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did indian martial arts influence east asian martial arts?

see kathak stances

also see this kungfu stance

Wow. 5 pages and very little discussion on the actual topic. The quality of discourse here sure is going downhill
india had a very strong martial arts tradition, muay thai for instance is based on mushti yuddha


the iranian Unesco world heritage varzish e bastani is actually an indian tradition as well

i have already talked about panchak silat and other martial arts from SEA.

There was a similar indian wrestling similar to judo where the wrestlers would win the fight by successfully locking the opponent



the evidence thus shows that several stances from kung fu have an indian origin as well, these stances are also seen in kathak and rest of classical indian dances.

in penchak silat the wrestlers perform a dance efore engaging in the fight, this tradition seem to have indian origins.

Ouch, so MBQ cut out Raja Dahir’s *india* ?
Actually Raja Dahir was a ruler in modern day Pakistan and therefore the Arabs succesfully conquered Pakistan.
Later the Arabs tried to push into proper India and sent 2 major invasions. One against North India and the other against South India but both were repelled. In the south the Arabs were defeated by the powerful Chalukya Dynasty and in the North the Arabs were defeated by the Pratihara Dynasty. After these military actions the Indian Dynasties
successfully stopped the Arab expansion in the east.

Unfortunately Pakistan did not have such great heroes at that time which led to the Arab occupation.
Kung Fu is a comical non sense made for ADHD movie actors. There is no real life benefit of so called martial art. Don't fight in empty hands.

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