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Disappearance of Buddhism from "Non Violent India": An Untold Story

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Buddhism is unable to gain popularity in India, mainly due to two reasons:-

FIRSTLY, People realised that, in this era of EXTREMISM.....a non-violent religion like BUDDHISM has no chance of survival.......
The BUDDHISTS learnt their lesson from history well.......

SECONDLY,All religions of the world originated from Hinduism........
Therefore it is quite illogical to practice any other religion.......
Lord Buddha is also regarded as an AVATAR of Lord Vishnu.......
People realized this.....hence the so called "decline" of Buddhism in India......
Even, sensible MUSLIMS in India and all over the world are adopting Hinduism after realizing their "mistake" ;)

Wrong. Hinduism couldn't even make it off the Indian subcontinent. Islam and Judaism and Christianity all started in the Middle East where no one knew about Hinduism so please stop spewing propoganda.

And what you are calling a mistake is why Pakistan and Bangladesh were born because the Hindus realized their "mistake". ;)
Wrong. Hinduism couldn't even make it off the Indian subcontinent. Islam and Judaism and Christianity all started in the Middle East where no one knew about Hinduism so please stop spewing propoganda.

And what you are calling a mistake is why Pakistan and Bangladesh were born because the Hindus realized their "mistake". ;)
The only reason why Hinduism could not spread outside Indian subcontinent is due to the fact that we do not try to convert anyone by FORCE.....
Interesting discussion but there seems to be a missing link here...Buddhism and what is now called Hinduism aka Santhana Dharama could never have conflicts like what the Abrahamic religions have had with each other and other Parenthetic religions.

At the heart of the difference are 2 different philosophies..Vedic Hinduism believes in the concept of the"absolute" while Buddhism believes in the concept of "shunya".

So between these 2 religions there is nothing to kill each other about..

And they never killed each other.........History proves that.....
Hinduism was practiced in Cambodia,Indonesia,Malaysia etc...they are not part of Indian subcontinent.
^^^^I guess, that is due to the influence of the Indian traders........
Hinduism was practiced in Cambodia,Indonesia,Malaysia etc...they are not part of Indian subcontinent.

They were a part of southern Indian empires once. Mainstream Hindu dharma and Buddh Dharma is still followed in a syncretic fashion in southeast Asia. The syncretism there if studied, will offer a great value add to understanding how common Dharmic faiths are. :)
Wrong. Hinduism couldn't even make it off the Indian subcontinent. Islam and Judaism and Christianity all started in the Middle East where no one knew about Hinduism so please stop spewing propoganda.

See, if someone chooses to become a Buddhist or a mainstream Hindu, we don't go off blowing horns all over the world about their choice. There are large amounts of westerners who have adopted either paths to their personal lives (most don't change their names so it is difficult to tell as such). So? It is their choice. We don't start howling "Oh now we are rising" and this and that. Because this is not about quantity; it is about spirituality of our inner self.

And what you are calling a mistake is why Pakistan and Bangladesh were born because the Hindus realized their "mistake". ;)

You just got lucky because Gandhi lived for 3 additional years. Thank your stars and bless him.
If you can visit the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia do it..a purely magnificent construction.
Budhism is not about god...it is about suffering....saying that lord budha is avtar is great insult to lord budha...and have you ever read why puranics called budha as avtar?? just search on net...

The gist of the thread is.....whether the "small" number of "real" Buddhists in India is the result of persecution of Buddhists by Hindus or NOT??

FRom the discussion so far and most importantly from the views of a Buddhist himself....the answer is a clear NO.

And two clear reasons behind the "small" no. of "real" Buddhists in India have been distinguished:-

Firstly, Enough historical evidences have been given to show that the primary reason behind the decline of the "real" Buddhists in ancient India is Islamic Genocide.(read post #99)
(Enough historical evidences have also been given in order to show that both Hindus and Buddhists co-existed peacefully before and after the Islamic invasion.)

Secondly, the inclusion/recognition of Lord buddha as one of the avatars in Hinduism has rendered it somewhat "unnecesary" to follow Buddhism seperately. In this essence we are all Hindus as well as Buddhists.

Now, whether this inclusion is an "insult" OR "threat" to "real" Buddhism or not, is for the "real" Buddhists to deside.
Hindus,Muslims,Christians etc. do not have a say in this.
.........Besides I dont want to eat up all my monthly quota watching some bbbulcrap Indian video.

Ha Ha Ha.....this explains everything.........

You don't want to hear what an Indian has to say regarding their own religion........

you dont wanna hear you opponents view in a debate......you just wanna enforce your own propaganda.
you are a perfect example of a PROPAGANDIST.

I already answered all your question. Why are you beating the same drum again and again..........
Actually you are beating the same drum again and again......look at the posts below......

The question is why Buddhism had to find its home all the way to Afhganistan but not at its birthplace. We were talking about pre Islamic history even if we take your logic that Muslim just buried them alive.

That did not answer my question of why Buddhism reduced to only Bengal and Afhganistan before Islam came to sub continent. It could be evenly distributed throughout the subcontinent being Hindu majority.
You are intentionally and quite foolishly trying to suggest that Buddhism was confined in certain "pockets" of the Indian Subcontinent.

Tell me, if the Taxila University was situated in modern day Pakistan, then how come we find enormous status of Lord Buddha in modern day Afghanistan?.....according to your childish logic....Buddhism should have been confined to modern day Pakistan only.

The answer is.......

During the Pre-Islamic era, Buddhism flourished so much so that they had their own Universities where they taught about Buddhist Philosophies......
These universities were situated in modern day Pakistan and Bihar-India........These were the epicenters of Buddhism...people from all over the world came to study at these places......So, from where these Universities were situated, their influence reached far and wide.........

The presence of these Universities at the Western and central India along with their influence in eastern and southern India indicates that, BUDDHISM literally flourished throughout the Indian subcontinent....at that time.

AND given the fact that India was ruled by HINDU kings, it is extremely stupid to assume that, BUDDHISM flourished without the patronage of the Hindu kings......
The high caste folks lost their stature becasue of Buddism, no wonder they got rid of it. I mean they got people cleaning their s**t, becasue of Buddism they now have to clean their own crap. Does it really take a genious to figure it out. The high caste folks wanted their glory days back. They manage to wipe Buddism off, then bleached the whole place.

Waiting for the first Indian expert to say I got no clue, Budda is from India crap.
You are talking about the time of Buddhist rise in Indian sub continent. You are cleverly escaping the time of Palas decline and the disapearance of Buddhist even in its core birth place. You are talking about How Afhgan got massacared but cleverly not answering how Buddhist just disapeared from Bihar and Nepal before the arrival of Islam.
Buddhists disappeared from Bihar due to the Islamic onslaught.....AND Nepal is inherently a Hindu state....It saw decline of Buddhism due to the fact that Buddha was inducted as an Avatar in Hinduism.(see post #174)
The high caste folks lost their stature becasue of Buddism, no wonder they got rid of it. I mean they got people cleaning their s**t, becasue of Buddism they now have to clean their own crap. Does it really take a genious to figure it out. The high caste folks wanted their glory days back. They manage to wipe Buddism off, then bleached the whole place.

Waiting for the first Indian expert to say I got no clue, Budda is from India crap.

Hindu kings, belonging to so called "higher caste"(kashtryas) patroned the Buddhists......so your bullcr** propaganda goes out of the window......
The high caste folks lost their stature becasue of Buddism, no wonder they got rid of it. I mean they got people cleaning their s**t, becasue of Buddism they now have to clean their own crap. Does it really take a genious to figure it out. The high caste folks wanted their glory days back. They manage to wipe Buddism off, then bleached the whole place.

Waiting for the first Indian expert to say I got no clue, Budda is from India crap.

That makes no sense...as Buddhism and Vedic Hinduism are basically two branches of the same philosophy.

I like your Ron Paul signature..go Dr Paul!!
Wrong. Hinduism couldn't even make it off the Indian subcontinent. Islam and Judaism and Christianity all started in the Middle East where no one knew about Hinduism so please stop spewing propoganda.

And what you are calling a mistake is why Pakistan and Bangladesh were born because the Hindus realized their "mistake". ;)
You are wrong.. have you been to indnesia, thailand cambodia ? i have ..
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