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Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

why should it remain under the carpet when such attitudes persist in indian society even in 21st century.No posting such articles shows indians frustrations who dont want to see truth.

for your satisfaction im proud pakistani.now happy???:pakistan:

go read maoists thread u'll find the explanation to all those.And again its you who is generalising by bringing whole army.im still concentrating the attitudes of 2 officers.
I had detailed discussion with real life peaceful naxalites.....i don't have to
Actually its attention seeking behavior in psychological term. Going against the natural flow of common ideas, setting you apart......as there is nothing called bad publicity.

I am still trying to understand what was the intention of this post. Coz local news and single incident of no significant value are not allowed. It wouldn't have matter if that person was not in army. A person doesn't completely change coz of profession he has. Its his mindset, even if he was of higher caste, he would have declined treatment from one of lower caste.

P.S. I have been following this forum for more than a year before joining it.

No dis respect just giving my opinion....
Wow sure uncomfortable truth makes indian call it seeking behavior in psychological behaviour.but do u think that calling me names will stop me?And ive been on this since 2009-10 period.
why should it remain under the carpet when such attitudes persist in indian society even in 21st century.No posting such articles shows indians frustrations who dont want to see truth.

Frustration ? :lol:

In 21st century India, you will see many things which you may not like...but that doesnt mean they are wrong.

What you perceive to be bad, may not be bad...here you posted a news saying he refused muslim blood. Did you get that from your imagination or did you go and ask him personally ?

If done personally give proof with Pic evidence...If not please keep your drama aside.

Nobody cares for your BS sentiments.
Dont reply based on Nationality....

reply based on facts....Ontopic, here like this troll topic, where OP wants attention and plays victim....stick around, you will find more drama coming...
Wow..wow...uncomfortable truths sure bring out name calling from indians.
Wow sure uncomfortable truth makes indian call it seeking behavior in psychological behaviour.but do u think that calling me names will stop me?And ive been on this since 2009-10 period.
I am not calling you insane or mad and don't mean dis respect:angel:, just my observation from psychological POV, anyone can disagree with it.....but tell me the moral of the story you wanted to pass on......you are telling a single incident...i admit for your sake that he was a scumbag...now what else we derive from it...kindly explain.:enjoy:
I have came across people like these across internet...one such group was called "Vultures"...the would go around bashing Hinduisim.... India .... when confronted with solid facts they would team up and get down to calling you a RSS guy...and what not.... and guess what ...all were sitting outside India...
I don't doubt that she is Indian. I have met people like her who talks just like her. I know what they really think of government and their psychology. You would be surprised to know, most of them are highly educated and they do point out harsh truth of our country. But one thing they oftenly do wrong is they blame wrong persons. Or they present a case with very weak example.....

Lets just give her a benefit of doubt and be done with it............:enjoy:
same thing you guys do calling me false flag p@ki etc.wats the difference between you n them coz both cant face it.
I had detailed discussion with real life peaceful naxalites.....i don't have to
then y ask exlanation from me for 75 crpf killed????if u want those answers read my posts in maoists thread .many times i explained it.
Wow..wow...uncomfortable truths sure bring out name calling from indians.

Where have i called you " names " ?

See this you brain continuously asking..." Did someone call me names ? "
Frustration ? :lol:

In 21st century India, you will see many things which you may not like...but that doesnt mean they are wrong.

What you perceive to be bad, may not be bad...here you posted a news saying he refused muslim blood. Did you get that from your imagination or did you go and ask him personally ?

If done personally give proof with Pic evidence...If not please keep your drama aside.

Nobody cares for your BS sentiments.
then what u doing in this thread????
same thing you guys do calling me false flag p@ki etc.wats the difference between you n them coz both cant face it.

So...according to you ...everyone should take out a Knife and start poking himself for being an Indian ...because according to you ....India and Indians are bad...and they have done nothing but bad...

Instead of sitting in your comfortable room in front of a computer and slamming keyboard...why don't you go out and change the things that you don't like....but you will not do that...because it takes hard work...so you chose an easy way out...bash bash bash on internet..and go to sleep...and come beck here next morning..and repeat the cycle..
then y ask exlanation from me for 75 crpf killed????if u want those answers read my posts in maoists thread .many times i explained it.
I know the answers...way better than you....you have read it, i have met them...big difference...come to the topic and give me Moral of this story....."An Indian Major was a scumbag but later admit he was at fault"..the end...isn't it...?
I am not calling you insane or mad and don't mean dis respect:angel:, just my observation from psychological POV, anyone can disagree with it.....but tell me the moral of the story you wanted to pass on......you are telling a single incident...i admit for your sake that he was a scumbag...now what else we derive from it...kindly explain.:enjoy:
I wanted to focus on that particular attitude which has long persisted and still do in indian society and u all pounced on me like wolves and diverted the whole thing.

I was reading the above thread where fellow indians call it truly inspiring story of 1971 war.But i call it low level of professionalism from Major General Ian Cardozo says...

Even enemy shows respect but when major general says he dont want to be treated by the pakistani surgeon and he dont want any pakistani blood then it shows his gutter level thinking.On ther other hand Major Bahseer the pakistani surgeon treats major general as his pairient rather than his enemy even during war time and does his duity as human being for which he took oath as doctor to treat his paitient to best of his abilities.

I wonder What those cliches' they show in indian movies about attitudes of indians towards muslim fellow indian like...

"i dont want to be treated by muslim"
"i dont want dirty muslim blood"

etc are not merely as cliches' but sadly a dark truth of indian society which got out in this incident.

because islam teaches us to be kind to all, a difference in faith can be a difference in after life but in this world we have to live together and are all the same, where is some honour to be so rude especially the likes of indian soldier who should have been very kind for the generous offer to treat the enemy soldier
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