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Diplomatic victory for Pakistan - Reason why Mahatir was invited as chief guest on 23rd March

Sure it can still be blacklisted. Malaysia is not the one calling the shots here. It is the US that is.

BTW malaysia is one to talk. It's 1MDB money laundering scandal took down their PM!

Look how China supported us, while we are falling to western and Indian propaganda abt China crack down on Muslims. The same western and Indian propaganda who have declared terrorists fighting Pakistan as right groups. Will we start believing this too? Every country have limits of its patience and I'm afraid it won't be long when our friends had enough with our interference.

You live in the west yet hate on it? It's very tolerant of them to let you stay.
you answer yourself to your own opinion above, the greater play as observed and understood by Pakistan, with all the efforts Pakistan can do is happening. Malaysian response is an effort to the same.
foreign ministry taking priority matters into account making things improving. we have seen Pakistan coming out of biased foreign policy, is making her ground well in the regional politics and global forum.
everybody play its cards at the time they need, we are doing same and we always had those cards to play, in our pocket.

My question was why Malaysia wants to get involved. What is its motivation? Why should it go against the greater powers and support Pakistan even when clearly Pakistan hadn't done enough to get majority support.
I don't see GCC being among the members in FATF. Perhaps they are not full members.


didnt is not a word in English either... :undecided: Attend some course...

Let me teach you something, when you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you so provide the link or you're just printing it from your backside.

https://www.fatf-gafi.org/countries/#Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is one of the members of the Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). The GCC is a member of the FATF. The member states of the GCC are: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates..
My question was why Malaysia wants to get involved. What is its motivation? Why should it go against the greater powers and support Pakistan even when clearly Pakistan hadn't done enough to get majority support.

and now the answer is in my post ready carefully.
Nothing new as this line is used by the cheapest trolls and pathological liars who do not have any source to backup their lies.
In fact it is you who is scared because you made a claim without any source to backup and when I asked for that you got abusive and angry which exposed your lies & biases for everyone to read. If you had a source, you would have shared immediately.
To the world.
I got abusive ? Bud you started
Here you go and as i said rest you are big boy can google yourself and please dont quote me
Pakistan fails to fulfil 25 of 27 FATF points, downgrading by IMF, World Bank to continue - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...rld-bank-to-continue/articleshow/69811158.cms
and now the answer is in my post ready carefully.
You did not. You cannot as well. I understand you made an effort to reach out to Malaysia diplomatically. That is from Pakistan's perspective. But you also must have done the same to host of other countries as well. But what made Malaysia come out in support where as most other countries think twice to go against the greater powers.

My understanding is that Mahathir is looking at the issue in Islamic perspective and not as real politic. Same Mahathir refused to send Zakir Nayak to India for the same reason.
You did not. You cannot as well. I understand you made an effort to reach out to Malaysia diplomatically. That is from Pakistan's perspective. But you also must have done the same to host of other countries as well. But what made Malaysia come out in support where as most other countries think twice to go against the greater powers.

My understanding is that Mahathir is looking at the issue in Islamic perspective and not as real politic. Same Mahathir refused to send Zakir Nayak to India for the same reason.

you cannot come out of the shell that you are in hence can't think out of the box. one can feed the masses but can't an individual who is not ready for it. this Islamic thing is in your brain and is more than the west are you suffering from Islamophobia.
you cannot come out of the shell that you are in hence can't think out of the box. one can feed the masses but can't an individual who is not ready for it. this Islamic thing is in your brain and is more than the west are you suffering from Islamophobia.

You are having problem with comprehension. Where does Islamophobia come into discussion here. Come back to reply when you have a proper answer.
You live in Pakistan yet hate on it like ptm or mehsud or bugti? Very tolerant of them to not make you a missing person.

The difference being that Pakistan is Pakistan and the west is the west. The west has accomplished a lot that you can be proud of. Pakistan not so much.
Counting chickes befor they are hatched ?
Pakistan ignored or missed on 25 points out of 27.
They are still in Grey List.
And they can be blacklisted

Don't believe in all the BS (Indian Media) that you read. FATF has 40+9 recommendations and NOT just 27; off the 49, Pakistan is fully compliant in most and partially to fully compliant in the remaining that matter.

where is GCC's vote? @Horus @Khafee @Dubious

It was with Saudi Arabia, incidentally it was Saudi Arabia that abandoned us at FATF leaving us with just 2 votes (China & Turkey), China later on decided to save face instead of voting for a losing cause.......Turkey was left alone voting in our favor when we needed 3 (initially the other 2 were China & GCC).

This is one of the reasons I do not particularly like the Saudi Government, they are Indian and US boot-lickers.

Good diplomatic effort and result by Pakistan. Main problem is that Pak needs 15 members support to come out of grey list and 3 members support to avoid black listing. Pak avoided black listing successfully but still has to cover a lot to be out of grey listing. All the best for your future, i am selfish in this regard, Pak should come out clean successful as this will lead to cut off of support to violent anti India groups.You can always support Kashmirs Politically but not armed resistance. India has to on its part should give good governance and development that Kashmirs should willingly support India.

Actually, we need just the 1............US!

All the rest will fall in line after that. And all we need to do is find some common ground with the US to get out of the Grey List, which by the way has NOT caused us any problems whatsoever, except to hurt our pride.

Shouldn't we have support from 10+ Arab countries as well...? Just wondering if their vote was in Pakistan's favor or did they decided to stay neutral?

The entire GCC had a single vote. Saudi Arabia was promised full membership of FATF to stop support to Pakistan, which then led to our grey listing.

@ps3linux @Reddington @graphican I know i may going to ask u some thread which can draw so much hate and trolling to you on forum but so far i get 18 points and i seriously believe and said many times before implementing those reform would help Pakistan national interest and economy in positive way .Abhi na karna yeh qoum kal ka match harny ka ghussa tum logon py nikal dy gi ;)
@Mangus Ortus Novem Sir need your value able inputs too

1) The FATF asks Pakistan to conduct ongoing outreach to financial institutions to promote a clear understanding of their AML/CFT obligations and terror financing risks. Now the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) after completion of national terror financing risk assessment, the financial institutions (FIs) regulated by the SBP, were supposed to prepare individual risk assessments. The SBP plans to initiate an outreach programme to disseminate the identified risks to all stakeholders and to guide them on commensurate risk mitigation techniques and tools.

Pakistan needs to provide plans of outreach and awareness programmes to disseminate identified risks to financial institutions. The SECP has already issued draft of AML/CFT guidelines.

2) In May 2019, the SBP will have to demonstrate that supervisory activities including on-site and off-site examination are applied on risk sensitive basis to financial institutions. The SBP’s Supervision Department is making efforts to transform its CAMELS framework to complete risk based assessment in areas of credit market liquidity and operational risk specifically in areas in which ML/TF risk is assessed. Pakistan will have to share schedule of on-site and off site.

3) The SBP and SECP will have to demonstrate that remedial actions and effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions are being applied in cases of violations of AML/CFT requirements and failing in TF risk management. Pakistan will need to provide details on the enforcement action and other actions to demonstrate that FIs are reforming.

4) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that competent authorities are cooperating and taking actions to identify and sanction illegal Money or Value Transfer Service (MVTS) to mitigate the risk of misuse by designated persons and entities (for example closing down illegal MVTS and prosecuting the operators).

The SBP and FIA signed MoU to cooperate and coordinate on issues relating to actions against illegal MVTS, STRs and information sharing for investigation of financial crimes. Now the FIA will have to demonstrate actions against MVTS on the ground in order to satisfy FATF.

5) The FBR will have to demonstrate that authorities are pursuing domestic and international cooperation to identify cash couriers and enforce controls on illicit movement of currency. Now the Customs authorities will have to present some cases to demonstrate its actions.

6) The Nacta will have to establish and implement a policy for all responsible law enforcing agencies (LEAs) to proactively initiate financial inquiries and investigation of terrorist groups and their members; and make reactive parallel financial inquiries or possible investigation a part of every terrorism investigation. The CTD has been tasked to prepare a comprehensive policy for proactively initiation of financial inquiries. At present the provincial CTDs are following standard operating procedures (SOPs) for conducting parallel financial investigation in terror financing matters in terrorism cases. A comprehensive guidance has been issued by the Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) for the LEAs and other authorities to comprehend and implement the requirement of action plan.

7) The FMU will have to proactively request and provide international cooperation in cases of targeting, investigating and prosecuting terror financing cases. They will have to demonstrate that this has included police to police, custom to custom and FIU to FIU for formal cooperation under Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA). FMU has so far signed MoU with Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Sri Lanka for exchange of information on money laundering, terrorism financing and related criminal activities in a spirit of cooperation and mutual interest. In addition, a number of MoUs with different countries such as UK, UAE and Qatar are under negotiations.

The FBR, NAB, ANF have powers of international cooperation under their respective establishment laws and these agencies are effectively and timely providing information on international requests. The FIA acts as focal point for Interpol in Pakistan and police to police takes place through the FIA. Pakistan has drafted standalone MLA law which caters for all the requirements of international cooperation which would be placed before the Parliament soon.

8) Pakistan will have to demonstrate activities to enhance capacity and support for prosecution and the judiciary involved in terror financing cases.

9) Pakistan will have to present technical compliance to demonstrate a comprehensive legal obligation to target financial sanctions without delay and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had recently complied to this condition to issue SRO to this effect.

10) The SBP will have to demonstrate further risk based outreach to FI/non-profit organisations (NPOs) to ensure they understand and comply under 1267 and 1373 UN Security Council Resolutions.

11) Pakistan will have to take immediate action to implement terror financing against designated persons and entities. This includes screening against their customer base and ongoing transaction monitoring by the regulators and law enforcing agencies.

12) Pakistan will have to demonstrate effective implementation of terror financing against assets of 1,267 and 1,373 designated persons and affiliates including Daesh, al-Qaeda, FIF, JuD, LeT, JeM and HQN.

13) Pakistan will have to show enforcement against violations with terror financing under UNSCR of 1,267 and 1,373 including asset freezing and prohibition on providing funds and other financial services and provide case examples to support the cooperation. In this regard, the country will have to demonstrate with evidence the administrative penalties that have been enforced over a two year period.

14) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that the facilities and services owned or controlled directly or indirectly by designated persons and entities (and those acting on their behalf of or at their direction) are deprived of resources and the usage thereof (i.e. shut down or effectively taken over by the government or by reputable civil society organisation). This should include ensuring that the individuals affiliated with designated persons and entities are no longer in control directly or indirectly of the facilities or their activities and continuing public awareness campaign of freezing action taken for facilities and services owned or controlled be designated persons.

15) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that authorities are applying focused measures to such NPOs which Pakistan identified as being vulnerable to terror financing abuse in line with risk based approach.

16)revising/updating Pakistan’s national risk assessment on terror financing

17)improving FBR’s customs report on cash couriers to curb currency smuggling

18)placing inter agency cooperation mechanism among law enforcing agencies at federal and provincial levels.

Did you copy and paste the above from some source? I read that as a go through and it is quite literally a summary of the FATF action plan so you are spot on. Involved in the Country's Risk Assessment or FATF action plans yourself?
Explain to whom ?

To the world since you seem to be going around with a loudspeaker complaining about Pakistan doing the same.

The pot calling the kettle black...
@ps3linux @Reddington @graphican I know i may going to ask u some thread which can draw so much hate and trolling to you on forum but so far i get 18 points and i seriously believe and said many times before implementing those reform would help Pakistan national interest and economy in positive way .Abhi na karna yeh qoum kal ka match harny ka ghussa tum logon py nikal dy gi ;)
@Mangus Ortus Novem Sir need your value able inputs too

1) The FATF asks Pakistan to conduct ongoing outreach to financial institutions to promote a clear understanding of their AML/CFT obligations and terror financing risks. Now the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) after completion of national terror financing risk assessment, the financial institutions (FIs) regulated by the SBP, were supposed to prepare individual risk assessments. The SBP plans to initiate an outreach programme to disseminate the identified risks to all stakeholders and to guide them on commensurate risk mitigation techniques and tools.

Pakistan needs to provide plans of outreach and awareness programmes to disseminate identified risks to financial institutions. The SECP has already issued draft of AML/CFT guidelines.

2) In May 2019, the SBP will have to demonstrate that supervisory activities including on-site and off-site examination are applied on risk sensitive basis to financial institutions. The SBP’s Supervision Department is making efforts to transform its CAMELS framework to complete risk based assessment in areas of credit market liquidity and operational risk specifically in areas in which ML/TF risk is assessed. Pakistan will have to share schedule of on-site and off site.

3) The SBP and SECP will have to demonstrate that remedial actions and effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions are being applied in cases of violations of AML/CFT requirements and failing in TF risk management. Pakistan will need to provide details on the enforcement action and other actions to demonstrate that FIs are reforming.

4) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that competent authorities are cooperating and taking actions to identify and sanction illegal Money or Value Transfer Service (MVTS) to mitigate the risk of misuse by designated persons and entities (for example closing down illegal MVTS and prosecuting the operators).

The SBP and FIA signed MoU to cooperate and coordinate on issues relating to actions against illegal MVTS, STRs and information sharing for investigation of financial crimes. Now the FIA will have to demonstrate actions against MVTS on the ground in order to satisfy FATF.

5) The FBR will have to demonstrate that authorities are pursuing domestic and international cooperation to identify cash couriers and enforce controls on illicit movement of currency. Now the Customs authorities will have to present some cases to demonstrate its actions.

6) The Nacta will have to establish and implement a policy for all responsible law enforcing agencies (LEAs) to proactively initiate financial inquiries and investigation of terrorist groups and their members; and make reactive parallel financial inquiries or possible investigation a part of every terrorism investigation. The CTD has been tasked to prepare a comprehensive policy for proactively initiation of financial inquiries. At present the provincial CTDs are following standard operating procedures (SOPs) for conducting parallel financial investigation in terror financing matters in terrorism cases. A comprehensive guidance has been issued by the Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) for the LEAs and other authorities to comprehend and implement the requirement of action plan.

7) The FMU will have to proactively request and provide international cooperation in cases of targeting, investigating and prosecuting terror financing cases. They will have to demonstrate that this has included police to police, custom to custom and FIU to FIU for formal cooperation under Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA). FMU has so far signed MoU with Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Sri Lanka for exchange of information on money laundering, terrorism financing and related criminal activities in a spirit of cooperation and mutual interest. In addition, a number of MoUs with different countries such as UK, UAE and Qatar are under negotiations.

The FBR, NAB, ANF have powers of international cooperation under their respective establishment laws and these agencies are effectively and timely providing information on international requests. The FIA acts as focal point for Interpol in Pakistan and police to police takes place through the FIA. Pakistan has drafted standalone MLA law which caters for all the requirements of international cooperation which would be placed before the Parliament soon.

8) Pakistan will have to demonstrate activities to enhance capacity and support for prosecution and the judiciary involved in terror financing cases.

9) Pakistan will have to present technical compliance to demonstrate a comprehensive legal obligation to target financial sanctions without delay and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had recently complied to this condition to issue SRO to this effect.

10) The SBP will have to demonstrate further risk based outreach to FI/non-profit organisations (NPOs) to ensure they understand and comply under 1267 and 1373 UN Security Council Resolutions.

11) Pakistan will have to take immediate action to implement terror financing against designated persons and entities. This includes screening against their customer base and ongoing transaction monitoring by the regulators and law enforcing agencies.

12) Pakistan will have to demonstrate effective implementation of terror financing against assets of 1,267 and 1,373 designated persons and affiliates including Daesh, al-Qaeda, FIF, JuD, LeT, JeM and HQN.

13) Pakistan will have to show enforcement against violations with terror financing under UNSCR of 1,267 and 1,373 including asset freezing and prohibition on providing funds and other financial services and provide case examples to support the cooperation. In this regard, the country will have to demonstrate with evidence the administrative penalties that have been enforced over a two year period.

14) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that the facilities and services owned or controlled directly or indirectly by designated persons and entities (and those acting on their behalf of or at their direction) are deprived of resources and the usage thereof (i.e. shut down or effectively taken over by the government or by reputable civil society organisation). This should include ensuring that the individuals affiliated with designated persons and entities are no longer in control directly or indirectly of the facilities or their activities and continuing public awareness campaign of freezing action taken for facilities and services owned or controlled be designated persons.

15) Pakistan will have to demonstrate that authorities are applying focused measures to such NPOs which Pakistan identified as being vulnerable to terror financing abuse in line with risk based approach.

16)revising/updating Pakistan’s national risk assessment on terror financing

17)improving FBR’s customs report on cash couriers to curb currency smuggling

18)placing inter agency cooperation mechanism among law enforcing agencies at federal and provincial levels.

Very well put Sir. You've given us blueprints of a to-do list that should satisfy FATF, as well as improve the state's control over its financial channels.

But let's look back and see how financial landscape has been before it started to look ugly to the international observers. These pores in our financial systems were allowed to exist and overlooked while their favorite puppets were running the show. As soon as Pakistan refused to replace one puppet with another - suddenly all financial pores became visible and intolerable. These problems do exist on the ground - true - but the pressure which Pakistan is facing now is more than a corrective pressure. If you listen to their unspoken asking, what they are asking is control over Pakistan's reins - back in their hands.

In order to convince this biased financial jury, Pakistan will have to come out much further out of its abyss. Now the minimum passing marks for Pakistan are 70% while previously 33% were "good enough". Your 18 points are pointing towards solving actual problems on the ground and Pakistan needs to solve them as there is no way it would get back on the recovery course without them - but I also find Pakistan will need to win hearts of this jury as much it needs to convince their brains.
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