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Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World

very nice job of showing loyalty to CCP. All the same facts are facts.

you have a tough time understanding plain english. I won't bother, just go back and read it again

China has done a decent job with Sinovac and adhered to standard vaccine release and approval protocols, unlike the secular republic of India who deemed it reasonable to rush through approval of a vaccine without phase 3 trials and without publishing the data from the trials done hitherto.

From the BBC: "The All India Drug Action Network, however, said it was "baffled to understand the scientific logic" to approve "an incompletely studied vaccine".

One of India's most eminent medical experts, Dr Gagandeep Kang, told the Times of India newspaper that she had "not seen anything like this before". She added that "there is absolutely no efficacy data that has been presented or published". "

Why are Indians so burned by any Chinese medical product that is proven scientifically to be at least on a par with anything American? Why are indians also so burned when something they thought was a "Chinese" disease conspiracy turns out to have started in Europe?

Why do Indians feel so obliged to cry on behalf of white people? I have never understood this. Americans and Europeans are perfectly grown up and mature adults - they don't need you whining incessantly on their behalf.
not really it's far less effective than sinovac,the most thoroughly tested vac out there, using similar trial as that of Astra zenica,the efficacy of sinovac will be 90% plus , as reported in turkey.
Oh,and people already dried during AZ trial.
I think there is substantial confusion because of different measurement parameters as I alluded to already. Efficacy results for all the vaccines currently available seem similar, once we adjust for the precise group of infected individuals being assessed (I.e. asymptomatic vs mild vs severe). Different limitations exist with the different vaccines as far as I am aware.

The Oxford-Astrazen vaccine also has some oddities with the methodologies used during its trial in UK - I've mentioned it on previous threads so I won't repeat. In my humble opinion, I'd favour Pfizer over Oxford-Astrazen in terms of what's available in UK. Sinovac has as good an efficacy as any of the others, and is superior in terms of economic indicators and may be better therefore in the majority of countries on a price per unit basis.

Don't know much about Sputnik.
50% isnt that bad
70% would have been what i would like
They probably got the dose wrong/sequence wrong

mRNA will be 90% but is almost impossible to distrobute and more side effects
very nice job of showing loyalty to CCP. All the same facts are facts.

you have a tough time understanding plain english. I won't bother, just go back and read it again
Mods - this is a joke just putting out there for these CCP PDF bat trolls to think about. If this forum is becoming PLA troll run place; we need to clear these bots out; where have these mushroomed out from.
50% isnt that bad
70% would have been what i would like
They probably got the dose wrong/sequence wrong

mRNA will be 90% but is almost impossible to distrobute and more side effects
50% is generally the cutting point on pass/fail; just barely makes it my friend. If it was up to 70%; then it is good; but it is as good as flipping a coin.
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I should put a "Call for Papers" - Topic: Design of a fly swatter to swat the PLA trolls infesting this forum with their nonsense.. agh ... this will result in a central committee meeting and PLA troll factory master The Beast will raise his crocodile tears on how propaganda needs to be more aggressive...
I just am chuckling... the harder these insects try the more joke they are becoming.
Let them tell everyone ... pork gelatine that is being used in SinoVac - heck i think i got a good idea for a conspiracy - this is a chinese ploy to get every Kosher/Orthodox muslim to convert to a non-believer :) similar to what they are doing to the Uighurs forcible making them eat pork. If these people want war online, then let us level the playing field.

Mods - this is a joke just putting out there for these CCP PDF bat trolls to think about. If this forum is becoming PLA troll run place; we need to clear these bots out; where have these mushroomed out from.

50% is generally the cutting point on pass/fail; just barely makes it my friend. If it was up to 70%; then it is good; but it is as good as flipping a coin.
Read the"100% effective against severe infections",meaning ,once injected, 100% chance the populace will never face a mortal threat to life ,so how's this pass/fail? you passed once you are jabbed with this ,and it doesn't even have the side-effect of mrna based pfizer.
78% for mild infection; meaning 78% of the populace wouldn't need any form of hospitalization once jabbed with this vac.

So ,with these criteria alone this vac is far better considering the lack of side-effects of pfizer,which has a death toll in dozens already.

The remaining 50 % is efficacy against protection any form of infection.It's based on world's first trial based on frontline medical workers,with infection risk 3times higher than that of pfizer style of trial.
I think there is substantial confusion because of different measurement parameters as I alluded to already. Efficacy results for all the vaccines currently available seem similar, once we adjust for the precise group of infected individuals being assessed (I.e. asymptomatic vs mild vs severe). Different limitations exist with the different vaccines as far as I am aware.

The Oxford-Astrazen vaccine also has some oddities with the methodologies used during its trial in UK - I've mentioned it on previous threads so I won't repeat. In my humble opinion, I'd favour Pfizer over Oxford-Astrazen in terms of what's available in UK. Sinovac has as good an efficacy as any of the others, and is superior in terms of economic indicators and may be better therefore in the majority of countries on a price per unit basis.

Don't know much about Sputnik.
27 percent efficacy for silent virus carriers for astrazenica,so the overall efficacy against any form of infection might as well be below 10% based on how vacs conventionally work. And it's not even tried solely on frontline medical workers,so this's one horrible vac ,and also has side-effects,apparently people also died in trial.
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Western Media has become cheap, worthless and rotten at its core. They can lie through their teeth all day long, it doesn't change the fact that they are politically motivated.

Keep churning out garbage, Western Media. Because the more you do, more and more people will stop paying any serious thought to their garbage.
I should put a "Call for Papers" - Topic: Design of a fly swatter to swat the PLA trolls infesting this forum with their nonsense.. agh ... this will result in a central committee meeting and PLA troll factory master The Beast will raise his crocodile tears on how propaganda needs to be more aggressive...
I just am chuckling... the harder these insects try the more joke they are becoming.
Let them tell everyone ... pork gelatine that is being used in SinoVac - heck i think i got a good idea for a conspiracy - this is a chinese ploy to get every Kosher/Orthodox muslim to convert to a non-believer :) similar to what they are doing to the Uighurs forcible making them eat pork. If these people want war online, then let us level the playing field.

Mods - this is a joke just putting out there for these CCP PDF bat trolls to think about. If this forum is becoming PLA troll run place; we need to clear these bots out; where have these mushroomed out from.

50% is generally the cutting point on pass/fail; just barely makes it my friend. If it was up to 70%; then it is good; but it is as good as flipping a coin.
Stop trolling. Mr Fake Scientist or is it Miss? You are diverting again.

Kindly show us the evidence that China force Muslim to eat pork? Your intention is apparent and that is to spread hatred against the Chinese.

You are obviously a racist and CCP is not your government since you dare not to answer earlier my question to you.
Three Head of States have confidently opt and have taken the Chinese vaccines along with 14 million people without any side effects or restrictions.


If I were to be vaccinated now and was given the option to choose between Sinovac and Pfizer, I’d choose Sinovac.

Here’s why:

- Sinovac has 100% efficacy rate for severe cases which means that I’m practically immune from getting severe COVID-19 symptoms. It is also 78% effective against mild to moderate symptoms.

- The Pfizer vaccine has 95% effectiveness rate at protecting an infected person from developing mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms ONLY. As for severe symptoms, they simply mentioned that the vaccine is “amply effective” to prevent severe illness.

- However, during Pfizer’s phase III clinical trials, only 1 out of 10 severe cases was vaccinated. ONE.

- Even Pfizer’s 95% effectiveness rate is being disputed because only 170 participants in their phase III clinical trials—out of 3,410–were PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases. This means that there’s a high chance that the remaining 3,240 are not even COVID-19 cases. This will reduce Pfizer’s efficacy rate to just 19%.

- Meanwhile, Sinovac clinical trials in Brazil were all medical workers with a very high infection risk.

- Furthermore, Pfizer is yet to provide more raw data for peer review.


Australian Academy of Science. “Academy statement on the pandemic, vaccines and misinformation.” https://www.science.org.au/news-and...tatement-pandemic-vaccines-and-misinformation

Global Times. “19% or 95%? US expert challenges Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy, triggers debates in China.” https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202101/1212746.shtml

Pfizer. “Pfizer and Biontech conclude Phase 3 Study of COVID-19 vaccine canddiate, Meeting All Primary Efficacy Endpoints.” https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-r...ntech-conclude-phase-3-study-covid-19-vaccine

The BMJ. “Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data.” https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/0...ccines-we-need-more-details-and-the-raw-data/
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I should put a "Call for Papers" - Topic: Design of a fly swatter to swat the PLA trolls infesting this forum with their nonsense.. agh ... this will result in a central committee meeting and PLA troll factory master The Beast will raise his crocodile tears on how propaganda needs to be more aggressive...
I just am chuckling... the harder these insects try the more joke they are becoming.
Let them tell everyone ... pork gelatine that is being used in SinoVac - heck i think i got a good idea for a conspiracy - this is a chinese ploy to get every Kosher/Orthodox muslim to convert to a non-believer :) similar to what they are doing to the Uighurs forcible making them eat pork. If these people want war online, then let us level the playing field.

Mods - this is a joke just putting out there for these CCP PDF bat trolls to think about. If this forum is becoming PLA troll run place; we need to clear these bots out; where have these mushroomed out from.

50% is generally the cutting point on pass/fail; just barely makes it my friend. If it was up to 70%; then it is good; but it is as good as flipping a coin.
@waz @The Eagle @Horus

Please clean this thread and mend out punishment to those breaking rules with name calling and useless contribution. Thank you.
Latest breaking News.
Brazil Approves Emergency Use of Sinovac, AstraZeneca Shots
China has done a decent job with Sinovac and adhered to standard vaccine release and approval protocols, unlike the secular republic of India who deemed it reasonable to rush through approval of a vaccine without phase 3 trials and without publishing the data from the trials done hitherto.

From the BBC: "The All India Drug Action Network, however, said it was "baffled to understand the scientific logic" to approve "an incompletely studied vaccine".

One of India's most eminent medical experts, Dr Gagandeep Kang, told the Times of India newspaper that she had "not seen anything like this before". She added that "there is absolutely no efficacy data that has been presented or published". "

Why are Indians so burned by any Chinese medical product that is proven scientifically to be at least on a par with anything American? Why are indians also so burned when something they thought was a "Chinese" disease conspiracy turns out to have started in Europe?

Why do Indians feel so obliged to cry on behalf of white people? I have never understood this. Americans and Europeans are perfectly grown up and mature adults - they don't need you whining incessantly on their behalf.

i don't think you can conclude Indians cry on this account at all - why should they? everyone including Indians and West will be happy for any vaccine that works whether Chinese or Pakistani or N.Koraen. Nobody has anything against the Chinse people or researchers. It is the cabal that the CCP is that does the lying and controls the global teal. Just like we have to in the case of Pakistan distinguish between the ill-intentioned establishment generals vs the general public.

Also when is the last time you've come across scientists and academicians ALL accept anything without some 2nd guessing and 3rd opinion? that actually is how science becomes robust does it not?
Read the"100% effective against severe infections",meaning ,once injected, 100% chance the populace will never face a mortal threat to life ,so how's this pass/fail? you passed once you are jabbed with this ,and it doesn't even have the side-effect of mrna based pfizer.
78% for mild infection; meaning 78% of the populace wouldn't need any form of hospitalization once jabbed with this vac.

So ,with these criteria alone this vac is far better considering the lack of side-effects of pfizer,which has a death toll in dozens already.

The remaining 50 % is efficacy against protection any form of infection.It's based on world's first trial based on frontline medical workers,with infection risk 3times higher than that of pfizer style of trial.

27 percent efficacy for silent virus carriers for astrazenica,so the overall efficacy against any form of infection might as well be below 10% based on how vacs conventionally work. And it's not even tried solely on frontline medical workers,so this's one horrible vac ,and also has side-effects,apparently people also died in trial.
Correct - this is the 'new' funny maths'; remember dao mao inspired new thoughts and great leaps. If you look at any article; there is no credible methodology being stated. Any basic science experiments follows towards generating what is called confusion matrix and trials protocol.
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