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Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

Mind I tell you, some Koreans are very good people. Not all are that racist, and there are racists in every country.

Though, I have to be a bit biased here, in some countries, people are way more nicer than others. Like in Pakistan, when people come here, they always talk about how kind and respectful we are to them; the same isn't the case for others.

I am Korean and Pakistani - YouTube

An half Korean half Pakistani; has gotten many good comments from S.Koreans.

Well, in your front they tell you how they love you, but when you are not there they will tell others an absolute different opinions.

You think they love you "Islamist"??? Have you ever heard how the korean though about Muslims and the extreme state like Pakistan???? Have you ever known how korean eagerly to follow the U.S. to fight Afghanistan and Iraq???? Have you ever known how korean want to replace Islam in middle east and help the West brainwashing the locals to turn them to Christian???

Don't think Pakistan is a non-communist country so those korean would love you, they even hate their own people deep in blood, who you think you are Pakistani to korean???? humn
russian are very racist.
Russian racism is different from Anglo racism. Russian racism is like "we don't want non-Russians living in Russia." Anglo racism is like "we go around the world and enslave everybody who is not white."
Russian racism is different from Anglo racism. Russian racism is like "we don't want non-Russians living in Russia." Anglo racism is like "we go around the world and enslave everybody who is not white."

as opposed to the chinese drooling at the thought of dominating the inferior asians?
His Chinese and Japanese skill is better than his (non-existent) Korean skill. That makes it almost impossible for him to be Korean, diaspora or not.

DPP Taiwanese would be quite willing to bash Japan to maintain a false-flag identity. His Japan-bashing is also pretty mild and forced. His hysteria over 'halyu cultural colonization of Japan' is farcical and maybe a little satirical as well, it probably reflects how much he dislikes the prominence of Korean dramas in Taiwan.

Notice also how abusively he treats his 'Korean' identity. He constantly brings up instances of discrimination and racism in South Korea to belittle Chinese people, even though it reflects worse on Korea than China. Most Koreans would not be willing to throw their own country under the bus like that to score a few cheap points.

His posts on Taiwan are the only time he shows sincere emotion - all his other posts are cold and calculated to offend. He wants a Republic of Formosa carved out of RoC territory. When people insult Korea, he can usually brush it off unscathed and continue to troll. When people 'insult' Taiwan, he becomes noticeably agitated and more vile.
He is a Korean-American diagnosed with autism. Because of his autism, he was called "slow" when he was a kid. On other websites, he posts Chinese-hating propaganda under the name "Slowman." He was banned from pro-USA forums for laughing at dead Chinese kids.

Children Die in China Bus Accident
Mind I tell you, some Koreans are very good people. Not all are that racist, and there are racists in every country.

Though, I have to be a bit biased here, in some countries, people are way more nicer than others. Like in Pakistan, when people come here, they always talk about how kind and respectful we are to them; the same isn't the case for others.

I am Korean and Pakistani - YouTube

An half Korean half Pakistani; has gotten many good comments from S.Koreans.

OMG anyone notice the pak flag on the door ? love it ! i'm subscribing to this dude it's rare to see pakistani vloggers on youtube :pakistan::cool:
also those blatant stuck-up vietnamese

there are thousand of vietnamese labor workers and brides are now living under human standard in South Korea, some of them got beaten down like under animals or even killed without any sympathy...but those viets with its failed ego here still eagerly to love those korean just because......vietnam hates China!!!

well, why have to suprise, there are USA drop millions of bomb and kill millions of viet just 3 decades ago but viets now are still love licking the yanks boots........

you sound like an idiot, like a mad dog running around seaking a vietnamese to bite. the report is about discrimination in south korea. how do you come to VN and their people? Can you provide:

any source for your statement that "thousand of vietnamese labor workers and brides are now living under human standard in South Korea"?
any quote from a Viet saying they hate China and love America just on basis of race?
I don't know if Koreans are racists.

There are plenty here who come here for business visits. Mysteriously, homeless dogs in Dhaka are now almost extinct. Yes, they are that evil :rofl:
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