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Discrimination against non-Korean in South Korea

highly racist but also cowards.

funny :rofl::rofl::rofl: is north like this too|:p:P

anyway this is bad you go to European countries you face racism you go america you face racism man you can make all the laws you want but the world is really racists the best place is to stay is to stay in ur own home country :pakistan:
you know there is one similarity in all of it work force form asia comes and works at cheaper price thus creating a problem for the native people who like to do less for more cash:p:P:P
I've been to South Korea once and immediately felt unwelcomed as I stepped out the airport. You could see the bitterness and hostilities in their eyes, the men especially. They seem to view me as inferior because of my darker skin color, when in fact I am probably better well off than most of them. However, there was no need to fear a South Korean. What I've learned during my short stay in the peninsula was that they are in fact highly racist but also cowards.

Black man and Korean grandfather scuffle (2011 August 27) - YouTube

The video was taken in a South Korean bus, notice the hostile African American by himself harassing an elderly man and a women in a bus packed with South Koreans (2/3 male) but none of them stood up to help. Incidents like this makes South Koreans even more racist and discriminatory towards foreigners because it shows how weak and helpless they are when bullied.

If a black man shouted to a Turkish person in Turkey and even hit him/her, he was done in 10-20 secs. I'm amazed at the Koreans.
they also discriminate against mongoliod looking people and called them Chinkies!

you mean in US ? :P

This is why i LOL at india LOOk east policy and delusional indian members here still think they are rated highly in Japan and SKores :rofl:

Nice way of consoling yourself. Look east policy is signed withe govt of those countries, not the common man !:P
so to sum up, Koreans only like whites and discriminate the rests``in this article's case Indian....wonder whether Indian will still cheer for that Korean guy on PDF?

Don't mistake resident Kimchi shitposter for the average Korean. Korean nationalism towards China is much more benign than against Japan or America. East Asians don't even take well towards south east asians, much less indians. It shouldn't be viewed as a negative thing either like the liberals would have you believe otherwise you end up with a ethnically divided country like India; do you ever see indians apologising for marrying off their children to relatives? no it's just "culture" and if you so much as raise a objection you'll be branded a racist. This is why it's hilarious seeing Indians complain about racism since they can't even decide which caste they belong to.

The video was taken in a South Korean bus, notice the hostile African American by himself harassing an elderly man and a women in a bus packed with South Koreans (2/3 male) but none of them stood up to help. Incidents like this makes South Koreans even more racist and discriminatory towards foreigners because it shows how weak and helpless they are to do anything when bullied.

This is typical behaviour of black Americans. They behavior like thugs because they carrying around the USA ##1 mentality, you should google the kind of stuff American marines get up to in Japan and Korea. Do you blame them for hating Americans?

(ps, there's nothing "african" about them, they're just a by product of superior American culture).
also those blatant stuck-up vietnamese

there are thousand of vietnamese labor workers and brides are now living under human standard in South Korea, some of them got beaten down like under animals or even killed without any sympathy...but those viets with its failed ego here still eagerly to love those korean just because......vietnam hates China!!!

well, why have to suprise, there are USA drop millions of bomb and kill millions of viet just 3 decades ago but viets now are still love licking the yanks boots........

What did Chinese done in Cambodia ?

I quoted for you:

"Ieng Sary said. "He acted like a king."

They described to me the Mao-like busts Pol Pot ordered made of himself, not long after Vann Nath was arrested, in early 1978, one year before the Vietnamese invaded and overthrew the Khmer Rouge regime. They said that Pol Pot’s Chinese adviser, a super Rasputin sent by Mao himself, had convinced him that he should establish a personality cult like the Chinese leader."


He Survived by Painting Portraits of Pol Pot
By Zalin Grant. Read more here.


you mean in US ? :P

Nice way of consoling yourself. Look east policy is signed withe govt of those countries, not the common man !:P

why are you always so cluless so their goevernmemt aint human being ?LOL you are telling me a racist boss will never be racist toward you cos he aint a common man?
why are you always so cluless so their goevernmemt aint human being ?LOL you are telling me a racist boss will never be racist toward you cos he aint a common man?

Nice way of arguing. But the Look east policy is working and going strong. Try an another way to convince me otherwise
LOL at autistic Korean with inferiority complex.
You meant the superiority complex.

All Chinese know South Korea is just a puny occupied territory gangbanged by China, Japan, USA and Russia.
I wouldn't blame you because of the Great Firewall and the brainwashing education. Although Korean-drama watching Chinese women beg to differ.

China's strategic decision to divide North and South
Has cost China half a million lives and tens of billions of dollars to support North Korean regime from collapse.
You meant the superiority complex.

I wouldn't blame you because of the Great Firewall and the brainwashing education. Although Korean-drama watching Chinese women beg to differ.

Has cost China half a million lives and tens of billions of dollars to support North Korean regime from collapse.
LOL at the autistic Korean going bonkers with frustration. He can't even hide his mental illness anymore! It's openly displayed for all PDF members to laugh at :lol:
Koreans don't like whites either.

Hasn't heard of anyone dying.

Because Viets still see Americans more trustworthy than the Chinese.

Actually Chinese.

Chinese national = automatic criminals looking for trouble.

Indians are rated highly because they are mostly professionals.

Not so with Pakistanis who are mostly manual laborers.

An uncle of mine went to sk for his fcps at a scholarship another is a famous PHD who gives lectures at various korean med schools......... not many ppl frm PK go t korea anyways.... i respect tht koreans r nationalists but racism? by a nation which has remained dominated actually is an interesting case though... considerin how koreans were starved before applyin Pak economic model in the 70s......
At least I am not the one who uses the image of the foreign ruler who ruled over his people with an iron fist as the icon. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Chinese tendency to identify with foreign masters(Hong Kongese identify with British Crown, Mainlanders with Manchus, and taiwanese with Japanese) is rooted in Chinese culture, and this maybe the reason why Chinese accepted the foreign rule for 850 years of past 2000 years.
LOL if self-delusion makes you feel better about the gangbang ;) then go ahead.
At least I am not the one who uses the image of the foreign ruler who ruled over his people with an iron fist as the icon. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

coz you have no culture whatsoever, a stupid anti social person whose best pastime for the day is to put on the "korean"
warrior armour and attack China like a madman behind the screen

The Chinese tendency to identify with foreign masters(Hong Kongese identify with British Crown, Mainlanders with Manchus, and taiwanese with Japanese) is rooted in Chinese culture, and this maybe the reason why Chinese accepted the foreign rule for 850 years of past 2000 years.

you are thinking exactly like the dpp taiwanese + radical hk right wings who are so indoctrinated with uncouthed slanderous accusations
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