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Did Kerry snub Islamabad?

It is extremely unfortunate to see some people buy into the façade of those who divulge in conspiracy theories, far fetched and mostly pessimistic speculations that are not based on facts. We need to not give satisfaction to those people who are bent on trying to undermine U.S. – PAK relations, by creating misunderstandings between the two countries. U.S. – PAK relations are improving with more and more coordination and cooperation and very recently U.S. Special Representative James Dobbins visited Pakistan as part of our continued dialogue with our Pakistani counterparts. Secretary of State John Kerry will be visiting Pakistan some time soon. State Department spokesperson Patrick Ventrell’s statement should put to rest far fetched biased snubbing speculations; “Secretary Kerry was not able to make it to Pakistan on this continuing trip to Asia. He very much wants to go there and spend enough time, have appropriate window of time to spend in Pakistan and looks forward to it.”

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

Not just Kerry even Vice President Biden is not visiting Pakistan even though he is visiting India in July.
Not just Kerry even Vice President Biden is not visiting Pakistan even though he is visiting India in July.

I'd prefer on ground work over symbolic visits, there will be plenty of time to message our ego in future.
As the official rep from CENTCOM said, ignore the Indian trolls. India has long attempted to play America off against Pakistan, and my sources confirm this has failed. Secretary Kerry will come to Pakistan to talk in further details very soon. He met General Kayani just recently so everything is on good terms. He had some important meetings in relation to Syria to get too. The American military and soldiers have nothing but the utmost respect for Pakistan, I have many friends who serve in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Special Operations Units. All that have gotten to work with Pakistani soldiers have had nothing to say but praise.

The most iconic statement I'll always remember was said to me by a friend of mine in Delta. "The first time I met the Pakistani's we were doing a training exercise in Jordon. They were the bravest, and most fiercest fighters I had ever seen. No less than our own." India on the other hand he didn't have much respect for, I'll just shorten his monologue to this "Indians are pussies..." what he said after that won't let Indians sleep for days if I relay it. The Pakistani and American militaries and soldiers have a special relation, and India has longed hoped it would end. But to this day every soldier I know, (including a friend who deployed to Afghanistan this January, and met Pakistani soldiers on the border, had nothing but praise for them).
Each time a foreign dignitary visits or doesn't visit India or / and Pak such questions come up.

We should instead ask our selves - Did we feel snubbed by the visit ?

We'll get the answer.
Its not a snub, he was genuinely busy and got engaged with more important and pressing commitments - Pak media comes out some ridiculous assumptions - LOL.

He will surely come by Pakistan next time round.

Besides, Kayani is always available on the phone to him if something important comes up.
Not just Kerry even Vice President Biden is not visiting Pakistan even though he is visiting India in July.

Another troll obsessed with Pakistan form India got banned for being butt hurt jealous at the reply of CENTCOM rep. How typical.
Hope his obsession stays banned.
What a load of BS, The ANA is mortar firing your borders, also come up with proof of the 80% claim, as for hosting half of Afghanistan...
There are close to 40mill Pakistani Pushtuns and there a couple million or so Afghan refugees who are majority pustun and Afghan pushtun make about 30% of Afghan population.

International diplomacy and geopolitics is not a race that people come first or second, and in present terms India is far ahead in the sweepstakes than Pakistan in both of that.

Dude your knowledge of Afghanistan I s ridiculous. Are you sure Pashtuns are 30%?
As the official rep from CENTCOM said, ignore the Indian trolls. India has long attempted to play America off against Pakistan, and my sources confirm this has failed. Secretary Kerry will come to Pakistan to talk in further details very soon. He met General Kayani just recently so everything is on good terms. He had some important meetings in relation to Syria to get too. The American military and soldiers have nothing but the utmost respect for Pakistan, I have many friends who serve in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Special Operations Units. All that have gotten to work with Pakistani soldiers have had nothing to say but praise.

The most iconic statement I'll always remember was said to me by a friend of mine in Delta. "The first time I met the Pakistani's we were doing a training exercise in Jordon. They were the bravest, and most fiercest fighters I had ever seen. No less than our own." India on the other hand he didn't have much respect for, I'll just shorten his monologue to this "Indians are pussies..." what he said after that won't let Indians sleep for days if I relay it. The Pakistani and American militaries and soldiers have a special relation, and India has longed hoped it would end. But to this day every soldier I know, (including a friend who deployed to Afghanistan this January, and met Pakistani soldiers on the border, had nothing but praise for them).

No need to disrespect a nationality. Given the background of the past 13 years the personal praises you or your friends to have for Pakistan sounds too good to be true of how your mass media and government have casted Pakistan. On this basis people are entitled to have an opinion and speculate.I will give you benefit of doubt on the public opinion and let's see if what you and your friend hold scantily reflect the general American opinion of Pakistan and Pakistanis. Cheers
No need to disrespect a nationality. Given the background of the past 13 years the personal praises you or your friends to have for Pakistan sounds too good to be true of how your mass media and government have casted Pakistan. On this basis people are entitled to have an opinion and speculate.I will give you benefit of doubt on the public opinion and let's see if what you and your friend hold scantily reflect the general American opinion of Pakistan and Pakistanis. Cheers

In reality there are 3 Americas. The Government, The Military, and the CIA. The American Armed Forces hold the nation of Pakistan in the highest regards of the three. They wish to have the closest and most workable relations. The Obama administration also wishes to see stability and improvements within the relationship (this behavior can change from administration to administration). The worst relationship is currently with the CIA, because of Drone Strikes and some other reasons I'm sure most of you could figure out yourselves. Finally the Media? Ignore them, they jump from story to story depending on what is the hottest, most Americans don't hold Pakistan in a negative light, because most common Americans don't really know much about it, or where it even is.
This is a snub, no matter how you look at it. Islamabad and Washington are foolish if they think they can avoid a rough divorce, and believe me, that is exactly what is happening. The two are going to divorce, Pakistan has found a new life with China and the US is looking to court India. Little does the US know that India has seen how abusive the US can be towards it's allies, and the feeling of betrayal that is left. India is not foolish enough to rely on the US in times of need.
maybe his curry was sour.....they should have offered sheesh kebab with beef de beoun....
You Indians really are a pitiful lot. Do an IP trace on me, have the mods do it, if you don't believe them hire a private company to do it for you. I am from AMERICA. I can prove this without a doubt, seeing as how I have lived my entire life here! Oh and I am currently sitting and writing this from AMERICA! I used "most fiercest," because this is exactly how he said it. "All that have gotten to work" is a grammatically correct sentence, you monkey. And as for your second great grammar catch, saying Sec. Kerry will come or go to Pakistan is interchangeable. But what more can I expect from the Rape Capital of the world. You Indians are truly asinine...

Oh and by the way, it really isn't hard for me to prove I'm American. Next time I go shopping, or go to the city, I will simply write my username on a piece of paper, and take a picture of it in-front of a store, or building. I would then love to see the look on your cow worshiping face, monkey...

Ha Ha Ha.. Touched a raw nerve it seems.. Dude btw I am also sitting the writing this in the US but have no problems in admitting that I am an Indian. I never said that you are not in the US, but the fact that you are not an American who has English as his first language..
@WebMaster @Oscar @Aeronaut.. a little bit of abusive and racist tid bit for you
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In reality there are 3 Americas. The Government, The Military, and the CIA. The American Armed Forces hold the nation of Pakistan in the highest regards of the three. They wish to have the closest and most workable relations. The Obama administration also wishes to see stability and improvements within the relationship (this behavior can change from administration to administration). The worst relationship is currently with the CIA, because of Drone Strikes and some other reasons I'm sure most of you could figure out yourselves. Finally the Media? Ignore them, they jump from story to story depending on what is the hottest, most Americans don't hold Pakistan in a negative light, because most common Americans don't really know much about it, or where it even is.

What matters my friend is what the government wants. The military in any mature country is just the execution arm. The decisions and strategy come from the government and intelligence to take those decisions comes from information, here collected by various agencies.

I will not get into opinions expressed by Indian soldiers who have had exercises with American soldiers...but it goes something like this. They cannot do anything on their own. they see one small opponent and they will get on the radio and call for help. As for the comment you had on the Indian army, I wonder why they keep coming here for training in our specialised camps if they think it so bad and why is it that the USN has so many exercises with the IN?

So keep your comments to yourself and if you have any more discussion on topic stick to it. And yes, please keep your religious sentiments and viewpoints to yourself. This is a defense forum. If you have any religious views you can be directed to enough and other discussion forums.

What the hell does "sitting the writing this" mean? Maybe YOU should brush up on your English and spelling. I am not a foreigner or immigrant like you. English is indeed my first language, whether you believe it or not is your problem. Oh and just a friendly suggestion, if you are living in MY country, show it some respect and loyalty. Both to the land and to the people. If not, you can gladly go back to India, we have enough Dunkin Donuts here.

And I expect the mods to be more civil and mature. Everything I said that was "abusive, or racist," were indeed facts. Your nation has one of the highest rape rates in the world, and is extremely dangerous for both domestic and foreign women. You also worship cows and monkeys, and are a pagan people. These are FACTS, this isn't abuse. But you're too much of an imbecile to realize that. Maybe it is time for you to accept, that there are WHITE AMERICAS who just don't like India or Indians. Hard to swallow I know, but chop, chop, get to it. I have better things to do.

The mods on this forum are far more tolerant and moderate than on most defense sites. I would go as far as to say, they are more moderate than the Indian defense forums. So be glad and happy.

Seriously @Oscar @nuclearpak @Aeronaut @Zakii Completely off topic and un-necessary.
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What the hell does rape have to do with the topic of this thread. Seriously guys, seriously, for a defence forum we sure do spend a lot of time and bandwidth discussing nonsense.
:lol: stop trying to copy American style of writing to prove your point.. You are making it worse.... As they say, you can take a South Asian out of South Asia, but you just cant take South Asia out of him :)

btw, just so that you know, Pakistan has a higher rape rate than India ;) .. Poor Karan probably got banned to persisting with proving that fact.. But you know, that is as off topic as your references to religion.

Most Americans I know are not obsessed with religion.. Though a large number of Pakistanis are ;)

Post reported. Get banned and stay that way.
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