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Did you ever like Zardari?

Did you ever like Zardari?

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Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Was wondering if any of you ever liked Mr Asif Ali Zardari?

1) Now as President
2) When he raised "Pakistan Khappay" slogan after BB's Death
3) When he was in Jail for so many long years.
4) As BB's husband
5) Never

Lets see an opinion of a common man in Pakistan :pakistan:
Haan Jab us ne kaha keh Pakistan main dhamake USA kara raha hai :rofl:
If pakistanis dislike Zardari so much then how come he is still the head of your state?
If pakistanis dislike Zardari so much then how come he is still the head of your state?

its hard to explain but all i can say is that ppl didnt kno much before but now the media is doing its job i see sumhting coming up soon
i hope
His marriage to Benazir was a mystery to me ... how on earth could a person like Benazir marry someone who has virtually zero qualifications , no achievement , no looks and his only apparent qualification is that he is Sindhi and his father was a close associate of Nusrat Bhutto ... so it was Nusrat Bhutto's mistake .
Later we came to know of Mr.Zardari's business acumen when he turned his one old cinema in karachi empire into a multi billiob dollar portfolio ... he must be one of the best businessmen in the world or is he? ....
If pakistanis dislike Zardari so much then how come he is still the head of your state?

Benazir Bhutto got killed, the country was in shock and in mourning. The people voted for PPP out of sympathy.

After PPP won the elections, PPP was deciding who should lead PPP now that Benazir Bhutto is dead.

First they said Benazir Bhutto's sister, but she said she is not interested in politics then they said Bilawal but he was only 19 and in uni so Zardari decided to lead the PPP.

Pakistani people elected PPP, Zardari elected himself as President.
If pakistanis dislike Zardari so much then how come he is still the head of your state?

Democracy my friend, otherwise the military would have thrown him out to somalia or sm thing.
Benazir Bhutto got killed, the country was in shock and in mourning. The people voted for PPP out of sympathy.

After PPP won the elections, PPP was deciding who should lead PPP now that Benazir Bhutto is dead.

First they said Benazir Bhutto's sister, but she said she is not interested in politics then they said Bilawal but he was only 19 and in uni so Zardari decided to lead the PPP.

Pakistani people elected PPP, Zardari elected himself as President.

Actually according to late Benazir Bhutto's last will she made Bilawal Bhutto the chairman of PPP, but because of his age his father Zardari took the chairmanship and will have to step down once Bilawal is old enough.

Sometimes i think PPP was a democratic party or a personal kingdom? i cannot understand how can the party chairmanship is suppose to be inhereted, like bilawal did. Democratic party is suppose to have a democraticaly elected chairman, isn't it? In that case Ameen Faheem was the strongest candidate, now see where he is. Lost.

Thats why say for Pakistan Army rule is always better.
Actually according to late Benazir Bhutto's last will she made Bilawal Bhutto the chairman of PPP, but because of his age his father Zardari took the chairmanship and will have to step down once Bilawal is old enough.

Sometimes i think PPP was a democratic party or a personal kingdom? i cannot understand how can the party chairmanship is suppose to be inhereted, like bilawal did. Democratic party is suppose to have a democraticaly elected chairman, isn't it? In that case Ameen Faheem was the strongest candidate, now see where he is. Lost.

Thats why say for Pakistan Army rule is always better.

So basically PPP leadership is passed down from parent to child like a family furniture.

And to these Bhuttos/Zardaris Pakistani nation is a sofa their fat a$$ is sitting on.
Where is the option that says "I dreaded holy doom when I heard he's President".

It is not so much as I hate Zardari, its more that I'm ashamed of my country for picking Zardari as a President. One should never be ashamed of their country, but a few things like treatment of women, the rapes, child labor, lack of law n order, terrorism and Zardari as President really puts you to shame.
The only day I liked Zardari was when he was supposed to announce the name of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and he was attending a conference and someone from media asked him about the next Prime Minister of Pakistan and he replied saying "I can assure you that I will not become the Prime Minister of Pakistan" - and I cannot say for now that which candidate will be chosen for this post :)

Otherwise when we were child, we always heard bad things about Zardari, when we grew up, we still hear bad things about Zardari

The amount of wealth he has, definitely it has been multiplied in a very short period, so we cannot deny the fact that he is a corrupt man....


Loved your suggestion about another option

"I dreaded holy doom when I heard he's President"
So basically PPP leadership is passed down from parent to child like a family furniture.

And to these Bhuttos/Zardaris Pakistani nation is a sofa their fat a$$ is sitting on.

Exactly, and the irony is the real die hard Benazir Bhutto loyalists are no where to be seen in the present government, they have taken back stage, Ameen faheem, Shehrbano rehman to name a few.
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