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Did The Indo-Chinese Talks Failed Today!

He's already voluntarily drunk the Kool Aid. No point arguing.

When you start insulting a member who is reasonably arguing without any jingoism based on whatever reports are available out there and a moderator likes your post, it shows the level to which this forum is falling.

.i dont have proof

Got it move on then.

Anyway, this thread has become a troll fest with a moderator fully partaking in the trolling by liking their posts. There can be no serious discussion here.
Its not over till our hearts are beating. Its not bloody over till we get it or we all die trying!!!!!!!Either kashmir will be part of Pakistan or there will be no Pakistan and India!!!!!!!!!!
Then you have outlived your life expectancy my dear.
When you start insulting a member who is reasonably arguing without any jingoism based on whatever reports are available out there and a moderator likes your post, it shows the level to which this forum is falling.

Got it move on then.

Anyway, this thread has become a troll fest with a moderator fully partaking in the trolling by liking their posts. There can be no serious discussion here.

Because indians and their forums are so fair, high quality and knowledgeable.......:lol:
When you start insulting a member who is reasonably arguing without any jingoism based on whatever reports are available out there and a moderator likes your post, it shows the level to which this forum is falling.

Got it move on then.

Anyway, this thread has become a troll fest with a moderator fully partaking in the trolling by liking their posts. There can be no serious discussion here.

Did you really expect a serious discussion here, i mean seriously?
I had a feeling for a while that something is cooking behind the scenes . With COAS term unanimously extended for another three years, PM visiting ISI HQ twice in as many weeks and SUDDENLY Nepal and China have found border disputes with India. I do hope every thing is meticulously planned this time.
Pressure cooker situation is slowly but steadily being created for India! India gives up when the pressure reaches at a high point! History is full of such examples! So, Sabr and Shukr...

Whenever the life and property at the Hindu heartlands are at stake India caves in! Now, India has put almost her entire forces along the Indo-Pak IB, LOC and LAC. If any major setback occurs in the LAC, the two will be under extreme pressure and any breach over there, especially IB, means the path to Delhi is again wide open. Last time, after Jinnah’s “Direct Action” call they immediately accepted Pak....
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History is full of such examples! So, Sabr and Shukr...
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