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Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

Speaking of professionalism....remember 1999...Kargil...Pakistan Army refused to take dead bodies of their own soldiers...and India Army Buried them as Per Muslim tradition.

that was the most shameful incident...when the so called proud army abandoned their own soldiers....
@ajtr : What the hell is your problem belittling soldiers in such a manner, you don't know anything about duty, hounour and sacrifice.
I'm not belittling his sacrifice im belittling his thinking which i feel like puking at.
If India was run by leftist like you we would have been disintegrated into 1000 nation. You have no god damn right to talk about our nation soldiers who defends the country for ungratefull citizen like you for few thousand rupees.
India is already socialist republic.its in indian constitution preamble.And india has already got divided twice.I 've every right to call out what is wrong is wrong.

Which Indian movie are you talking about where Indian Muslims are shown in a bad light, i agree we may be not a perfect secular society but our fundamentals are strong. It is really sorry state of affairs that we have people like you who cannot appreciate greatness of our country. Probably you one of those Arundhati Roy type of personality who is hoping to get the next Pulitzer by talking crap about your own country.
Watch dhokha for a change i ve posted its trailer above.And dont give me tall words like secularism.indian secularism is fake Hippocratic secularism
i don't knows whats the problem with OP????:hitwall:
why r u digging a 40 year old story again?????:sniper:
there is no comparison between professionalism of indian soldier and pakistani soldier just for an example ,our eastern neighbor are product of pakistan army professionalism ...and we just cant match them ..
there is no comparison between professionalism of indian soldier and pakistani soldier just for an example ,our eastern neighbor are product of pakistan army professionalism ...and we just cant match them ..
And here comes mass graves and human rights violation by Amry in Kashmir and NE....:drag:
Soldiers from both side of the fences are deeply respected by their own countrymen. Dont bring them into these dirty mudslingings. It can hurt everybody's sentiments.
Bravo you generalized entire Indian Army of more than a million soldiers with one incident......

Do you know it was Indian Army's information that led to a Pakistani soldier getting highest gallantry award "Nishan e Haider"?

Do you know, when 93000 Pakistani soldiers who surrendered after 1971, Indian army took very special care regarding their stay, food and security?

list goes on...........:drag:

Great thread by the way...........:hitwall:
Did i generalize?i dont think so i used the word soldier in singular form that means that i was referring to these two officers in particular.Even indian POW's were taken care under Geneva convention not a big deal.And here is question of two individual soldiers its the indians who are dragging the whole army putting blame on me for generalisation.

we have a secular army and I'm so proud of it.......
I doubt it. indian secularism is one that conforms to hinduism only.
Indian army is more professional because they don't do military coup.
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