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Did you ever have any experience with a hardcore mullah ?

He stutters at both but mostly at complex words .
He's very less talkative and will avoid too much talking .

Zinc supplements ?
Why don't you search online and try few things -
1. Speech therapist nearby
2. Breathing exercise or pranayama
3. Yoga
4. Ayurvedic or unani herbs for speech organs, respiratory organs etc. I think this is a must. There are herbs which control anxiety, cold, cough, tonsillitis etc.
5. Recite good verses from Quran daily with confidence. Hindus recite hanuman chalisa.

Try things which are available easily. In my personal experience, ayurvedic is better than unani. Hamdard etc have not really improved unani but in ayurvedic there is a resurgence.
Check online, YouTube. There are things which will do no harm if not help with stutter. Don't cut any nerve etc.
What do you expect from matric fail Molvi , just ignore them and move on, but there are very few educated people as well. few..... As one member mentioned 1/1000 in other thread but I think this is also over exaggerated value . majority don't ever cross 10 class. Hence no contribution for betterment of a Pakistan, other than just fighting life for survival due to less income , and getting involved in extremism and playing in hands of other for money & survival .
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Why don't you search online and try few things -
1. Speech therapist nearby
2. Breathing exercise or pranayama
3. Yoga
4. Ayurvedic or unani herbs for speech organs, respiratory organs etc. I think this is a must. There are herbs which control anxiety, cold, cough, tonsillitis etc.
5. Recite good verses from Quran daily with confidence. Hindus recite hanuman chalisa.

Try things which are available easily. In my personal experience, ayurvedic is better than unani. Hamdard etc have not really improved unani but in ayurvedic there is a resurgence.
Check online, YouTube. There are things which will do no harm if not help with stutter. Don't cut any nerve etc.

I've been doing quite few of things you mentioned above .

I'll search the herbal and unani too in sha Allah .
Thanks . : )

Only of name, the former is a certified fat head while the later is an amateur fankaar

Capital letters for The Prophets Names !

P:S ghalti ho gy :( Perhaps iam too inexperienced to induce comic elements in a discussion
Phir bhi don't make fun of such people who go through some disability .
You don't know what they go through .
My brother has lost his confidence just because of people like you who love making fun of other's stuttering and inability .

And stop being judgement about prophet's name . . If I didn't write his name in capital letters , doesnt mean I'm disrespecting him .
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Hi .

I'm interested to know what experiences you ever had with any hardcore mullahs ? Please don't turn it into debate . Just an adventurous question .
Mods please don't delete it .

I had , My brother was a stutter so a hardcore Molvani advised me to k us ka ek daant nikal do . And then another advise to cut his one nerve behind his tongue . I just felt horrible but alhamdulillah I didnt agree with her . And she also used to give us punishment that would disturb our legs nerves for whole one week , we were kids then .

So tell me your experiences please .
I dont intend to hate to anyone just that we need to be cognizant of such people in pakistan.

We should not send our 6 to 7 years old kid to any of unverified stranger hardcore people . Be careful about your children .
yeah went to a madrasa once when i was young and the mullah there use to beat kids with a stick more thick than an inch, bash our head on the table or forces other kids to do that for him. he was a crazy guy i left after a month and never went back to him.i also heard rumors of him and older kids sodomizing the young kids from the poor families who stayed the night in madrasa
Hi .

I'm interested to know what experiences you ever had with any hardcore mullahs ? Please don't turn it into debate . Just an adventurous question .
Mods please don't delete it .

I had , My brother was a stutter so a hardcore Molvani advised me to k us ka ek daant nikal do . And then another advise to cut his one nerve behind his tongue . I just felt horrible but alhamdulillah I didnt agree with her . And she also used to give us punishment that would disturb our legs nerves for whole one week , we were kids then .

So tell me your experiences please .
I dont intend to hate to anyone just that we need to be cognizant of such people in pakistan.

We should not send our 6 to 7 years old kid to any of unverified stranger hardcore people . Be careful about your children .

Was good friends with guy when terrorism wasn't such a big issue in Pakistan. I saw that guy turn in to a psychopath in a few years.

His story is very interesting and full of contradictions. His family was reasonably well off. Educated mother. Educated dad who worked for an intelligence agency. Now this kid used to be a normal Pakistani teenager (school, cricket, phadday, movies and your average poondi). Funny and loved sports.

But then he started handing out with the wrong crowd. And that crowd happened to be from a mosque nearby. First he announced that he is a Wahabi now and other kids were like ...OK dude. But then his dad saw him praying like Wahabis one day and beat the shit out of him so he turned sunni again. At that time for us kids, it didn't matter if he was a wahabi or a sunni. But it was funny that how his dad handled him and we gave him hell. Slowly he grew a beard, started talking more and more about religion (most of us were 3 time regular namazis already). He stopped hanging out with us. And then he developed this weird hate for Shia. Left college to go on "training". His dad traced him with his connections and brought him back. After that we didn't see much of him. Last I heard of him, he was apparently caught brawling near a shia imam bargah. Moron.
He stutters at both but mostly at complex words .
He's very less talkative and will avoid too much talking .

Zinc supplements ?
he needs speech therapy as soon as possible. consult any good speech therapy specialist.
My brother has lost his confidence just because of people like you who love making fun of other's stuttering and inability .
M sharukh khan ki bat krea tha :mad: It wasnt intended to hurt anyone's feelings but to put a smile on some faces . Ab nahe aata is thread p ja rha ho itni negativity hain yaha'n
.i also heard rumors of him and older kids sodomizing the young kids from the poor families who stayed the night in madrasa

acha hua choor aaye.. :)...
But that hardcore told me to cut his one nerve of tongue . Extremist mind . That's why be careful about your children .

Another cure of stuttering is talking and reading infront of mirror .
I also had stuttering problem in my childhood
A good mullah told me to read prophet moses a.s dua .

God knows best but as I grew up stuttering is vanished .

That Mullah sounds like a real life ghoul:agree: and in regards to curing a stutter, former US VP Joe Biden cured his stutter using the mirror method.Kudos yaar.
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@Leader what I know you was a hard core PTI supporter and you stop posting here same as Jazbot and umm another fella forget his/her name, but never knew you are so moderate in thoughts totaly different than Zarvan or war&peace I mean Well, you know them.

diverse segments of society support PTI, you dont have to belong to a certain segment or mindset to support the cause of PTI under leadership of Imran Khan. Imran Khan is the name I trust. :)
Mullah or Molvi.. is a religious man who lead the Jamat.. i.e; Namaz. Just like Christians have "Father" in their Churches who performs the religious duties. We Muslims have Molvi's.

But just like all the other fields/professions, we also have some "bad ones" in them. need to cater this issue. because this small portion of bad-ones are harming the true face of Islam and our society.

Sorry if i am getting this wrong. but as far as i can understand you have the same thoughts as of this person "Abrar ch"..

So i am requesting to all those persons who have the same thoughts as of "Abrar Ch" that just answer this simple question.

Pechle 10 saalo me Kashmir committee kay kitne ijlaas hue hay ?? or un me kia faislye kiye gaye hay or uska kia Output nikla hay ????????????????????

oye bongay, it was hilarious..and I didnt want to argue with the person who quoted me... so yawn...

You dare devil.

you know who he is? :P
oye bongay, it was hilarious..and I didnt want to argue with the person who quoted me... so yawn...

Well. the first line of my post was "Sorry if i am getting this wrong"..

At least , show some ethics and properly in a sensible way tell me that Yes. you got this wrong.
AiK kissa ho to bataon na :lol:
Ham par to kufr kay fatway lag gaye :D
@django @Moonlight @Well.wisher @The Sandman @Hell hound

@Leader what I know you was a hard core PTI supporter and you stop posting here same as Jazbot and umm another fella forget his/her name, but never knew you are so moderate in thoughts totaly different than Zarvan or war&peace I mean Well, you know them.
Arey munna pti supporters are mainly moderates it baboon league that funds terrorist for political gain :D
he wasn't hard enough
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