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Diplomats saw no ISI link in Mumbai attack


Seriously, nobody wants to read all that, and even if we do read it, then you can't change our opinion.

Face it. 95% of the blame for Mumbai attacks should go to Indian itself.

Don't expect us to be apologetic....never ever expect us to be apologetic.


u gotta be kidding !

our mistake was intelligence failure....but it doesnt undermine the role of perpretators.
Sorry you might be convinced with this answer but I am not.
If you did not received any documents or corporation from Indian side does not mean, you will start denying citizenship of a terrorist found in such a henious activities.

You could have said we are waiting for official information.
I agree, the better way to handle this would have been to just keep reiterating that Pakistan could not confirm anything until India officially cooperated and shared evidence with Pakistan, but that said, the course of action chosen by Pakistan does not establish guilt either. At most you could argue that it reflected poor decision making by the Zardari government.

You are also ignoring that while Geo did a sting, people were openly admitting about Kasab, but on live TV there was denial. Why so?
Because it was a media story, not evidence provide by the GoI to cross check with local investigations. Again, at most you could argue that the the GoP should have handled the situation differently, not that it establishes guilt.
About bold part 2, it never seemed from any media report that we were waiting for conformation. If that was the case you would have said, we are waiting for conformation or waiting for document. Outright rejection was the case, it was clearly visible that an attempt was made to hide the identity of Kasab and only when it was not possible anymore it was accepted.
Again, I agree that the situation could have been handled differently, by both India and Pakistan - but just because it was handled the way it was does not establish guilt.
Ask any neutral person on the forum.

I understand being nationalistic, but you are not been logical.
I think that the problem is that some Indians have been so poisened by the Indian media and GoI propaganda that you are having a hard time accepting that the world powers infact did not see the ISI as complicit in the Mumbai attacks.

Plus the report about extensive ISI collaboration with other intelligence agencies to prevent terrorist attacks in India debunks Indian propaganda.
Pakistan 'Shared Mumbai Attacks Research with India'​

Pakistan agreed to share information with India on the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, cables released by Wikileaks have revealed.

The information is contained in a 2009 cable from US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson.

The agreement followed a secret agreement brokered by the US, and came barely a month after the attacks.

The cables also warns the Lashkar-e-Toiba militant group which carried out the Mumbai attack, could act again.

The leaked cable, sent to Washington on 3 January 2009 by Ms Patterson, showed that barely a month after the 26 November 2008 Mumbai attacks, Pakistan agreed to share information with India on Islamabad's investigation into the gun and grenade strikes.

Ms Patterson wrote said that the director-general of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha, had "just approved the sharing of tearline information on Pakistan's investigation [into the Mumbai attacks] with Indian intelligence, after assurances from the CIA that information would be held in intelligence channels only".

In intelligence parlance, tearline relates to a physical line on an intelligence message which separates categories of information that have been approved for foreign disclosure.

Lashkar-e-Toiba Fears

Ms Patterson wanted Washington to ask India not to release information about their investigation into the Mumbai attacks, which might jeopardise the new information-sharing arrangement.

She said if Lt Gen Pasha was "embarrassed by what is essentially public dissemination without the Indians providing the results of their own investigation to Pakistan, it will undercut Pakistan's ability to pursue its investigation, generate a public backlash in Pakistan and could undermine Pasha personally".

Two days after this cable, India handed over material related to the Mumbai investigation to the Pakistani High Commissioner in New Delhi. Information about the attacks was shared subsequently with other countries.

A reference to the "tearline information" to be provided to India appears in another cable sent by Ms Patterson, after a 2 January meeting with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

"Zardari had been briefed by ISI Director-General, LTG [Lieutenant General] Pasha, on his meeting with DCIA [Director, Central Intelligence Agency] in Washington, and he had concurred in the release of 'tearline' information to be passed to the Indians," the 5 January 2009 cable said.

In her earlier cable, Patterson had said it would be premature for India to release information about the investigation into the Mumbai strikes until the probe was over.

"We note that the FBI has just presented a long list of information it is still seeking from the Indians to advance its own investigation," she argued in her cable.

Most important, in her view, was that "sleeper cells" of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), the group responsible for the Mumbai attacks, were still active in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

"To prevent another potential attack, we need to keep channels of co-operation and information sharing open…our goal is not only to bring the perpetrators of this [Mumbai] attack to justice, but also to begin a dialogue that will reduce tensions between India and Pakistan," she said.

BBC News - Pakistan 'shared Mumbai attacks research with India'
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Any 'protection' of the ISI image, if what you are suggesting is a cover up by the US of the ISI's culpability in the Mumbai attacks, would be in public statements, but in private correspondance at least the US would have discussed ISI guilt and any evidence establishing it. Instead what we have is the US and others not holding the ISI responsible and talking about its high degree of collaboration on both the Mumbai investigation as well as on preventing more terrorist attacks.

So your link establishes nothing.
Any 'protection' of the ISI image, if what you are suggesting is a cover up by the US of the ISI's culpability in the Mumbai attacks, would be in public statements, but in private correspondance at least the US would have discussed ISI guilt and any evidence establishing it. Instead what we have is the US and others not holding the ISI responsible and talking about its high degree of collaboration on both the Mumbai investigation as well as on preventing more terrorist attacks.

So your link establishes nothing.

You seem to be vindicating the article I posted. Where are the private correspondences in this regard? In public, the US has sought to cover up for ISI and that is why this cable holds good. It does not specifically mentions anyone nailing the ISI (for that we already have David Headley's confessions), but it does say that the US did not wanted the image of ISI to take a bashing 'at that time', and may be this is the case till now.

I am sorry to have provided the wrong link for the article, I have edited the last post.
While u guys were discussing all this
Did any of u remember the previous reports where ISI Head Pasha himself acknowledged to the US that lower level ISI officers were involved , along with ex Pak army officers however the operations were not sanctioned by ISI top brass

By the way Pasha will most probably be killed in the next few months or atleast an attempt on his life will be made
Just like Kayani
While u guys were discussing all this
Did any of u remember the previous reports where ISI Head Pasha himself acknowledged to the US that lower level ISI officers were involved , along with ex Pak army officers however the operations were not sanctioned by ISI top brass

i'm afraid you are going to have to post some links.........without links, you dont have much of an argument

By the way Pasha will most probably be killed in the next few months or atleast an attempt on his life will be made
Just like Kayani

they are men in uniform....do you really think a soldier is worried about attempts on their life? While our ''leaders'' sit in Islamabad, these guys can be found walking on foot in areas some people have called ''most dangerous place on earth''

who are you kidding? :rolleyes:

a soldier who fears death can hardly be called a soldier, or even a MAN
this thread or threads like this are such a waste ,pakistan will always deny that & india will always believe that. no end to this.
It does not specifically mentions anyone nailing the ISI (for that we already have David Headley's confessions),
What Headley confessions?

If you read the actual Headley plea agreement/deposition made to US LEA's, there is nothing in there along the lines of the nonsensical allegations being made by the Indian media.

If you have any factual source to support the Indian media allegations attributed to Headley, please provide it here. So far it appears no one is really buying the Indian argument that the ISI/PA was involved in the Mumbai attacks.
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