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discrimination against urdu speakers/mohajirs/urban Sindhis

You people have been crying injustice,prejudice some times against,punjabis,patthans,somtimes Baluchis and every now and then
Sindhis,for the last 60 odd years to no avail.The only alternative left,you are implying is migrating to an other country;ie U S A CANADA or UK.I wish you good luck and welcome to England.

thats what you told to bengalis and they made bangladesh
You people have been crying injustice,prejudice some times against,punjabis,patthans,somtimes Baluchis and every now and then
Sindhis,for the last 60 odd years to no avail.The only alternative left,you are implying is migrating to an other country;ie U S A CANADA or UK.I wish you good luck and welcome to England.

Altaf Bhai is even accusing authorities of UK & international establishment for targeting him. So, I guess some other planet will be more suitable destination.
Altaf Bhai is even accusing authorities of UK & international establishment for targeting him. So, I guess some other planet will be more suitable destination.
What's the name of newly discovered planet?.

punjabis are treated like kings because of their punjab domicile, get share in the quota system nuf said
If you want to be treated like KING,I suggest you go back to where your bhaiya ulutafoo came from, a sincere advice!.
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im just giving you one example, everu body in karachi knows have a punjab domicile is a plus point in getting jobs esp govt jobs in karachi even marvi memon (sindh law maker) got punjab domicile tofurther her career as politician

Again - Federal govt. jobs are allocated as per population ratio of provinces, Punjab domicile will get job from Punjab's quota, irrespective of where the domicile holder is living. In provincial government job, Punjab's domicile will disqualify you for job of Sindh province. Marvi Memon's got seat of Punjab by changing her domicile not Sindh - If you want to taste your own medicine than in this case a Karachiti changed her domicile and occupied seat which belonged to people of Punjab. But anyway - quite playing ethic cards and start doing something productive.
punjabis are treated like kings because of their punjab domicile, get share in the quota system nuf said

Man some punjabi really did a number on you to make you this sadistic. So Basically you are suffering from inferiority complex despite living in metropolitan city like karachi. There is quota in each province for other provinces so stop giving lame excuses to justify your hate for punjabis.
Again - Federal govt. jobs are allocated as per population ratio of provinces, Punjab domicile will get job from Punjab's quota, irrespective of where the domicile holder is living. In provincial government job, Punjab's domicile will disqualify you for job of Sindh province. Marvi Memon's got seat of Punjab by changing her domicile not Sindh - If you want to taste your own medicine than in this case a Karachiti changed her domicile and occupied seat which belonged to people of Punjab. But anyway - quite playing ethic cards and start doing something productive.

she would have if she hadn't made punjab domicile(what kind of KPK domicile imran made to contest elections from KPK?), a punjabi doesn't need a karachi domicile to get jobs in karachi here, infact he gets royal treatment based on his domicile you need a punjab domicile to get into good positions, this is the fact bro every body knows it, you are just trying to ignore the very basic facts of our country

Man some punjabi really did a number on you to make you this sadistic. So Basically you are suffering from inferiority complex despite living in metropolitan city like karachi. There is quota in each province for other provinces so stop giving lame excuses to justify your hate for punjabis.

i have no hate for punjabis but im stating the mere fact, how there are discriminatory treatment in pakistan, every pakistani should be considered equal and should be trated on merits, but in pakistan, a sindhi gets better treatment and gets jobs based on quota, punjabis get good treatment based on their origin etc
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You people have been crying injustice,prejudice some times against,punjabis,patthans,somtimes Baluchis and every now and then
Sindhis,for the last 60 odd years to no avail.The only alternative left,you are implying is migrating to an other country;ie U S A CANADA or UK.I wish you good luck and welcome to England.

There wont be Pakistan any more if these people leave kid
she would have if she hadn't made punjab domicile, a punjabi doesn't need a karachi domicile to get jobs in karachi here, infact he gets royal treatment based on his domicile you need a punjab domicile to get into good positions, this is the fact bro every body knows it, you are just trying to ignore the very basic facts of our country

Dear - She changed domicile to get Punjab's reserved seat.
You are known by the company you keep, or may be the rubbish you usually utter.

I used to be a strong supporter of MQM before but now I don't give a damn about any Pakistani party, they are all corrupt.
thats what you told to bengalis and they made bangladesh
I do not remember what we "told to" bengalis,if you remember ,go on work on it ,what are you waiting for,or you already working on it in collaboration with MI5 and RAW and....?
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in pakistan, a sindhi gets better treatment and gets jobs based on quota, punjabis get good treatment based on their origin etc

No offence mate but you should see everything with an open mind rather than falling prey to some rumours that you heard from other people. There is a quota for other provinces in punjab as well. You are entitled to your view but with the looks of it your argument is mostly without matter.
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