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Indian-origin doctor finds ‘solution’ to problem of organ preservation

so, you feel ashamed of it...b'coz he did else where....
common dude science has no boundaries, no ethnicity and no religion......
so, I am still proud....whatever you have to say...
it's not about being proud or anything like it, the actual prob is that such creative brains couldn't do their inventions here in India because of weak governance and lack of support for R&D. And so i said rather than being proud we should rather stop this brain draining. I didn't state i am ashamed of his discovery, but i am ashamed of the incompetence of govt. to help these people. Jai Hind!!
For what??
What SOMAH—the Sanskrit name for the elixir of immortality—can do is preserve organs long enough to be transported across a large country or half-way across the globe. "Current technologies require that organs from cadaver donors be transplanted within a small window of 4-6 hours

What SOMAH—the Sanskrit name for the elixir of immortality—can do is preserve organs long enough to be transported across a large country or half-way across the globe.
it's not about being proud or anything like it, the actual prob is that such creative brains couldn't do their inventions here in India because of weak governance and lack of support for R&D. And so i said rather than being proud we should rather stop this brain draining. I didn't state i am ashamed of his discovery, but i am ashamed of the incompetence of govt. to help these people. Jai Hind!!
ya, I know there is problem ...
and our gov. has proved its incompetence to stop these brain drain.......
but we are a poor nation ... our country can't fund all the money needed for such research ..look at DRDO itself which has a only active funding of 4-5 K crores(purely dedicated to research..)...so, it's a very hard here...+ with all these reservations in all jobs ..people find it hard to work + the salary is so low in gov. jobs ...that a gov. employee or scientist can't even buy a decent house in a metro city ..even with his lifetime savings.....
so, its very tough to be in India and work for india.......
and our our govt. need to understand that....
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