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Did you ever have any experience with a hardcore mullah ?

Bohat dukh hain bai tayri zindagi may to ..........
YES many those do such things are from Universties even Euorpean Universities

so if you get a chance to blow yourself up in name of Islam or fight against Pakistan along with your sectarian or whatever believes you have, what would you do?
I used to live for a while in a Scandinavian country where there was a significant Pakistani population; not too many Indians. I stepped out of a supermarket having bought a single malt. I was accosted by a bearded guy - must be in his 60s or 70s. He said to me "Asala walaikum"; I replied "WKS"; without giving me a second he went off on a tirade - how I was a bad Muslim for buying liquor and I should be ashamed as Ramzan was going on and clearly I had not been brought up well. Once he ended and I told him I was Indian - he was ashen faced and told me to go keep drinking...I am assuming he thought I was going to burn in hell anyways so why not let me enjoy my life on Earth.
so if you get a chance to blow yourself up in name of Islam or fight against Pakistan along with your sectarian or whatever believes you have, what would you do?
I am not interested in blowing myself up but ready to fight when ever I get a chance against India or some other country to defend Muslims but it won't be through Militant Groups but through Government Official Fight
Yes, Once I met a Kashmiri mufti/mullah on a flight from Srinagar to Delhi. He was sitting next to me & mistakenly assumed me a Kashmiri folk, n I was able to notice his mistake when I turned his side, saw him uttering something in Kashmiri to me. After clearing his doubts about myself, we started talking to each other in Hindi. He was absolutely fine talking about Islam, Kashmiriyat, folk culture until I pinched him on ongoing Jihad, history of Kashmir, exodus n so on. He furiously defended all the wrong deeds of fellow folks including the acts of Sikander butshikan. He almost got infuriated by my arguments to an extent where he could pronounce me as kafir( worthy not live ) if same had happened in the streets of Kashmir. Then he suddenly realised that flight was about to land in Delhi not in Srinagar. Thereafter his silence was well understood by me till the time we parted our ways.
I am not interested in blowing myself up but ready to fight when ever I get a chance against India or some other country to defend Muslims but it won't be through Militant Groups but through Government Official Fight

you support those who blow themselves up?
you support those who blow themselves up?
Well depends in case of Palestine they have no other way but they should keep there focus on Israeli security forces not civilians. Those places which are occupied have right to fight back with any means possible specially when Muslims Leadership are cowards not to help them but Islam has one crystal rule that is civilians can't be targeted. Even if enemy is killing your civilians you can't kill civilians in return but as for enemy forces and leadership feel free to hit back and hit back hard.
I tell you that short boy from Jhang would kill me or violently attack me, if I spoke my mind in front of him. do you think he learned violence from madrasssa?

p.s. I should not speak of these things, who knows I am the next they come to abduct. :undecided:
Short Boy?
Bhai i'm so sure you're talking about the same person that I had in my mind.

Abduction...yeah. I have been following Jibran Nisar since sometime on twitter, he quite often posts about it.
And Beena Sarawar too.

It was my uncle's idea:mad: I just came for vacation from saudia and he convinced my mum that i need to work on my qirat and that too in that stupid madrasa and my mum who knew nothing about how madrasas operate sent me to the qari instead of him coming to our house:angry:
Worse month of my life even though he didn't beat me much as compared to other children because i was a paying student.

Did you quote me by mistake?
Due to emotional attachment with religion, anybody can easily blackmail them and turn them extremist, it starts from religious bigotry, then violence, then again sub sections of Islam, again religious bigotry, then they becomes extremist, they create sectarian issues and then bloodshed, I know majority were supporting osama bin ladin and his team, many parents recommended to do jihad and to send children there, but things changed with passing time, Also many people were supporting here sawat sharia, and they were supporting extremists there, but state & and law has to make place, same happenened in Lal masjid incident, but we demolished their armed struggle and killed many girls too for Peace and to ensure writ of state , Extremism is big threat for Peace, and it is real concern still there are sympathizers. Nation want to hang terorists that killed our 12 soldiers in lal masjid, still few of them roaming free including lal masjid terorist abulz aziz, We need to make example otherwise there is no solution to eradicate extremism. Government should spend large amount on education sector and also create two children policy, People throws children in unknown madrassa when they realize they can't feed 5 children, hence they plays in the hands of unkown people, and majority of them has no future and struggle to live with 3 time food, also no contribution for betterment of Pakistan, how many become scientists, doctors, engineers, may be less than 0.0001 percent, maximum they can become lab assistant at the nutshell of school. Yes Illiteracy is also big issue.
on 27 Ramzan in sector Islamabad a crazy Mullah released from Karachi Prison was calling for nation wide boycott and subsequent genocide of Shias same mosque invited Swat Taliban commander when peace deal was signed (he is pro baboon just so you know :D )
In madrassas mosy kids are from families that cant afford schools so they have to enroll their kids in madrassas
on 27 Ramzan in sector Islamabad a crazy Mullah released from Karachi Prison was calling for nation wide boycott and subsequent genocide of Shias same mosque invited Swat Taliban commander when peace deal was signed (he is pro baboon just so you know :D )
In madrassas mosy kids are from families that cant afford schools so they have to enroll their kids in madrassas
Remember first anniversary of Lal masjid, ? They did suicide attacks on policemen in front of Lal masjid, dozen policemen were killed, No wonder they maulana Abdul azid did it as they threatened about suicide attacks on Friday sermon many times. They also killed army personnels in army mess while doing lunch. It was suicide attack too, as revenge of Lal masjid operation
Once i had bad grades in school my mother actually threatened to send me to a madrassa :-//
Shukar karo bach gaya warna ham bhi zarvan type hotey :D
@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @Chauvinist
Worst experience with a Mullah was in Islamabad where a mullah type was calling for death of all Shias
You're really lucky bro really lucky.

:astagh:Allah maaf karey bro esy ilzam nahi lagatey hotey. We are polar opposite like water and fire. he is a conservative I am a liberal bro:disagree:
@Zibago @Moonlight @The Sandman @django @RealNapster yar lagta hay dari katwani parey gi bohat galat fehmi shuru ho gai hay yahan pay:sick:
:lol: koi ni yr we're here to clear confusion of others don't worry :D
:astagh:Allah maaf karey bro esy ilzam nahi lagatey hotey. We are polar opposite like water and fire. he is a conservative I am a liberal bro:disagree:
@Zibago @Moonlight @The Sandman @django @RealNapster yar lagta hay dari katwani parey gi bohat galat fehmi shuru ho gai hay yahan pay:sick:
haha LoL @ zarvan.
Never .

Only a Hand full of Mullah's with beard .
Rest were nice people . Only a hand full of young Muslim women wearing Burkha .
One of my few College friends ( more like Close class Mate ) was a Muslim Girl not Kashmiri .
Once i had bad grades in school my mother actually threatened to send me to a madrassa :-//

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