) by the same Army they were criticizing before.

Bughaz-e-Imran may Bilkul Pagal Ho Gaye hain.

The hypocrisy of these people is mind-numbing.

These are scare tactics. They cant face public now. They are outnumbered.

The people have woken up and angry too on forceful/illegal removal of Imran Khan as PM.

The truth is out in the open.

It's an entirely organic freedom struggle from western puppets by the people of Pakistan.

We have just 1 demand, free and fair general elections immediately, that's it. The puppet Govt is rejected.

May Allah protect Imran Khan and Pakistan nation from the wicked people, ameen
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