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did indian martial arts influence east asian martial arts?

i forgot to mention how similar kathak and classical indian dance stances are similar to these hand gestures.



i was watching penchak silat and the resemblence it has when it comes to various hand gestures with the east asian martial arts is uncanny.

penchak silat


kung fu


since silat probably derived from an existing indian tradition and was not based on chinese one i suspect that the had gesture technique came from indian martial arts. there are also conditioning equipments in karate which probably came from india as well.

Even though bodhidharma has assosiated with shaolin tradition, its martial arts is not accepted to have been influenced by indian tradition, which leads me to think there is some truths to this matter as well.

here is some statement from wikipedia


i dont know the credibility of these claims though


Sure it did. india also influenced China and Russia becoming superpowers.......:disagree:
All the self defence martial arts come from people who have slanted eyes and round faces aka mongoloid race. Nothing comes from anyone else from south asia to persia to arabia to africa to europe. Try finding all you want but you won't find anything. Unless you talk about stupid wrestling shet which doesn't count.

Well, Israelis atleast tried with Krav Maga. lol
All the self defence martial arts come from people who have slanted eyes and round faces aka mongoloid race. Nothing comes from anyone else from south asia to persia to arabia to africa to europe. Try finding all you want but you won't find anything. Unless you talk about stupid wrestling shet which doesn't count.
Check a few posts above. The mongoloid feature martial arts came much later and is said to have originated from the Malayali Martial Art Kalaripayattu from Keralam, India.
The problem with Pakistan is even it's so called nationalists dont feel any connections to its land it's got nothing to offer yes they are hidden treasures and rich history plus culture it's not highlighted some say its because they way we are taught but I disagree it's the current state we are in,Pakistan is in such pathetic stage due to incompetence and frankly the masses that show apathy to any positive change anything positive about Pakistan is taking a joke by its masses even the educated class lacks the enthusiasm for the nation eg- Pervaiz HodubuoyView attachment 599685

@Mangus Ortus Novem


The guy you quoted is a Tajik Afghan refugee who also happens to be a PTM supporter. He wants to turn KPK into Tajiks, lol.
i forgot to mention how similar kathak and classical indian dance stances are similar to these hand gestures.




dancing has not proven to be good defence against marauding nomads
The Giant Hole in Soul!

Anything, to run away...any medicine to lul the pain away....

We have to Cherish, Own and Propagate Pakistanwali...everywhere, all the time.

We are ALL Paks, Pak is OurLand... From Ladakh to Taftan...

Bugger all the rest!

When you mention "The Giant Hole in the Soul" that touched me a lot,and made me understand why people who are would be Patriots feel apathy so much,the gentlemen I shared the screenshot of is not some random joe he works for the De-Radicalisation centers for the Govt in KPK plus he is sorta well know historian in the area in the past he was active in left wing politics in Pakistan too but nowadays he looks to Persia as an example supports Iran cause he got sick and tired of the apathetic public,and govt of Pakistan to the point he hates it now or given up on Pakistan lots of folks are like him in Pakistan or outside in the diaspora they see nothing to offer and the current pathetic stage we are in so far I don't see radical changes coming soon without outside intervention

The guy you quoted is a Tajik Afghan refugee who also happens to be a PTM supporter. He wants to turn KPK into Tajiks, lol.

He does not support PTM tho and he calls it a anti State apparatus funded by Kabul and New Delhi
Sure it did. india also influenced China and Russia becoming superpowers.......:disagree:

Even Jesus studied in sime Indian University 2000 years ago according to some Indians. lol

You are very true!

India is already a knowledge superpower.

India is the source of all knowledge, all sciences, and all religions.

Ancient India invented zero, yoga, plastic surgery, gene therapy, space travel, teleportation, computer chips, gravity manipulation, nuclear power, fusion power, and many more technological wonders.

Did you know that Jesus studied at Nalanda University, and Germans came from India!

31% of all doctors in America are Indians, 33% of all Google engineers are Indians, 41% of all NASA engineers are Indians, and 39% of Microsoft engineers are Indians. Indians founded Apple, Google, Facebook, and many famous technology companies.

India has the brains and the money to accomplish anything, but only leadership was lacking before. Modi-ji is a brilliant and visionary leader. Under Modi-ji, India will quickly surpass China and America to become a superpower by 2020!

Jai Hind!

Oh I see now. What a strange personality, where you find these guys?

I use to be part of groups related to Persian mythology and Persian history on groups and other fourms like it so we got in contact there.He is an interesting character views are all over the place he does not like the ANP as he see it as Pasthun ethnic Centric party and PTM the same plus he called Manzoor Pissteen a American agent at times
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