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Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World

Well I am a scientist; so yes there are protocols to every trials.... it seems you people in your propaganda ministry fail to check your numbers and verbiage correct. No disrespect to my real chinese researchers who do their work diligently;
No time for riffraf propaganda bs. another bat pla troll to add to my ignore list.
Moderators must do a complete purge of all the PLA troll flies all over this forum.
Really you are a scientist and you spend so much time trolling in here probably lying about a fake degree.
By the way did the unknown Jack in Box Indian vaccine producer follows any protocol or is it just you and 8your fake credential? Where are the data?
You invent Covid proof condom in India.

I just wish the Chinese CCP goons will have more integrity and let their Chinese scientists (there are some really good ones) to do their work - that includes proper research, proper data analysis, proper publication. Instead they lie all the time and end up embarrassing themselves. In this case their criminal delays, suppression and misleading about the Wuhan CCP virus has led to millions of casualties around the world. Now the same criminals are pushing their shoddy vaccine and vaccine data. If they have an iota of humanity and personal integrity in them they will publish full unadultrated data. But they don't. The CCP does not care about any people whether Chinese or others. This is why under pressure WHO investigation has been launched - but even that CCP has adamantly delayed by months to clean up the crime scene and train all the interviewees to 'say the right story'. What a bunch of incompetent fools!
Very tiresome threads.

If anyone, including the op @Hamartia Antidote , actually bothered to read the details, they would be shocked to learn that ALL THE VACCINES in circulation have limited impact ON ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTION. By adding the poor efficacy against asymptomatic states into the equation, all the vaccines suddenly drop dramatically in terms of efficacy.

I have posted articles outlining this in the past on various threads. Such misleading articles as this OP shilling ought to be summarily trashed as propaganda.

"Tuesday’s press conference, Palácios said Sinovac’s relatively low efficacy rate of 50% was due to its more rigorous standard for what counts as an infection among trial volunteers. The Butantan Institute said it included six types of cases in its results: asymptomatic, very mild, mild, two levels of moderate, and severe. (The Brazilian authorities stressed that the public should focus on the vaccine’s 100% efficacy in protecting against severe cases of COVID-19.) Western vaccine makers generally included only mild, moderate, and severe categories, and companies like Pfizer are doing additional studies to see if the vaccine will prevent asymptomatic cases."

Let's add one of additional unquantified issue into the equation here. There is a Brazilian variant of the disease, which would coincide with Brazil's slightly worse vaccine trial outcome as compared with other nations who trialled Sinovac. Sure, it's not quantified at present, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Brazilian variant is partly resistant to current vaccines. That's precisely why sensible countries are banning travel from south America for now.
they would be shocked to learn that ALL THE VACCINES in circulation have limited impact ON ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTION. By adding the poor efficacy against asymptomatic states into the equation, all the vaccines suddenly drop dramatically in terms of efficacy.

I have posted articles outlining this in the past on various threads. Such misleading articles as this OP shilling ought to be summarily trashed as propaganda.

Can you also post articles saying it is normal for some people to have adverse reactions to shots...instead of complaining.
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Wuhan CCP virus has led to millions of casualties around the world
There is scientific evidence that the earliest case was in Italy. The evidence is preserved in a skin biopsy. The viral RNA is there, forever preserved in a block of wax, disproving your nonsense. Feel free to search and you will find the article published in the British Journal of Dermatology. I can't be bothered digging up links for ignorant people.

Also...Did you know, the Asian rat, which carried another well known zoonotic disease (the plague), originated in ancient Indian lands? Guess how many people in the world died (and still die) thanks to this Indian disease.
So far, Oxford-Astrazeneca is the only vaccine proving to be effective, affordable and vaccinable to the masses. India is going to play a crucial role in global vaccination drive as India is capable, committed and only exporter of this vaccine in global market.
I just wish the Chinese CCP goons will have more integrity and let their Chinese scientists (there are some really good ones) to do their work - that includes proper research, proper data analysis, proper publication. Instead they lie all the time and end up embarrassing themselves. In this case their criminal delays, suppression and misleading about the Wuhan CCP virus has led to millions of casualties around the world. Now the same criminals are pushing their shoddy vaccine and vaccine data. If they have an iota of humanity and personal integrity in them they will publish full unadultrated data. But they don't. The CCP does not care about any people whether Chinese or others. This is why under pressure WHO investigation has been launched - but even that CCP has adamantly delayed by months to clean up the crime scene and train all the interviewees to 'say the right story'. What a bunch of incompetent fools!
So is the CCP is a political party inside your country and your government?
And you hate them for what they did to you otherwise where did all these hatred derive from since you appeeared hate all the Chinese.

If they are incompete and a fool then they would not have accomplished what your government have failed to do.

So am I wrong to call you a racist although you cleverly disguised your attack on Chinese using the CCP as your cover. :coffee:
So far, Oxford-Astrazeneca is the only vaccine proving to be effective, affordable and vaccinable to the masses. India is going to play a crucial role in global vaccination drive as India is capable, committed and only exporter of this vaccine in global market.
Are you kidding yourself or us?
You people are unbelievable..
I guess you are not alone in this subcontinent.
Respectable opinions especially political one from the West and as I discovered nowadays coming from India is mostly nonsense.
So real it is to the Indians that they are like fishes who never notice the water.
No wonder some of us are around to expose these silly made beliefs, misconceptions and shameless hypocrisy.

Are you kidding yourself or us?
You people are unbelievable..
I guess you are not alone in this subcontinent.
Respectable opinions especially political one from the West and as I discovered nowadays coming from India is mostly nonsense.
So real it is to the Indians that they are like fishes who never notice the water.
No wonder some of us are around to expose these silly made beliefs, misconceptions and shameless hypocrisy.

What the hell are you talking about? I guess all the Chinese here in this forum have superiority complex (read inferiority complex) issues.
What the hell are you talking about? I guess all the Chinese here in this forum have superiority complex (read inferiority complex) issues.
You don't what I am talking about and you are in here uttering total nonsense.
It is like claiming the moon is rounder than the earth.

Both AstraZeneca and Chinese vaccines deployed the same traditional methodology in creating these vaccines unlike the so-called innovative mRNA using by Pfizer and Modena. So nobody knows the long term side-effects. Even the Pfizer CEO has not taken his jab yet.

Chinese vaccines have been administered and tested on 14 million trial patient while AstraZeneca On a limited number and they have not even completed its 3td stage testing yet.
Being fasttrack and you already claimed it is the best.

Even Oxford University researchers are only claiming a 70% efficacy.

Stop making unsubstantiated claim based on your wild imagination. :coffee:
It was Chinese vaccine that was found to have some issues. But most of the trollers here have been ranting about Indian Vaccine. Indian Vaccine manufacturers have already got supply contracts from multiple countries. As per some people here these countries don’t have any brains. The best part of the entire game is that most of the negative views are from people who have not produced anything and have no capability to do so.

China is one of the most opaque countries when it comes to providing information. They have been persistently lying about COVID. But countries in their control (militarily and financially) are obliged to sing their praises.

India remains largest producer of vaccines in the world. The facilities here provide vaccines to US and Europe who have stringent regulatory requirements. If they have passed those means that they know what they do. Hopefully, naysayers will acknowledge it someday.
There is scientific evidence that the earliest case was in Italy. The evidence is preserved in a skin biopsy. The viral RNA is there, forever preserved in a block of wax, disproving your nonsense. Feel free to search and you will find the article published in the British Journal of Dermatology. I can't be bothered digging up links for ignorant people.

Also...Did you know, the Asian rat, which carried another well known zoonotic disease (the plague), originated in ancient Indian lands? Guess how many people in the world died (and still die) thanks to this Indian disease.

very nice job of showing loyalty to CCP. All the same facts are facts.
So is the CCP is a political party inside your country and your government?
And you hate them for what they did to you otherwise where did all these hatred derive from since you appeeared hate all the Chinese.

If they are incompete and a fool then they would not have accomplished what your government have failed to do.

So am I wrong to call you a racist although you cleverly disguised your attack on Chinese using the CCP as your cover. :coffee:

you have a tough time understanding plain english. I won't bother, just go back and read it again
So far, Oxford-Astrazeneca is the only vaccine proving to be effective, affordable and vaccinable to the masses. India is going to play a crucial role in global vaccination drive as India is capable, committed and only exporter of this vaccine in global market.
B.s. is it the "only" anything; cite your evidence please.

This vaccine is only several %age points more efficacious than sinovac, as per a leading British journal citation.

It is a b.s. thread and a b.s. assertion that a vaccine actually held to more rigorous testing protocols (by including asymptomatic cases in the calculations) is somehow being slammed for the usual political reasons.
Can you also post articles saying it is normal for some people to have adverse reactions to shots...instead of complaining.
Adverse reactions exist with all vaccines.
B.s. is it the "only" anything; cite your evidence please.

This vaccine is only several %age points more efficacious than sinovac, as per a leading British journal citation.

It is a b.s. thread and a b.s. assertion that a vaccine actually held to more rigorous testing protocols (by including asymptomatic cases in the calculations) is somehow being slammed for the usual political reasons.

Adverse reactions exist with all vaccines.
not really it's far less effective than sinovac,the most thoroughly tested vac out there, using similar trial as that of Astra zenica,the efficacy of sinovac will be 90% plus , as reported in turkey.
Oh,and people already dried during AZ trial.
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