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Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

He is most likely a Korean born in US, since most DPP members are Japan lovers, while this guy hates Japan as much as he hates China.

So this makes him less likely being a DPP japanophile. :coffee:

This guy is a Korean who are not very articulate in his mother tongue.

The Inner Mongolians are indeed our brothers and sisters, while they represent the majority of the ethnic Mongolians around the world. :coffee:

How does he know Chinese and Japanese then?
His Chinese and Japanese skill is better than his (non-existent) Korean skill. That makes it almost impossible for him to be Korean, diaspora or not.

DPP Taiwanese would be quite willing to bash Japan to maintain a false-flag identity. His Japan-bashing is also pretty mild and forced. His hysteria over 'halyu cultural colonization of Japan' is farcical and maybe a little satirical as well, it probably reflects how much he dislikes the prominence of Korean dramas in Taiwan.

Notice also how abusively he treats his 'Korean' identity. He constantly brings up instances of discrimination and racism in South Korea to belittle Chinese people, even though it reflects worse on Korea than China. Most Koreans would not be willing to throw their own country under the bus like that to score a few cheap points.

His posts on Taiwan are the only time he shows sincere emotion - all his other posts are cold and calculated to offend. He wants a Republic of Formosa carved out of RoC territory. When people insult Korea, he can usually brush it off unscathed and continue to troll. When people 'insult' Taiwan, he becomes noticeably agitated and more vile.
I've been to South Korea once and immediately felt unwelcomed as I stepped out the airport. You could see the bitterness and hostilities in their eyes, the men especially. They seem to view me as inferior because of my darker skin color, when in fact I am probably better well off than most of them. However, there was no need to fear a South Korean. What I've learned during my short stay in the peninsula was that they are in fact highly racist but also cowards.

Black man and Korean grandfather scuffle (2011 August 27) - YouTube

The video was taken in a South Korean bus, notice the hostile African American by himself harassing an elderly man and a women in a bus packed with South Koreans (2/3 male) but none of them stood up to help. Incidents like this makes South Koreans even more racist and discriminatory towards foreigners because it shows how weak and helpless they are to do anything when bullied.

Lol typical black man. But sad to see Koreans are such cowards. A bus full of Korean men yet no one had the balls to stand up the black guy.
For all we know, this person may not be Korean, rather an Indian American working in Samsung research center in Korea. Most of his posts are positive about India.

Making some pro Indian posts and not supporting ones delusion towards forming a union with oneself makes a person a false flagger Indian???

Classical Bangladeshi logic but Height of Insanity according to Home sapiens.

If this allegedly Indian american knows Korean which would be at least his third language with each language in completely different script along with the knowledge of culture and history of three different countries,he may be having more IQ than your whole Khandaan combined.
Lol typical black man. But sad to see Koreans are such cowards. A bus full of Korean men yet no one had the balls to stand up the black guy.

Look at how he beats his girlfriend, calls her *****, then hits the elderly man multiple times. That's a 20 year old 6 foot tall man beating up a 70 year old grandfather. No one can do anything about him. Look at the guy in the pink striped shirt trying to look away.

The truth of Korea told by a Chinese-American tourist in Korea:

This is what happens to misbehaving foreigners in China. Note the contrast.

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Making some pro Indian posts and not supporting ones delusion towards forming a union with oneself makes a person a false flagger???

Classical Bangladeshi logic but Height of Insanity according to Home sapiens.

If this allegedly Indian american knows Korean which would be at least his third language with each language in completely different script along with the knowledge of culture and history of three different countries,he may be having more IQ than your whole Khandaan combined.

Well, that's been the logic of many Indians. Just because I'm pro-China, I've constantly been accused being a false flagger by practically all Indian forumers.
How racist a society is depends on how diverse and cosmopolitan it is. US has far less racism because of the existence of large number of people of different races. S.Korea will become racially more tolerant as people start mixing more.
How racist a society is depends on how diverse and cosmopolitan it is. US has far less racism because of the existence of large number of people of different races. S.Korea will become racially more tolerant as people start mixing more.

Some societies take great pride in being racially exclusive. Nazi Germany is one, Imperial Japan is another, and the Republic of Korea is yet another example.

Other societies take great pride in being inclusive and diverse. China, Russia, the United States and India are like this.
South Korean people are the most unfriendly people i have come across. Some how, they have got this impression, that SK is Asia's America.
Some societies take great pride in being racially exclusive. Nazi Germany is one, Imperial Japan is another, and the Republic of Korea is yet another example.

Other societies take great pride in being inclusive and diverse. China, Russia, the United States and India are like this.

I don't know about China but i definately wouldn't add Russia to that list. Russia is literally the most racist country in the world. Where they beat and kill especially blacks (students etc) and record it on camera and post it on the internet....
far east has racism issues...even at national level.
My brother is married to a Malaysian woman since 1998 and living there..Malaysia wont give him nationality despite having a sizable business there,and 4 children..
His children will come second in every thing from job opportunities to university positions because they had a "foreigner" father.
Only pure breed Malaysians are given all rights in Malaysia..the rest are second class.

I have heard same about Japan....They are quite racist towards Foreigners..unless you are a white European or White American.
Somebody i knew married a Japanese Girl and the Immigration kept bullying the poor girl for many years,trying to end the marriage,saying that why would you marry and Inferior race.
So yes racism is rampant in Far east,even on state level...Korea is not the only one.
In East Germany we have quite a few racists and xenophobs, this is due to their isolation to the outside world for so many years. Unitl the fall of the wall, most East Germans never had any direct contacts with foreigners. Paricularly with people of darker skin. Even the Vietnamese guest workers were segregated from the native East Germans. After the wall went down, they were the first victims of East German racism.

Recently there was a huge scandal in regard of a fringe group of neo-Nazis that murdered ten people of Turkish origin. All members of that group were from the former East Germany. There has also been reports of Africans and Indian being attacked by neo-Nazi mobs. Just disgusting!

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