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Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

Did i generalize?i dont think so i used the word soldier in singular form that means that i was referring to these two officers in particular.Even indian POW's were taken care under Geneva convention not a big deal.And here is question of two individual soldiers its the indians who are dragging the whole army putting blame on me for generalisation.

I doubt it. indian secularism is one that conforms to hinduism only.

I knew that " I am a victim " drama is coming..
when a a friend of your get shot by the other side then tell me what would you think about the other side?that thing happened when they were in between war.this can be expected from each and every soldier.
few days back we heard the u.s marines were pissing on the dead bodies of terrorist.

if you have never been to war you have no right to call this fella unprofessional because you have not felt that feeling of hatred when your fellow country men and a good friend get shot by an enemy in the head.

when a a friend of your get shot by the other side then tell me what would you think about the other side?that thing happened when they were in between war.this can be expected from each and every soldier.
few days back we heard the u.s marines were pissing on the dead bodies of terrorist.

if you have never been to war you have no right to call this fella unprofessional because you have not felt that feeling of hatred when your fellow country men and a good friend get shot by an enemy in the head.
Did i generalize?i dont think so i used the word soldier in singular form that means that i was referring to these two officers in particular.Even indian POW's were taken care under Geneva convention not a big deal.And here is question of two individual soldiers its the indians who are dragging the whole army putting blame on me for generalisation.
Ask those who were captured in Vietnam by US, Chinese by Japanese soldiers and you will get the pictured how much Geneva convention is followed....and discussing story of one soldier.....don't tell me you didn't see it coming, actually its a great way to come to generalizations by inciting others to do so using tricky words. Congrats, you achieved what you wanted to.

Why not post another thread on soldier who got Param Chakra.

Its your posts pattern and outlook that force people to drag you into this.

By the way you talk of differences, where is the story on Pakistani soldier because what I see is a doctor first soldier later which you already mentioned.....:undecided:
i don't knows whats the problem with OP????:hitwall:
why r u digging a 40 year old story again?????:sniper:
40 yrs old incident shows the 1000yrs old ingrained attitude in the society which still persists.this incident is just the way to call attention on the attitudes of the indians.
daanveer karan , i guess you had seen only that episode mahabharata
40 yrs old incident shows the 1000yrs old ingrained attitude in the society which still persists.this incident is just the way to call attention on the attitudes of the indians.

Will you not hate your enemy and everything else that is associated with him?
"i dont want to be treated by muslim"
"i dont want dirty muslim blood"

etc are not merely as cliches' but sadly a dark truth of indian society which got out in this incident.
Bullsh!t! Know the difference between Muslim blood and Pakistani blood. What the officer said had nothing to do with Muslim blood. What kinda flame thread is this? Idiotic!
I'm not belittling his sacrifice im belittling his thinking which i feel like puking at.
\Then what right does it give you to talk **** about our entire armed force and post this thread based on the assumption of an individual officer. There have been instance in Indo-Pak war where soldiers from either side have won medals of respective country based on the citation provided by their enemy .
India is already socialist republic.its in indian constitution preamble.
Socialism which almost ended making as bankrupt in early 1990's, we had to ship our gold reserve to England because of Nehru socialist policy. USSR has disintegrated China has become strictly capitalist and we have idealist fools out here who cry about socialism.
Equality in society and socialism are noble words indeed but it always goes against human nature and are impractical.

And india has already got divided twice.I 've every right to call out what is wrong is wrong.
I dont know what you are ranting about kindly elaborate.

Watch dhokha for a change i ve posted its trailer above.And dont give me tall words like secularism.indian secularism is fake Hippocratic secularism
Where do you live in Lala land posting bollywood you tube links how old are you to give out such idiotic reasoning.
If India was not secular then we would not have 3 muslim president.
If india was not seculare then a poor muslim fisherman son would not have become father of our ballistic missile program.
If India was not secular then Muslims Tycons like Ajim Premji would not have made every Indian proud .
And if India was not secular Italian born roman catholic Sonia Gandhi would not have become strongest politician in India.
when a a friend of your get shot by the other side then tell me what would you think about the other side?that thing happened when they were in between war.this can be expected from each and every soldier.
few days back we heard the u.s marines were pissing on the dead bodies of terrorist.

if you have never been to war you have no right to call this fella unprofessional because you have not felt that feeling of hatred when your fellow country men and a good friend get shot by an enemy in the head.

when a a friend of your get shot by the other side then tell me what would you think about the other side?that thing happened when they were in between war.this can be expected from each and every soldier.
few days back we heard the u.s marines were pissing on the dead bodies of terrorist.

if you have never been to war you have no right to call this fella unprofessional because you have not felt that feeling of hatred when your fellow country men and a good friend get shot by an enemy in the head.
Justifying one wrong with other.Oh yes..only indians are expert at doing it.
Nope i dont do that but sure indian like to push everything under carpet if they get chance.

Somethings are meant to remain under the carpet....after 40 yrs.

Posting news like this shows your frustrations with someone, everyone or something...doent make a difference any way in PDF.
whats wrong in having mass grave of terrorists , mass intrusion into the territory of india leads to mass killing by indian army ...:coffee:
i want to ask something to all indian members here...
is there a way to we can ask mods to check whether somebody is a false falger????:blink:
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