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Didn't Expect Pakistan To Behave So Harshly: National Geographic's 'Afghan Girl'


Sep 20, 2014
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KABUL: Expressing disappointment at the way she was treated in Pakistan, NatGeo's famed "Afghan Girl" Sharbat Gula, said she was taken aback by the treatment meted out to her by Islamabad.

"I had lived for 35 years in Pakistan. It was a very good life. I did not expect the government to behave so harshly and put me behind bars," Ms Gula told the BBC.

Her time in Pakistan was not all roses. "We were facing a lot of problems. We were refugees in someone else's country. My husband and eldest daughter died of Hepatitis C."

"Now I have come to my homeland and I am very happy. President Ashraf Ghani, former President Hamid Karzai and all the Afghans helped me."

Speaking about whether she would have done anything differently if given the choice, she said, "If I could go back to being 10 again, I would have studied. I wouldn't have married at 13."

At first, she said, the famed National Geographic cover photo "created more problems than benefits".

"It made me famous but also led to my imprisonment. After all these problems, I want to establish a non-governmental organisation to offer people free medical treatment."

"Before this, I was a villager. I did not like the photo and the media. Now I am very happy that it gave me honour and made me popular among people. The income from the photo has helped a lot of widows and orphans. Now I am proud of it."

"I want peace and I pray to God no one is forced to leave their country and become a refugee," she said.

The portrait of Ms Gula, whose sea-green eyes and piercing gaze, made her an international symbol of refugees facing an uncertain future, first appeared on the cover of National Geographic in 1985.

Photographer Steve McCurry photographed her as a young girl living in the largest refugee camp in Pakistan, where almost three million Afghans sought shelter in the wake of the 1979 invasion by the Soviet Union. In 2002, McCurry tracked Sharbat Gula down, now married and mother of five, and photographed her again.

That photo has been likened with Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

National Geographic also made a short documentary about her life and dubbed her the "Mona Lisa of Afghan war".

So after killing indiscriminately our men momen childern.. siding with every enemy of our state... attacking inviting conflict.. and harbouring every child kilker they could find...

This woman , whose claim to fame is a photograph of her taken by an american journalist which we allowed in our country to show the world how ussr was gang raping afghans and how 50)% of their population was sheltering in pakistan... thinks she has been treated harshly?? Woow
Time to move to your beloved India. Don't complain about Pakistan. We have given to you all we could.

It seems Sharbat is now realizing that Afghanistan is not the land she was promised. Opiumland has shown its true colors to Sharbat.

Now do us all one favor Sharbat. Take the rest of your Afghan brothers and sisters with you to Opiumland.
She can always move to America, after all they are occupying Afghanistan at the moment, but again, you got Trump waiting on the gates.
I'm really sorry from my deep heart that you felt it like this .
If I've an authority I would've not insulted you like this .

But as you see , the arrogance is on its peak nowadays everywhere and people have no regard for another's honour .

No matter what afghans will be always our brothers .
You do know what she was put behind bars for? She was charged for Spying (like in most cases). She denied the charges (like in most cases). Afghan Embassy came to know. Scrambled (After like 35 years they got concerned about their citizen).. Pakistan Govt. got her counselor access as per international norms. Let her go back to Afghanistan with her family.

Next day.. she is invited to meet President Ghani in the presence of RAW officials and is given a state guest status.

She now knows of a new trick. She was famous for the NATGEO photograph already.. Now she will play the victim card and we will see a lot of common in her actions just like we saw Mukhtara Mai and Malala Yousafzai. Lots of dollars. A couple of books.. Moving abroad to the west.. giving lectures. Nothing on ground in Afg.. Just the way Malala has been in the west under the pretext of being under threat.

Afghans have been treated as our brothers for so long. But they have back-stabbed us time and again and I think its enough now and they should be sent back as is being planned. Some 700K have already been sent home. That scum called Achakzai wants them to stay. But lets hope the decision that has been made earlier, the govt sticks to it in spirits.

(I maybe wrong in my analysis as anyone could be so please bear with me and correct me if required)
You do know what she was put behind bars for? She was charged for Spying (like in most cases). She denied the charges (like in most cases). Afghan Embassy came to know. Scrambled (After like 35 years they got concerned about their citizen).. Pakistan Govt. got her counselor access as per international norms. Let her go back to Afghanistan with her family.

Next day.. she is invited to meet President Ghani in the presence of RAW officials and is given a state guest status.

She now knows of a new trick. She was famous for the NATGEO photograph already.. Now she will play the victim card and we will see a lot of common in her actions just like we saw Mukhtara Mai and Malala Yousafzai. Lots of dollars. A couple of books.. Moving abroad to the west.. giving lectures. Nothing on ground in Afg.. Just the way Malala has been in the west under the pretext of being under threat.

Afghans have been treated as our brothers for so long. But they have back-stabbed us time and again and I think its enough now and they should be sent back as is being planned. Some 700K have already been sent home. That scum called Achakzai wants them to stay. But lets hope the decision that has been made earlier, the govt sticks to it in spirits.

(I maybe wrong in my analysis as anyone could be so please bear with me and correct me if required)

Pakistan is within rights to secure its borders. this is a case of bad PR
yeah its sad when afghans target pakistani security forces as well.
So you thought the Government of Pakistan would be A'Ok with immigration fraud, perjury and drawing up of counterfiet documents?

Bish, you cray.
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