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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

To answer the original question.
Yes, yes we did shoot down the plane.

It's going to be confirmed. The plane few towards the air defense base near Tehran and as it was unresponsive, therefore it was mistakenly identified as a threat and shot down.
It's going to be confirmed. The plane few towards the air defense base near Tehran and as it was unresponsive, therefore it was mistakenly identified as a threat and shot down.

What an unfortunate tragedy....

I hope Iran helps with the victims families and tries to somehow reimburse them given their immense suffering. This whole Iran-U.S. mess shouldn't have happened yet it did and many Iranians and other civilians are dead because of it, one can only imagine the death toll that will might come from a full-blown conflict between the two nations. Although innocent deaths cannot be avoided in scenarios such as these where tensions run so blistering high, countries should take utmost care in further ensuring the safety of civilians.

All this war talk is just a racket....

We shot it down!
These idiots wanted the AD network to remain operational even if the command center is taken down, So they gave every AD system operator the autonomy to fire at will, So what else they expected to happen?

َAlso these idiots should have closed the air space, In the last India-Pakistan standoff i think Pakistan closed it's airspace for 3 days, Maybe these idiot need to stop talking and start learning.
I don't think it is shot down by missile.

But anyway it was Trump dog who attacked our forces in Iraq.

It was Yankees who made fake 9/11 then attacked Iraq and caused millions of people die. It's Yankees who sell equipments to saudis to drop them on Yemeni people and caused 2/3 of Yemeni people be in famine and millions suffering. It's yankees who have occupied oil reach countries such as Syria & Iraq illegally and made terrorist groups such as ISIL in those countries.

I am starting to believe you.
Iran officially denied the existance of any foreign object.

US propaganda machine and their troll army at work, nothing more.
It's logic not propaganda
Finally....anyone with any brains could have connected the dots, regardless of what the video showed. I'm heartbroken. I am also angry at the level of incompetence. Lastly, I blame Mr. Pompeo and Kushner for orchestrating this tragedy upon our nation.
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