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Did India help US in Osama Bin Laden raid? US Navy SEAL reveals

I just can't stop laughing on Hindi helping..... lozzzzzzz & as far as US goes they keep changing their statements on OBL every month, which is a clear proof that OBL operation or whatever HORSECRAP operation US calls it was a total fake & a lie.

Hold on I just remembered that US & India did share Intel with each other on how to make new dippers & what should be the usage policy of these dippers.

Don't you jabronis have anything better to do?
these inferiority complexed indian....they are making stories about themselves trying to associate themselves with americans and OBL raid so that they can become famous on international media......only idiot behaves this way.
these inferiority complexed indian....they are making stories about themselves trying to associate themselves with americans and OBL raid so that they can become famous on international media......only idiot behaves this way.

No no.

Indians would prefer Pakistan retains the honors for association with OBL.

We would like to distance ourselves as much as we can.
No no.

Indians would prefer Pakistan retains the honors for association with OBL.

We would like to distance ourselves as much as we can.

Sir dont you think such assumptions as tried to play by the blog only makes people laugh at India ?
Sir dont you think such assumptions as tried to play by the blog only makes people laugh at India ?

It does not matter if people laugh.

An element of doubt has been created which needs to be clarified.

Personally, it doesnt matter to me. But then Jurnos & Politicians have a common streak - to look for snippets & twist it for publicity value.

Most of the people who object I am sure will not even be able to locate Abbotabad on a map.

But TRP matters both for Jurnos & Politicians.

A storm in a tea cup .. really.
Please Keep india away from OBL..... US will never think of doing something like that.....
laughable at best..Goi which even cant stop 26/11 even when spoon fed by usa govt about intelligence of impending attack will have helped usa on osama.Or may be 26/11 was GOI's false flag and GOI'did help usa with OBL killing................;)
Totally wrong. The picture is an illustration, not a map. Going in and out of India is simply the most "artistic" way to draw the arrow.
Alright India had helped in killing of OBL so now al-Qaeda should point some of their guns towards India

Nobody conceded yet in India that India collaborated with navy seals, nothing to laugh about because the funniest conspiracy theory circulating in Pakistan is that 'no Bin Laden was killed in Abottabad and it was an operation to malign Pakistan.' :lol::lol:
We are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Firstly, this is just a representative hand made sketch showing the general route taken which was from the East of Abbottabad, but originating from Jalalabad. This does not in any way mean that they flew over Indian territory, just because of a fancy 'broad brush' arrow depicting the route taken which unintentionally covers a part of Indian territory!

Secondly, it would have been impossible for the choppers to cover such vast distances without refueling midway.

Thirdly, either Pakistani air defences in the East were caught napping which is unlikely or they were all jammed during the flight of the choppers which needless to say is impossible, considering that US planes capable of jamming were flying hundreds of miles away over Afghanistan or over the Arabian Sea.

Fourthly, crossing the LOC would have been an exceedingly dangerous undertaking, and one which certainly would have required providing prior notice to the Indian government. Likewise, crossing back over the LOC into Pakistan would have been a dangerous undertaking, as that is the direction in which Pakistan’s air defenses are largely oriented, unless Pakistan's permission was taken too!

Or, keeping the above in view, were both India and Pakistan privy to the operation, and taken into confidence by the Americans? Now, that's an interesting point! Who knows? In international diplomacy there is undoubtedly a lot of behind-the-scenes and cloak and dagger stuff that we ordinary mortals will never be privy to.

But as I mentioned above, this most likely is nothing but a crude representation of a route taken by the Seals that goes unwittingly over Indian territory. Such arrows that are drawn on maps with a swish of the broad graphic pens only indicate the general routes to be followed.

So this one seems to be just a conspiracy, but of galactic proportions! Unless all three - US, Pakistan, and India were in it together (if that map is a true representation of the actual route taken).

Seal Team 6 member & author of "No Easy Day", Matt Bissonnette (Mark Owen)

Btw, a good read that.
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